The predominant attitudes of Humans have changed little over time . . . and the manifestations have always been the same on a local, regional, and wider landscape. OT Hebrews under the mosaic law lived in a free-market capatalist system (check it out thoroughly if you don't believe me). The so-called 50 year jubilee was a correctional mechanism, but it was a farce. It was the same as serfdom where asset and resource-holders held all the power. The religious commentators of the day didn't need to gaze into the future . . . only observe what was happening around them. And like us today . . . they hoped for divine intervention.
We do live in unique times because these attitudes have globalised, and the world population has brought it to a climax. But divine intervention is as forlorn a hope today, as it proved to be back then.
Vidqun . . .