Good for you andys! . . . and a big welcome to the board
Murray from New Zealand
hi wanted to introduce myself, i wanted to intoduce myself once all the dust cleared more and i am thinking more clearly, in feb. 2011 is when i decided to leave jw, my way out of the organization has actually been since july of 2010 gradually over time i started to question the jw religion, in july of 2010 i was still living at home with my parents, my dad at the time told me he was going to force me to go to meetings but i started to drift out the other way it got to the point where my dad told me i had to eventually leave, in november of 2010 alot of things happened, i was finally able to find my own place, just at the right time i found a very good deal on a duplex for $350 a month something that i can easily afford even on low income, usually alot of places even where i live are around $600 a month, in alot of ways i just about nearly was homeless.. in feb. of 2011 is when i decided to read the book crisis of conscience, the very first night getting through 80 pages is when my blindfolds came off, i immediatley accepted christ as my savior, also in the process i did alot of extensive research, i did research on alot of mainstream religons, also helped me out alot on where to go, i decided to check out the baptist church, everything was beyond what i expected, i am not afraid to walk into a different church to me its helping me heal all the pain that the jw religon has caused, also recently i got baptized and now am a born again christian.. .
Good for you andys! . . . and a big welcome to the board
Murray from New Zealand
***w001/15pp.12-14keeponthewatch***(pay attention to #6).
As to the first . . . ie; 2Tim3;1-5,13 . . . I would like to be pointed to a time in human history when these words could NOT apply.
As to the second . . . I see no evidence of a select number of individuals locked in warfare with a very powerful spirit demon
Third . . . the UN's connection to the "Anglo-American World Power" is in origin (League of Nations/Woodrow Wilson) that is true. But the idea was ratified by multiple nations not just Britain and America in Versailles - France. So the connection is weaker than the prophecy suggests and the identity of this eighth "king" is still conjectural IMO.
Fourth . . . The Roman empire "fell" in the 6th century AD . . . we've been at the time of the "feet" for 1500 years.
Fifth . . . that prophecy is in no way being fulfilled by JW's . . . at least two thirds of the earths population have never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses
Six . . . LOL
Not very convincing at all . . . That's my 2c worth!
sat april 30 -2011 ,7 pm est.
on the six screens tele-network..... former jehovah's witnesses presiding overseer and watchtower historian richard rawe interviews a former jehovah's witness who was involved with the writing department of the watchtower society.. richards guest comes forward and speaks up, he is no longer inhibited or concerned with what the watchtower has to say.
wait to you find out what he was disfellowshipped for.. it is easy to get on the conference call.
un·scru·pu·lous (n-skr
s) adj. Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.
This could describe a man who uses someone elses Forum for the sole purpose of 'advertising' his own website.
This could describe a man who sensationalises and creates "pandemonium" to draw attention to himself.
This could describe a man who creates 'hoax identities' in order to denigrate others.
This could describe a man who takes a work of art and falsly labels it as 'depicting homosexual acts' to denigrate others.
This could describe a man who invites people to discuss matters publicly, and deliberately exposes them to vicious bigotry.
This could describe a man who preys on the disillusionment of others to create a following.
This could describe a man who falsly accuses others without proof or cause.
This could describe a man who shows little or no regard for the feelings of those in need of support and encouragement.
This could describe a man who associates the names of upstanding people with controversy with which they had no part.
But a man that does all of the above and more? . . . well there just has to be another word for that!
sat april 30 -2011 ,7 pm est.
on the six screens tele-network..... former jehovah's witnesses presiding overseer and watchtower historian richard rawe interviews a former jehovah's witness who was involved with the writing department of the watchtower society.. richards guest comes forward and speaks up, he is no longer inhibited or concerned with what the watchtower has to say.
wait to you find out what he was disfellowshipped for.. it is easy to get on the conference call.
That's a touch sanctimonious don't you think Rick?
Or is this thread too short for your liking?
i've been out for a few years now, officially ousted and shunned for probably a year and a half, maybe even closing in on two years, the exact date eludes me.
and given that i was still married to a witness, and one that i cared deeply about, i wasn't overly concerned with what i wanted, so much as how to make things better for her.
in the intervening time i think i have done that, and quite well.
Good for you JonathanH! . . . and good on you for posting this . . . it's a great example and encouragement to others.
Climbing ladders is certainly more desirable than sliding down snakes!
under demonical control.
today i added a new article to my blog titled under demonical control .
it is available at:
I know now that all these Scriptures were suggested to my mind by the evil spirits. One of the suggestions was that Brother Russell was doing this to com- pel the Truth people to do just as he said in everything; another was (and this I believe was a truth, for these "lying spirits" do sometimes tell the truth) that in the fifteenth chap- ter of Numbers where it mentions the "Ribband of blue," it had reference, anti-typically, to the Vow. But then these lying spirits turned the truth into a lie by claiming that the Vow had been suggested to Brother Russell by the evil spirits. See how clever they were !
Oh Yeah! . . . very bloody clever!
Was C.J. Woodworth mentally ill?
It would appear to be a distinct possibility
PS - Thanks Marvin . . . very "enlightening" indeed
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
The chains of love they run so deep
But the hand that writes the law is weak
Oh take me, take me
From this heartless land
'Cause it's the place the broken go
The place that we don't want to know
There is no love
Inside this heartless land
Uriah Heep
okay, i tried to post a funny video but it didnt post correctly..
Great thread title . . . I'm positively fizzing at the bung
im noticing that alot of witnesses commit suicide.
one sister i knew a few yrs back, in her early 40's, was having marriage problems in the hall for yrs and everyone knew it.
they only told her to rely on jehovah and asked the elders for guidance.
There is reason to believe the problem is getting worse . . . In my 30 years of involvement I was close to 12 people who suicided . . . the numbers increased toward the end of that time.
" at the bottom of the image on the back of the invitation raises some eyebrows, but last night in the routine district convention article during the service meeting, i caught that one of the paragraphs mentioned that we would be encouraged to keep a copy of the tract in hand for a discussion during sunday's last talk.
my guess is, there is going to be some new revelation about what the "?
" represents, or some other fangled idea.
so what exactly is that question mark pointing at ... bunyuns on the toes?
No no no no . . . Bunyans and toenails are being held back for future thrilling announcements!
This year it's toes . . . just toes