LOL @ jam . . . that's quite a story.
From fornicator to Elder's wife in a year. That's gotta be some sort of record.
And the only instance I know of a confession with a positive outcome (sort of).
yes, i do!
i did it 20 years ago, but the elders still remember what i did, sometimes i wish they never knew about it.
LOL @ jam . . . that's quite a story.
From fornicator to Elder's wife in a year. That's gotta be some sort of record.
And the only instance I know of a confession with a positive outcome (sort of).
thank's for the new word "eisegesis", while reading your article on jesus christ's mediatorship between mankind and the annointed (now governing body) 144,000.. you content is very good as you present your case with valuable insights without attacking witnesses as "morons, idiots, cult" or like some other agencies do!
If anyone is ever in Sydney I am definitely available for a beer.
I'm looking forward to taking you up on that . . . it's not much more to fly accross the ditch than flying from Melbourne.
I'd also like to catch up with Mr Monroe (an old buddy), finallysomepride, Broken Promises, Aussie Oz and Azazel (and maybe one or two more).
Deep down I love diggers . . . call it the ANZAC connection.
And yeah . . . love the site Paul . . . spent whole weeks in it. Facts are all we need . . . most of us know what to do with them.
what's your prediction?.
Half the country has now learned that they can simply vote money from one persons pocket to their own.
This is no great flash of light recently learned by "half the country" . . . the whole democratic world has been doing it from it's inception, regardless of which side they're on. That's why all the money is now in very few pockets. No economy can survive that result however you choose to legitimise it. Economics 101; Supply and demand. I'm left wondering why some humans have such a large head. Really . . . it's not complicated.
abcupdated november 10, 2012, 2:01 am.
a former new south wales priest claims to have witnessed a "system of cover-ups" within the catholic church to hide child sexual abuse.. kevin lee was ordained as a priest 20 years ago and worked as a police chaplain for some of that time, but was relieved of his parish responsibilities in western sydney this year when he admitted to marrying a woman in secret.. his comments follow those of that the catholic church is involved in cover-ups and paedophile priests have destroyed evidence to avoid prosecution.. mr lee told lateline on friday that abuse is widely covered up in the church and that he first became aware of it as soon as he was in the seminary.. "people used to tell me and people in the first parish i was in started to confess their frustration with the authorities and the church for not dealing with the abuse that happened to their sons," he said.. mr lee says during the course of his life as a priest, he became aware that some of those around him were paedophiles.. "i became aware that some of the other priests were actually paedophiles and were not necessarily becoming priests because they wanted to help people, but because they were paedophiles who wanted the opportunity," he said.. mr lee says a church protocol was in place for dealing with cases of child sexual abuse, but it was not actually used.. "i saw a system of cover-ups, a system of blind-eye turning and just ignorance of the fact that it was happening," he said.. he says he took his concerns to superiors within the church but was knocked back.. "in my earlier years as a priest, i was having these people coming to me in confession or just sharing in counselling sessions their experience of frustration and anger with the church that had ignored their pleas of justice when their children had been abused and i started writing the notes down," he said.. "i was speaking to a barrister at one point and i thought he was going to help my case by putting it forward in some legal process.. "he said 'document everything you have', and everything i had i took to authorities within the church and i was told i needed more evidence.".
After reading this I couldn't help thinking of the Jimmy Savile case in the UK.
It would appear that a disturbing number of people from all walks of life, have been prepared to turn a blind eye, and even actively cover up the activities of sexual abusers. There is an attitudinal shift taking place which is squeezing them out of thier holes. While distressing to learn of the horrible extent of it . . . this attitudinal shift is good news, and attributable to the efforts of all those who have worked tirelessly to expose it.
would you have not taken a blood transfusion or a transplant because the gb said it was bad?.
would you have imitated the jws in concentration camps and died for your beliefs?.
Stop asking questions like this it scares me.
I almost killed my wife.
i just came from the meeting and was told that the new world translation is the best in the world according to jason beduhn.
the nwt does go all the way back to the original languages.
the nwt does not change words to support doctrines.
I heard it from the stage so I am sure it is 100% accurate....
Yeah . . . I get all my reliable information from a stage show as well . . .
conspiracy theories have become a new hobby of mine - although that doesn't mean i put any great faith in any of them.
nevertheless, i see certain reasons for considering them.
1) because conspiracies are how the world is run, in fact.
Conspiracy theories are a waste of time. Conspiracy facts are as rare as rockinghorse shit. If anyone ever finds some actual rockinghorse shit . . . it'll go viral. No need to go hunting yourself.
things are looking good for me and my campaign.
so we will see..
I will be serving on county board of 5 seats that takes care of the business related to this area.
Awesome . . . congratulations. Good on you for getting in the game.
“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
what's your prediction?.
He seems to feel that our ways of capitalism are what has destroyed the world.
He's right . . . they have. The capatalist economic model is workable . . . but there has been a blindness to it's flaws which are obscured by widespread belief in fallacies . . . most notably, that low tax rates for rich corporates create jobs through capital investment. It's total bullshit as the records of the last 30 years show. Economic growth, and therefore job growth, is powered by consumption (that's the consumer). Erosion of relative incomes for middle classes has reduced consumption. Economies with higher wage rates, higher tax rates, more Govt., and more regulation, are doing way better. The "trickle-down" theory that Corporate capital creates jobs is a myth. The money dissappears out of the loop and continued consumption relies on debt creation. Remember . . . GDP is just another way of describing consumption. The system is actually designed to kill the very resource it relies on to survive . . . consumption.
Even some of the mega-rich are waking up to it . . . just not enough of them.
Nick Hanauer is a very rich venture capatalist . . .
I am afraid of civil uprisings .
You should be . . .
Before any significant rethink takes hold, the entire global economy is set for a major collapse. While the effects of wage erosion remain . . . consumption will continue to fall, unemployment will rise with increasing momentum to frightening levels. Civil unrest will be a daily occurrance and crime rates will soar as a result of economic oppression. The world is staring down a major re-adjustment . . . and it will come either voluntarily or otherwise. The talk at the moment indicates the latter.
Sounds a bit pessimistic I know . . . but let's get real. A head in the sand means an arse is exposed.
Either way . . . I think it's a good thing. It just might get a bit rough along the way.
i was looking on google earth the other day, take a look at it, the entire world.
notice how all of the countries and lands which were involved in all the biblical events are desert wastelands.
i thought to myself, did they destroy the soil and nothing will grow, well lets see how much rain they get a year.
Natural climate and geography, wouldn't you think?
The jetstreams change as climate changes . . . basically in response to changes in atmospheric moisture content and temperature.
The last glacial ice age lasted around 100,000 years and ended it's peak only 22,000 years ago. Glacial advance and retreat provided this area with an abundant water supply as temperature increased. This, along with slightly higher ambient temperatures than today, provided a more tropical climate to large areas of the M. East. Glacial retreat continued and moisture levels fell. An explosion in pasturisation in favour of hunt/gath also took place hastening desertification. Archeological sites, most notably Gobekli Tepe (10-12,000 BC), depict just such an environment (as does the Garden of Eden legend). The volumes of ice melt during this period created vast inland seas behind massive terminal morain damns, which gave rise to devastating floods and huge sedimentary deposits world-wide. This too is reflected in the Noah's Ark account along with scores of other flood legends.
EDIT; Oh shit . . . what Leo said.