My parents reflected on their own relationship, so when they became JW's it was IMPERITIVE that my sis and I always be chaperoned. Always have the bedroom door open. Sitting on the bed together was a big no-no. Going down the street for a couple minutes to pick up something at the store required a chaperon. What a pain.
Although propositioned by a few "worldly" girls, I never dated until 19. My first date ever was not chaperoned. That ended quickly enough when my parents found out and called hers. Even my fanatical girlfriends' JW parents weren't as strict about this as mine were.
So I grew up being shy around girls and had no clue what to do. Even though our relationship only lasted a few months, I didn't even kiss her! After complaining about this on one occasion, my mom said something like: "What if another brother sees you two out alone together? What would he think?" Probably that we were just looking for a place to have sex, right?