scootergirl - I have to agree with you. I also think waiting until after marriage to have sex can be a very bad thing too. How do you know that you are going to be compatible with someone for life if you've never lived with them or shared your sexuality together? Funny, because a year or two ago, I would have been totally against both of those things, just as most of my religious family is.
JoinedPosts by LucidSky
Were you chaperoned?
by writerpen innow that i'm out of the borg and realizing that i've never dated, i think it's in the near future for me.
so i was thinking about my age of 30 and never being on a date.
but even worse, i was thinking of those of you who dated while in the borg and had to deal with an audience - actually i had to laugh when thinking about the absurdity of the scenario.
Were you chaperoned?
by writerpen innow that i'm out of the borg and realizing that i've never dated, i think it's in the near future for me.
so i was thinking about my age of 30 and never being on a date.
but even worse, i was thinking of those of you who dated while in the borg and had to deal with an audience - actually i had to laugh when thinking about the absurdity of the scenario.
My parents reflected on their own relationship, so when they became JW's it was IMPERITIVE that my sis and I always be chaperoned. Always have the bedroom door open. Sitting on the bed together was a big no-no. Going down the street for a couple minutes to pick up something at the store required a chaperon. What a pain.
Although propositioned by a few "worldly" girls, I never dated until 19. My first date ever was not chaperoned. That ended quickly enough when my parents found out and called hers. Even my fanatical girlfriends' JW parents weren't as strict about this as mine were.
So I grew up being shy around girls and had no clue what to do. Even though our relationship only lasted a few months, I didn't even kiss her! After complaining about this on one occasion, my mom said something like: "What if another brother sees you two out alone together? What would he think?" Probably that we were just looking for a place to have sex, right?
growing up JW DOES DAMAGE (re-post)
by lisaBObeesa ingood post!
but there are those who stay for other reasons.
even though they know the beliefs and practices are wrong, they cannot bring themselves to pay the price for leaving.
This yeilds another question that I have long wondered: Is the governing body a group of evil geniuses, or are they just stupid?
I think most of them are probably blinded by a tradition of loyalty to an organization just like the R&F. Blind leading the blinded. Although I have my doubts about "The Judge." I think he was either demented or sinister.
growing up JW DOES DAMAGE (re-post)
by lisaBObeesa ingood post!
but there are those who stay for other reasons.
even though they know the beliefs and practices are wrong, they cannot bring themselves to pay the price for leaving.
Good posts.
I can say I felt some of those things in small ways during my teenage years. My parents were thankfully not ultrastrict and let me do small things that some of my JW friends never could (at least not in front of their parents). It took me several more years to shrug off the mold that my parents had cast on me. The freedom I have found is exhilarating and exhausting. But at least it's me.
You're Joel.
Isn't it funny how chemicals can decide your personality and experiences can shape it? I had an uncle who used to have fits of rage until he started on drug treatment and has been doing much better with it.
I'd say the real you is whoever you want to be deep down -- but your physiology is interfering, as it always does with everybody. Good luck with your own treatment.
Did Satan prove God wrong? a possible bibical flaw
by Leander inmost people are familiar with the account of job where satan makes the claim that the only reason humans serve god is because of selfish reasons.
god allowed satan to test this theory on job, so job was beset by numerous trials but he refused to give up on god or blame him in anyway.. it would appear that satan was proved wrong in this particular bible account but was he really?
would the majority of mankind follow jobs example if they were faced with similar trials?
If I still believed, I would prefer the answers the Bible Students had:
The trials we face and that the angels observe are not to test us, but to perfect us. Without evil how can one ever know the meaning of empathy, compassion, and real love? This "present world" is for the selection of the "Church" (i.e. Christ's Body) -- which includes all genuine Christians. The rest of humanity will be elevated as humans in the "world to come".
What was the most slanderous gossip spread about y
by In_between_days inhi all,.
i know that when i was a j.w, the one thing i hated most was the unloving slanderous gossip that went on in most congregations.. the worst gossip that went around about me was that i was a satanist.. how about you?
I'm with you, refiners. Prisca was kissed and unchaperoned??? My image of purity is shattered to pieces.
I was 19 and dating a "worldly" girl named Sandy at the time. Sandy's sister was studying with a brother in our congregation and that's how we basically met. When this brother's dad found out we were dating, he called up my dad and told him a real whopper: He said that when they were having dinner with Sandy and her sister, that Sandy said she only dated for the sex.
Now this was the first time she was having dinner with her sister's boyfriend's parents -- wouldn't that be a great way to leave a lasting impression on them??? I was pissed -- I was a fairly good boy back then and I knew it wasn't true. I talked to her and others about it. I did the "brotherly" thing however and forgave him and dropped it completely. But it caused a bigger rift between my parents and I when I had to defend her to them.
That and other ugly experiences with this family turned her off to the religion and we eventually drifted apart and it broke my heart. At least one of us had brains back then.
Can a body shop steal your car
by bboyneko incan a body shop refuse to return your vehicle for an unpaid bill, especially if the signed repair order does not authorize any billing without an estimate?.
does this constitute stealing?
how can they possibly refuse to return property that belongs to you?
I had a friend who lived about 7 miles away from ground zero. Major disaster area down there.
Never tried Precision Tune, but I'll check 'em out next time.
Is it natural to be with one person for a lifetime
by Leander ini've always wondered if there really is such thing as a paradise and a hope for eternal life would we be limited to interacting with only one person?
the point could be argued from several perspectives.
several scriptures would suggest that a man and woman once joined in marriage are to be tied only to each other indefinitely.
Interesting points I've also been considering recently as well. I'm going through a confusing period of my life and I'm not sure what I want right now. But I think it is a tribute to those who choose to stay together out of mutual love and not just because of a "vow".
Before I lost faith in the Bible I used to believe that the main reason God demanded monogamy was to prevent human jealousy and hurt feelings. I really could not find another valid reason. Hey, in the new system we won't be jealous, so guess what!?
Can a body shop steal your car
by bboyneko incan a body shop refuse to return your vehicle for an unpaid bill, especially if the signed repair order does not authorize any billing without an estimate?.
does this constitute stealing?
how can they possibly refuse to return property that belongs to you?
Just checking. I get mine worked on in Columbia sometimes but I don't trust many of them.