My belief in the God grew deeply even after leaving the JWs. But problems with Christianity continued to plague me. This forum eventually led me to agnosticism although I was already nearing that conclusion. At best I would say like most ex's that I reject organized religion. But I still have an interest in metaphysical stuff.
JoinedPosts by LucidSky
Does God still exist for you?
by nakedmvistar ini'm quite new to this forum (only a handful of posts).
but from what i've read up to now, it seems apparent that some of you have abandoned your belief in a god.
is this because of trauma brought about by the jw religion?
SHOULD JWs WEAR THE FOLLOWING--pierced ear rings.
by QUEENIE innose rings / belly rings / tongue rings / tit-rings any kind of rings / multiple rings in the ear.
ete..hey i gota know..queenie
Hey! I was thinking about getting a piercing this week.
AFAIK I don't think they are as strict about it now with the girls, unless it's on the face. But the guys still can't do it at all.
The Meaning of Life
by Crazy151drinker inok, this is going to get a little deep here but bear with me.. all of my reasoning here is going to based on the following assumptions/beliefs.
1) god is real.
it obviously wasnt a test because god already knew the outcome!.
So my point comes to this. God already knows the outcome of everything so then why is he going through all the troulbe of Satan+ Jesus, and Armageddon and War, etc..etc...
My answer if I was still a JW:
God can see the future. But he chooses not to in some cases. So God obviously didn't cause any of that!My answer if I was still a Christian:God did not create entirely for his own benefit. And sin/evil/suffering benefits those who observe/experience it due to the learning experience. Can you comprehend empathy without ever having to empathize? I think not. Will you avoid evil simply by being told not to? It didn't work the first time.
My answer as an agnostic?God is either amoral or imperfectly moral like us. That is, if "God" exists. Otherwise the meaning of life is whatever you personally make it. Whatever meaning and purpose you attach to life, well, that's the meaning of life. Some people attach no meaning. Not me though.
Edited by - LucidSky on 3 September 2002 23:2:7
My poor mother...HELP!
by FiveShadows ini just got off the phone with my mom and ...even though i had trouble with my "native" language...i still got the message to her.
jehovahs witnesses are bad!
(sounds more dramatic in my language) we spent about 40 mins talking on the phone back and forth in the "disfellowshiping" rule.
Just my opinion, but I think you're going about this the wrong way. I tried forcing facts and information down my parents throat and it got me no where. There are better ways to convince someone.
I hate thunderstorms....
by butalbee ini really hate thunder storms, must admit.
i try not to hide in my basement anymore though, shuddering in a corner, reading a book by flashlight waiting for them to pass.
unplugging all electrical applicances, telephone outlets, like a mad woman... looks like we're gonna get one tonight, it's getting closer to us, as per
My grandpa used to say if the leaves turned in the wind, a thunderstorm was surely headed our way.
My favorite is Tstorms in the evening/at night. It's an amazing audio-visual display of power. ...Plus chicks get really "clingy" during a big one.
Of DNA, Creation, Resurrection, Salvation
by Faraon inchapter 2 of genesis tells us that man was created from the dust of the ground, but man is mostly made of water.
this must've been a sandy soil since there was no rain, and since no plants or animals were created to lay down the soil foundation which is made from decaying living organisms.
he probably went to fetch some water from the layers of water in between which the stars reside.
Exactly. You should have been a Bible writer.
Polyamorous/Open Relationships
by LucidSky inbut what makes this social taboo still unacceptable by many even today?
we'll define polyamory as a sexual or romantic relationship involving more than two persons during the same time period.
all persons involved understand this up front.
You're right peaceloveharmony. I meant all partners involved could have multiple love relationships. Openness and honesty is obviously critical or it will feel like cheating even if it is not sexual. Some persons would not feel comfortable with their partners starting a new relationship without talking about it first.
COMF, excellent post!! I think you really summed up how I am starting to feel about all of this. There was a time when I thought I could get everything I ever wanted in one person.
Regarding the family unit that Goodboy mentioned. Does anyone know of any research on the effect of child development? I mean there was a big deal about gays raising children not that long ago. That seems to be accepted more now.
Butal, I'm disappointed. I thought you'd keep that pic for your desktop background?
CounterPoint to Reasoning Book
by BadJerry inas part of helping myself and my family to see past the smoke and curtains, i have started on a journey to write and publish an e-book that will present counterpoints to "reasoning from the scriptures".
i am looking to see if there are any out there that might contribute, since i want to handle each point covered in that book (and complete it before the end of this system - oops, sometimes flashbacks occur).
if interested, email me or respond here.
Reasoning From The Scripture With The Jehovah's Witnesses.
It contains mostly fundie reasoning though.
Not worth it in my opinion.If you are trying to convince your family, confronting them directly
will often create the opposite effect you intend. Try this thread
for some thoughts on this:
Edited by - LucidSky on 20 August 2002 21:1:25
A poll on your belief systems
by LyinEyes innow that i am d/a , i now have the freedom to walk into any church or any darn place for that matter, without being afraid the end will come.
i know of a few who go to church , but i wonder what religion you are in now, and why?
my hub is totally agaisnt going to church right now, i can understand that, i know some people come to a point they don't want or need to go.
I am borderline agnostic. The infinitely just, wise, powerful and loving Christian God is not reflected by our reality. Yet I will never be able to prove that a Higher Being does not exist. I suspect it would not have right/wrong morality. Hmmmm... just like the universe it created? I tend to hold the universe as divine at least. Life is, after all, still a miracle no matter how you explain it.
Polyamorous/Open Relationships
by LucidSky inbut what makes this social taboo still unacceptable by many even today?
we'll define polyamory as a sexual or romantic relationship involving more than two persons during the same time period.
all persons involved understand this up front.
Interesting points. Joel, biology probably does play a role. Different animals use different relationships. Although I doubt humans are 100% monogamous.
I agree that jealousy is probably the biggest problem in these relationships. It can ruin any relationship, even simple friendships. This may be partially a cultural thing too. If you were raised with having multiple relationships as the norm, would you feel as jealous over your partners? I donno.
Butal, they could use a good massage!
Edited by - LucidSky on 20 August 2002 20:34:12