Hey bboy, did you get your car worked on by a shop in Columbia?
JoinedPosts by LucidSky
Can a body shop steal your car
by bboyneko incan a body shop refuse to return your vehicle for an unpaid bill, especially if the signed repair order does not authorize any billing without an estimate?.
does this constitute stealing?
how can they possibly refuse to return property that belongs to you?
What kind of music do you listen to?
by Leander ini'm a music junkie, i like pretty much all types of music.
but in particular i would have to say jazz is my favorite, but not the watered down kenny g style of jazz.
i prefer the straight ahead, hard bop type of jazz.. lately i've been really getting into psychedelia rock.
Osmonds, of course.
Actually I enjoy:
Classic Rock (e.g. Zep, Floyd, Hendrix)
80's Pop (e.g. Madonna, Phil Collins, Blondie)
80's Hard Rock -- my fav (e.g. Queensryche, Dream Theater, Van Halen, Def Lep, Scorps, Satriani)
Metal (Pantera, Metallica, Megadeth)
some alternative (Creed, Nirvana, etc.)Can you tell I'm a Gen-Xer? Tried Death Metal, but got p*ssed when I could only understand 3 words per song. I can also tolerate other forms of music like country and hip-hop, but would not listen by choice.
a thread of support for OZZIEPOST and MRS OZZIE
by Prisca indear fellow posters,.
ozziepost and his beautiful wife mrs ozzie are going through a very tough time right now, at the hands of the wts and its henchmen.
in the space of a few weeks, they have lost their children and other family members due to the unchristian attitudes and pharisaic dogmas, despite having tried to quietly fade away from the wts.
It's a tough road to follow as many of us know. Hang in there! We're behind ya!
"Life after Jehovah"
by butalbee inok, you're out of the cult, that's great, it's the best thing you ever did.
but i have a question for all the ex-jw's......now that you're out, do you still believe in god?
do you practice a different religion?
Perhaps because we were taught these ideas from different perspectives as children is why we continue to hold on to some beliefs. Some thoughts for you...
There's no life after death, just a common grave, no soul. Just ash to dust. Every inch of me knew that that could not be true:
What's wrong with believing in no life after death? Do puppy dogs get life after death? What about aborted human fetuses? Bacteria? It doesn't seem fair that some life gets this and some doesn't.I could not fathom the idea, that all the child molesters that die, just greet that common grave and sleep, no eternal damnation, no suffering, no nothing
You like torture I gather? Seems like a fair sentence... a few big transgressions during a brief stint as a morally imperfect human for the sentence of: immortality and an eternity of suffering.why have this conscience of perfect human qualities when you die, and just rot in the ground? I couldn't understand that.
The JW's believe that your consciousness resides in God (his memory) after death. You no longer exist though in material form or otherwise, but you could be recreated at will. Thus, what is called the resurrection.Anyway, just some random thoughts I had as I asked these same questions at one time. Keep searching for answers, Lara. I am!
"Life after Jehovah"
by butalbee inok, you're out of the cult, that's great, it's the best thing you ever did.
but i have a question for all the ex-jw's......now that you're out, do you still believe in god?
do you practice a different religion?
Since you asked!...
My transition to agnosticism took a few years. Once I learned that others had similar teachings and that the JW's had some things wrong, I slowly left. I read the Bible for the first time and did some intensive studies and reading. As I explored my spirituality I found it actually growing. I still believe to this day that JW'S have more correct Bible teachings than most Christian churches. So I later attended meetings of The Bible Students. Eventually though I came to accept that the Bible was not infallible. And finally that the morally perfect God of the Bible did not fit the pattern of reality.
My thoughts are similar to Gopher. I also think there could be a higher power that gave the universe life. What that thing is, I do not know. I also do not know what happens when I die. There was a time when I didn't exist however -- and it was a really big change for me when I found myself suddenly living. But this may be all the life I get so I hope that my existence will improve others' lives as well.
A thoughtful post, Butal.
by petespal2002 incould someone give me a workable explanation of tartarus and how and what jesus preached to the imprisoned spirits there?
and while i'm in 1st peter, what is the meaning of 1 peter 4:6 where the message is to be declared to the dead?
i know what i think, but i'd love your opinions.
I thought Tartarus was the condition or region that the naughty angels were restrained by after the big flood. They could no longer directly interfere with the physical realm. Was Jesus' preaching to persuade them to have a change of heart before they were judged by the saints?
I personally believe that the JW's still have a number of Bibilical ideas correct (e.g. Trinity, no eternal torment, earth restoration, etc.). Their chronology and organization-centricity suck though.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses lie to recruits?
by jerome infirst let me say this.. i have constantly been hearing of the legendary honesty/intergity of the jehovah's witness for some time now.
i have also been informed that they are the happiest people on the entire earth.. my problem is this:.
when a jehovah's witness comes to your door and you actually decide to give them a few moments of your time they never give the whole story as to what you would be getting involved with when you join the watchtower.. case in point.
I honestly think they tell themselves that these things are true, but they are very uncomfortable about saying it because it doesn't seem right. I know I tried to dance around certain uncomfortable topics. When I asked one JW about why they would disfellowship and shun, note what she told me:
I have no complaints about this whatsoever. Something that many people forget, or are maybe not aware of, is the disfellowshipped one KNEW what the bottom line was when he was studying, was baptised, being counselled, (ie people tried repeatedly to help him), and finally disfellowshipped. No-one can honestly say it was a surprise to him as he knew the score all along. Something else people are often not aware of is the fact that elders and family members, probably others too, will have tried everything possible to help the sinner back to spiritual health. He will have had several audiences with the elders with plenty of chance to put forward his opinion nad story, (at least this is normally the case. In case someone says "I know and I don't care", in effect, they would probably be warned of imminent disfellowshipping). When the decision is to disfellowship, the person still ahs a week to consider it and there is always the possibility of future reinstatement. I don't see a problem with it at all, even after hearing several different views. There have been alot of items in the magazines etc in recent years explaining the process and why it is both just and loving from God's viewpoint and from the congregations.
Sorry. There is no way that they are going to say: "Hey, if you ever decide to leave or we kick you out, we'll never talk to you again. Unless you come back of course." Think of all the converts that would begin to have questions at this point. -
God is Jesus
by evangelist ini am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Are you a true human or a false human? Why do you answer so?
[Raises hand] Ooo! I know!! Let me answer, AlanF! I am a true human. I am a true human 'cause by nature I am an animal of the Homo sapiens class. That particular animal happens to be a human. Am I close???
AlanF, you mentioned the "God of gods" in Hebrew as being a superlative expression. That does ring a bell with me. Would this expression say anything about the existance of other "gods" then or simply just indicate greatness? Thanks.
God is Jesus
by evangelist ini am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
I think that your extra categories fall down because they involve respect, not worship.
When we talk of godship we imply that worship is involved.
Since we are then faced with the conundrum of not worshipping false gods, we have some decisions to make. That issue doesn't really come up with Lord's and kings, unless they set themselves up as gods.Hi LittleToe. Do you feel that "worship" must always be used in an absolute sense? Or, like "god," can it also be used with varying degrees, from unqualified veneration to simple homage and respect?
Kenneson What do you make of De10.17?
For Yahweh your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe.
Is Yahweh the God of false gods? -
JW's relationship problems?
by Matty inthe relating to non-jw's thread made me think a lot about myself and where i am and what im doing now.
i have to figure out where im going wrong!
has anyone had similar experiences to me as far as relationships with non-witnesses are concerned?.
Matty, Connie - I can relate too. I felt very social-shy when I first started dating for real (still do sometimes). Even with friends I would try to cover up my past or not discuss it at all. Eventually I started sharing and it lead to some good conversations and enhanced other persons' understandings of me.
I do believe that the topic needs to be introduced a little at a time with new friends or dating partners and only when you feel comfortable with him/her. It's not something I would bring up on a first date... or second or third! An important thing is to not let the other person know it affected you too deeply -- at least not immediately, like larc/PLH already said. If you do, they may start thinking "Hmmmm, emotional baggage... Welp, see ya!" Unless you suffer from bitterness or depression, it should not be an issue at all. ExJW's can actually make great partners.