I would like to get a tattoo too in the next month or two. Something Celtic of my own design. Right shoulder blade.
most likely in the next week or two.
it's the last one i'll get, but i have a need.. i'm not going to get one from this artist though, he doesn't seem committed to giving the customer what he really wants.
still i give him credit for being creative..
I would like to get a tattoo too in the next month or two. Something Celtic of my own design. Right shoulder blade.
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
just as there is no need to take crackpots who believe a global flood happened a few thousand years ago seriously
Hey, now! This crackpot used to believe that back in the day too!
I don't see why mutation would not be an acceptable mechanism for change. Many diseases and cancers are caused by mutation, as are improvements - such as bacterial resistance. Natural selection will weed out the deleterious mutations and keep the rest.
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
I also can't see how people who wish to believe creation would even want to argue that God may have used evolution .IMO
Just wanted to add that I don't think its that unreasonable to believe in both creation and evolution.
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
heathen - It would't matter if the fossil record doesn't show micro-evolution -- it has already been observed happening! New species have been created that could no longer interbreed with other members. Viola! a new species -- micro-evolution.
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
Sorry about the long posts Lucid.
hooberus, just wanted you to be aware my attention span is only about 3 paragraphs or less!
Can you tell me what evidences are weighing against macro-evolution? I am still looking for answers. I don't, however, believe that anything is wrong with adapting theories to fit new discoveries -- religion and science both do this.
Yes, atheist scientists could be just as zealous about naturalism as a creationist. I would think the least biased scientist would be someone who is neither atheist nor theist.
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
Heathen: I don't believe evolutionists claim life formed through evolution. Life may or may not have formed by chance -- I have no idea. There are unknowns to the theory, but as a model it continues to be validated by the current evidence and new discoveries. Otherwise it would have been thrown out long ago.
How can you say that micro-evolution is non-existant?
all historical and archeological evidence aside, the biggest evidence that convinced me evolution is factual is speciation (also called "micro-evolution").
this is the transformation of one species into two such that the two can no longer interbreed.
there is no need for historical evidence to prove this -- cases of speciation have actually been observed.
Damn it! Will you guys quit posting other people's arguements and write ones yourself!
hooberus, tell me why you believe in special creation. Where would you draw the line? For example, did a horse and donkey have a common ancestor? I would say "yes".
heathen, I think diversity is merely indirect evidence for evolution but not proof, (yes, I am about to jump to conclusions...) but do you believe that Noah packed all that diversity into his ark?
Ignorance really is bliss. I'm totally ecstatic with my mere IQ of 75. Meanwhile you geeks can toil on in misery...
ah yes...ye olde post of six hundred and sixty six, and my last here on this board.. first a few things outta the way:.
comf: "not in the ball park".
idiom used to define a playing field within the political or pop-debate spectrum.
Excellent farewell. Good luck on your journeys D8TA.
surely it takes more power and intelligence to create the world as it is and by a process that we describe as "evolution" , rather than by a single creation event?.
If God's "single creation event" was a big explosion, then it's rather fascinating we got to this point.
After all, it's not very often that explosions result in intelligent, conscious beings.