Great topic
JoinedPosts by wyorobert
by Snoozy ini just learned about this yesterday..i was amazed!.
i have a grown daughter that is a expert at this... .
dry begging:to ask for in an indirect and roundabout way.
How and when was the New Testament Compiled?
by ProdigalSon inearly christian writings.. .
let alone "inspired by god?
church councils) this is what i mean by spiritual osmosis.. there are other early lists of new testament books that.
Great topic, bookmarking this.
my dirty fantasies
by varian inwhen i was a single jw, well, lets say around about my early 20ies, i used to to let my mind flow a bit during the kh meetings.. welll, anyway, i used to observe some of the "older" sisters around their late 30ies or 40ies in their stockings and high heels.
it really turned me on, i must admit.
i couldn t concentrate much of the programme due to this.
I'm trying hard, but I can't think of anything more boring than sex with any JW.
My wife is going to kill me for saying this, but I married a women who was a JW her entire life and not all that many sex partners before marriage. I had a lot of experience in that department and she was just getting out of a long marriage. So I thought I would introduce her to some things I was sure she wouldn't know about sex. About two weeks into our relationship, I realized I had to step up my game and read a few new books to keep up with her. Anyone who isn't a Witness and thinks those sisters are prudes, is wrong. And to think her ex-husband is probably an Elder by now. I know this sounds terrible, but on some level I think it is funny that he remarried and just now figuring out how good he had it with his ex. There is just no way his new wife is anywhere near as good as mine.
Just saw with MY OWN eyes the JWs have THEIR OWN Bible!
by FollowedMyHeart infirst, i wouldn't have seen this w/o simon's jwn, publishingcult's bible humor thread, sweetbabycheezits' non stamp collector link, and non stamp collector.
i've always heard this, but this is the first time i've actually seen it for myself!.
jephthah and his daughter.
In my telling you this, @wyorobert, do you think this educated response to be the height of arrogance on my part? If this is what you believe, then I have no choice, but to accept this as being your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to hold onto it, but when I spoke in my previous post about the vow that Jephthah made, this vow serves as an example to all Jehovah's Witnesses of a man of faith that took his vow to Jehovah seriously, whereas there are former Jehovah's Witnesses today that made a vow in dedicating themselves to serve God faithfully for the rest of their lives only to have become forgetful as they are no longer doing this, even though Jehovah fully expects them to keep the vow of dedication that they made to Him when they were baptized. I didn't say these things in arrogance, but with the confidence I have as a minister of God.
I think it is arrogant to assume you know why I found you to be arrogant, or to assume that I would think it was the height of arrogance. I enjoy your opinions and your passion for the Bible, I have an instant aversion to anyone who sees themselves as better than anyone else. It is no more or less than that. The fact that you assume that I find you arrogant because you percieve yourself to be better educated, pretty much proves my point.
Just saw with MY OWN eyes the JWs have THEIR OWN Bible!
by FollowedMyHeart infirst, i wouldn't have seen this w/o simon's jwn, publishingcult's bible humor thread, sweetbabycheezits' non stamp collector link, and non stamp collector.
i've always heard this, but this is the first time i've actually seen it for myself!.
jephthah and his daughter.
Wow, I can't wait for someone to respond to djeggnog. I don't know where everyone finds the time to read all of these posts in such great detail, but it is fun to be a bystander and watch from time to time.
I enjoyed reading djeggnog's information, but could live without some of the arrogance. You can parse words and phrases until it just gets silly and the arguments never really end. If you become really sure of yourself and draw a different conclusion about the meaning of one or two words, you can become a really rich lawyer or start your own religion.
Just saw with MY OWN eyes the JWs have THEIR OWN Bible!
by FollowedMyHeart infirst, i wouldn't have seen this w/o simon's jwn, publishingcult's bible humor thread, sweetbabycheezits' non stamp collector link, and non stamp collector.
i've always heard this, but this is the first time i've actually seen it for myself!.
jephthah and his daughter.
"In this case, the recording and possible carrying out of a foolish vow in no way proves that God caused human sacrifice"
You can't say that God didn't require it. Jephthah had a contract with God, otherwise why would it be mentioned in the Bible?
If God helped him win the war with the Ammonites, he would give the first one out of his house as a burnt offering. That was the deal and if it's in the Bible and you take it literally, then he offered his daughter as a sacrifice, just as it says.
If you go off on a tangent and say that the Bible isn't literal, then you can trump any discussion with that comment.
If the Bible discussed a human sacrifice in the Old Testament, then what I'm curious about is why did the Witnesses and other religions, feel they had the right to change it, or just dismiss it. It seems to me that it is clearly stated and can only be interpreted as a contract with God that was fulfilled.
I'm only commenting because I'm hoping that issue will be addressed. Who has the right to make a change to the Bible, just because the original story doesn't seem logical. Just throw the rest of it away if you do that.
If I ran the WTS ...
by Simon in... and wanted to disrupt sites like this one and activities of 'apostates' in general, what would i do?.
would i send apologists who were obviously on the side of the wts to spew out the typical wts message, ones that would be quickly labelled and disagreed with?
maybe ... it would get people riled up.
Eventually the WTS will figure out what the Mormon's figured out a long time ago and go after the Internet. They will have to have an "If you can't beat them join them" mentality. If you google anything on the Mormon religion, you will have to wade through a whole bunch of articles that first appear to be negative, but end up being for the church. The WTS will have to flood the internet with pro-witness literature to make it more difficult to find the negative.
They wouldn't dare touch these chat sites, unless they think they can figure an angle to have them removed through legal challenges. The problem is that the Mormon church is run by educated elitists and they own several of their own colleges. The WTS is run by uneducated elitists. I suspect the modern technology will set them back for quite some time and has caught them napping. The dumbing down of the membership will not help their cause in the long run.
I also think that the WTS is willing to accept casualties. Even if they start losing people left and right, they have shown in the past that they don't really care. It may in the long run make the organization even more radical.
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
Thanks Designs, I think it is my Shankara schooling.
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
Designs, I'll take bets. It will never happen. Donald Trump is a hmmmmmmmm.......let me think what is the word. I remember, he is a promoter. Who does he promote? Donald Trump. If for some reason it starts to look like he might get traction, he will bail.
I think it is good that Trump is in this, but mostly because he will address the China situation. I find it funny that nobody seems to get how this whole thing works. First of all the President is just a figure head with no real power, sort of like the King of England. Second, the only reason our political system works is because we elect the idiot liberals until we get scared to death of them and then we elect the idot conservatives until they scare the hell out of us.
It ends up creating a balance in the middle that by some miracle manages to work. Heaven help us if either party has any real power for very long. So as much as I hate the Keith Olbermans and the Glen Becks, I'm 100% in favor of having them blather and get their idiot base fired up to keep this cycle moving.
If you are an extreme liberal or conserative and think your President is going to do anything real, I will quote Bill Murray's charcter from "Meatballs". It doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter. And that is the real truth behind all the blather.
Fox has dropped Glenn Beck's show
by unshackled inwell this is refreshing.
good to see interest has faded for his fear-mongering, hate-filled conspiracy rants.. .
glenn becks fox show droppedby david bauder ap television writer apr 6, 2011 2:30pm.
Forget Glen Beck, here is who I listen to,