King Solomon was a good man:
thanks to 'gayle' for bringing our attention to the fact that the december 15th watchtower has now been uploaded to
it doesn't take long to reach the first juicy bit on pages 8 and 9, this time regarding higher education:.
it would be good to ask, am i taking to heart solomons example of treasuring divine wisdom?
King Solomon was a good man:
pastor charles taze russell died on a train outside pampas texas in october of 1916.. shortly afterward a phonecall was placed to j.f.rutherford that "the old man is dead.".
as we all know, rutherford wasted no time.
he engineered a series of moves that placed himself at the helm of a publishing company.
My mother would have donated EVERYTHING to the Vatican (as her mother and several aunts did! MORONS! Again: STUPID morons....)
i've heard of an s-10 form that elders are to have filled in called an "analysis report".... what is the "analysis report" (s-10) form that co's request from coboe's?.
what information is requested?
does it evaluate other elders and ms's and people with responsibilities in the congregations or the physical status of the kh itself?.
Every form that starts with an "S" is related guessed it: "Service" it goes to a specific section of the Service Department of every Branch. The S-10 is just a bunch of statistics, averages of hours, mags placed, average attendances at the KH. It does not evaluate elders or even ministerial servants. It also repeats the personal data of the Coordinating Overseer (former Presiding Overseer) and the Secretary. Nothing sexy there.
If something "hot" comes up or a Elder or MS has to be reevaluated, the CO will go into great lenghts to do an extra letter, where he describes and writes a text about said "situation". It can be from totally boring like
"Brother Pisserson has severe problems in the congregation, because his service averages are below 10 hours and he is also not conducting his family study every Monday."
To outright red-flashing-light-district-descriptions like:
"Brother SexyClassy slowly pushed her G-string down to reveal....."
Usually they are advised to not write "too graphically" but not all follow "the instructions" ....
my wife and i just visited some friends over the weekend from another congregation.
these two are both full time pioneers, and also participate in various construction projects around the country.
the husband just got back from a 3 week trip to walkill, new york to help with construction on a new residence building at 'the farm' (does anyone call it that anymore?)..
May I present to you: Dominican Republic Bethel - They have a fantastic Swimming Pool and Standard Golf Club Green...(not an exception, many other Bethels in the Region where build with similar facilities....most of them now being sold - see: Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua and others to follow) - I could show you links from Bethelites at Facebook that show the beautiful installations - but will refrain from doing so for different reasons...(and YESSS, I know, I know....Bethelites DO have Facebook accounts, under ehm...different names...identities....I don't want to blow their covers....I want them to continue their writings.....and to break company rules .........
image hosting
Mind you: Haiti is just a few miles away...
think it was announced yesterday that im disfellowshipped.
will these feelings of guilt and panic ever go away?
my head is so messed up.
newcomer1982: The transition will be sometimes scary and hurtful, but be assured what everybody here is telling you:
Right now the wheels are spinning and you might think that you can't handle it, but you WILL be able to handle "all the shit" coming your way, you will become stronger, your survival skills will awake!!!! You will find a new, better home (YOURS! where you cannot be evicted), you will find a good job, you will make more money...
....EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. You are not in the situation of THIS GUY - and yet he still pulls himself up!!!! Watch this if you can - I promise it will lift you up:
"If I fail.....I try again, again and again......ARE YOU GOING TO FINISH STRONG?"
I am asking you newcomer1982: "Are YOU going to finish STRONG?" - I don't know you personally, but I think you CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS!
You see? I don't even know you and I have already more belief in you than maybe your parents, you know why? Because you are here, you have "survived" the cult, you have a beautiful son (that in itself tells me something about you as a person)
I have myself lost family, "friends", a business relationship with "my brother" that I builded for years.....and finally my wife and my baby girl (she is 3)....but,......
YOU AND I HAVE GAINED something that is very valuable: F R E E D O M. Humans have died for this precious gift. Human lifes have fallen on the battlefields because of this. Remember this.
Feel free to write, express and don't forget to cry. Once in a while it is good to have a good crying and to enjoy the relieving feeling afterwards.
I, personally, wish you the Best there is in Life. You can do it.
hi everyone, yet another analysis of a recent watchtower i'm afraid.
this one's a little closer to home, as it concerns apostates.
yes - i'm referring to the forthcoming article "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?
Cedars, I think you are right (this has been my experience as well), but the constant mentioning of "apostates" "the Internet" "blahblahblah" will awake curiosity with some members of the congo...I know that when I was fading, some had disturbing need to constantly talk about "apostates" and would approach me to ask questions and how it is to be one (I was almost out of the closet, some close "friends" knew about my viewpoints, before I pulled the cord).....I think that topics like this one "awake" the idea of "there is something forbidden out there" won't work with ALL members, but the ones that need to awake could start looking for stuff....
begin this year there was a tv program in the netherlands where a guy goes undercover in a sect and show what is going on.
now this government party d66 want to ban sects who do brainwashing.. in our country there is an sect listwhich is 30 years old and outdated.
they start to investigate all the sects in the netherlands.
How will they define "brainwashing"? The WTBCrooks know how to talk themselves out of shit, "whitewashing" things I wouldn't expect too much of this in regards to the JW's.
hi everyone, yet another analysis of a recent watchtower i'm afraid.
this one's a little closer to home, as it concerns apostates.
yes - i'm referring to the forthcoming article "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?
Folks, lets do a simple mental test -
This is an order, starting from now: "Don't think about pink elephants"
99,99% did what? Thinking of what.......? You guessed it.
Is this website prepared for a surge of new members...?? After THAT study article, it should.....
there are approximately 216,000 babies born every day in the whole entire world.
if every woman every place on earth suddenly stopped conceiving at the same time, it would take 9 months for all the babies in wombs to be born.. .
how many babies would that be by the end of that 9 months?.
Yes Terry, BigJoe will read the hearts of those unborn babies and find a solution - not the final solution - but a suitable solution. At the end, there is no need to doubt or make stupdi questions - everybody will get their mansion, explained in wonderful words by the Governing Body:
You really need to read those mags more and also to get slapped by the FDS and again: Don't do stupid questions. We don't want to hear that (putting fingers in the ears and: LALALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAA)
Thanks for this thread and many others that I read with delight!!!!
watchtower july 15, 2011 study edition page 12 paragraph 7 'following the crowd would not train our perceptive powers; nor, on the other hand, would a host of rigid rules in matters of conscience.
that is why, for example, jehovah's people are not given a list of films, books, and internet sites to avoid...worse, it would deprive us of the vital work of weighing bible principles carefully and prayerfully and then making decisions on the basis of those principles.
Oh, yes I'm sorry people, the WT is right on the time with this one!
This is how it works - please watch - a new member of the Governing Body explaining THE RULES and how Mansions work in Paradise:
"What about if you forget to feed your dog?"
"Don't buy a dog just for starving it for a laugh"
"You get three chanes - three bad things and you are out" - Chinese guy: "But that is Beisbol..." LOL......