Of course you realize that Faries are capable of unconditional love, but thats not the question you are asking about.....
So here my understanding of it....
Unlike the Societies ideology that the Love of God is conditional as to the amount of things you do for the society, ( not unlike the Romans when praying to the various gods and godesses - they only gave a sacrifice when they expected a return for it...)
Unconditional Love is much like that of a mother for a child (mind you this would be a X-dub, or non-dub mother of course..) I love my children unconditionally... although that does not mean I do not get upset with the choiuces that they make at times...but even though I may dislike some of the choices..I do Love them and always.
This is the Love of someone who is there for you - no matter what...and is always ready to welcome you with open arms...
Someone who loves unconditonally will always want to hear from you and always be up to helpping ....
It is Beautiful..wonderful...fragile..and very rare today........
...not unlike a Faeries Kiss......