My goodness that had to hurt - and all because you called to say HI???? They are as Kent pointed out like the Taliban!
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Love to you!
yep, that's right!!.
i called my mother tonight to say a friendly hello.
you guessed it.
My goodness that had to hurt - and all because you called to say HI???? They are as Kent pointed out like the Taliban!
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Love to you!
has anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?.
if so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?.
I am truely touched that so many of you feel as I do at times.... I now feel the same way Somebody does - like its not an ususual thing - but a "Normal" thing we all go through.
I always try to remember a saying I've come to like :
"Freinds are those who know all of your faults - and still like you"
I think of that often.
JoelBear - I know what you mean about being supersensitive to any critisism, I never was like that prior to my involvement to the Borg. But now I feel its due to the fact that I was trying to "buy my way into the "new System" by working at what the society said to but never reaching the high level of comitment they put on us. We always had to do more than we were - that is such an unfair practice!
I feel that God Accepts us the way we are and wants us to be the nicest person we can be. The idea of working to atain the "prize" is almost like the Roman practice of sacrificing to the God and expecting somethig in return. Funny how a pagan Practice is being activly practiced by those who claim they are not doing anything pagan??
Peace to all
has anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?.
if so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?.
Thank you all for the interesting posts.. I have not had a problem with makeing friends, but I have seen others who have when they left. I do feel that I am somewhat more critical of who I choose - for better or worse i guess.
Bgurltry, i think you may not have understood the posts here - you state that you have always been "Always has been Worldly" We as a group do not view you this way - hoewver this WAS the form of mind control and opression that we were subjected to.
This was not ment to put you down..but a way for us to discuss somthing that effects us in our lives due to the fact we have been exposed to it.
Please don't take offense to this!
has anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?.
if so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?.
Has anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad Association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?
If so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?
hello all.. i'm just trying to get a handle on everyone in here..so how long have all of you been out of the borg?
also how long was it till you got on here??.
Thank you for the posts so far - it is wonderful to find out how long it toook until everyone found our "home" here.
I guess I should be fair and let you all know something about myself,so here goes:
I left in 2000 after finding out that my husband at the time was leaving me for his mistress. Fun times. I only found this board in Aug. of this year and couldn't wait to join in. Very glad to be here.
MommyDark - I admire your input alot - so very honest. I too have a son with ADHD - perhaps sometime we will converse some on the trials of that.
I live in Central Pennsylvania also.
Looking forward to knowing all of you better!
i just read a very interesting article in slate magazine, at http://slate.msn.com/dispatches/01-10-05/dispatches.asp.
it discusses the role the glorious descriptions of the afterlife in islam can have in motivating people to commit such atrocities as what happened on sept 11. it is interesting to note that only a minority, extremist view of islam encourages suicide terrorist attacks.
it is also interesting, and scary, to note which type of people are exposed to such propaganda.. .
Just got done perusing the site - wow it makes for interseting reading. What a messed up world we live in.
It is encouraging that it is only a few that think this way.
Funny how they ae somewhat like the Dub org - choosing those that have life so hard here to "teach". Makes me think about all those in NY hurting due to the loss and how the Dub's are using this to Recruit. Makes me very ill to think I was involved with this at one time.
Thanks for the info.
just wondering.. i find myself having little mini panic attacks about all this.
now that i have a little one to be responsible for, i am a little nervous.. i am strongly fighting the urge to have my car loaded up with a weeks worth of supplies for us (ie food, gear, clothes, diapers, water) so if something happens big here - i can head out to canada.. warning (haha) be ready my canadian friends - my daughter and i may be joining you.. anyone else feeling these "survivalist" feelings?????.
I haven't prepared for much - except I have made it a point to do my regular re-stcoking of the medicine chest and freezers along with canning so I will have food for this winter. Many stations on the tv were encouraging people to stcok up a small kit for themselves so that they would be okay should something knock out the normal stuff for a while- I think a 3 day supply was what they recommended.
I beleive the recomendations was as follows (this is the best my memory may get)
(Remember - all is listed for 3 days per person, so if there is more than one in your household - you need to increase it as needed)
3 gal of water
6 cans of soup or meats
can opener
socks and underclothes (3 days supply)
clean clothes
warm blanket
wrapped/packaged crackers and cereals
extra batteries
medical supplies (Prescription medicine, Asprin and such also)
radio (battery powered)
I also add something to do to keep myself busy - a book or the likes and some things to occupy the children ( I make up a snow day packet of activities and keep one on hand)
The recomend to replenish the water and foodstuff every 3 mos.
peace to all
hello all.. i'm just trying to get a handle on everyone in here..so how long have all of you been out of the borg?
also how long was it till you got on here??.
I too moved to an area where they don't really know me, but my x-brother-in-law is a sub co and he had some elders stop a while back. They haven't been back since (they didn't like the Christmas Decorations I guess! hehehehe).
Keep posting here - we love to meet new ones who have left!
my name is kevin and i am jon's partner.
jon gave me his password a few weeks ago and asked me to post to the board if something happened to him.
as some of you know jon had been undergoing cancer treatment since the end of july.
Words cannot express the sorrow in my heart for you, just know that doing JonJon's wishes will be the best way to honor his memory.
Please visit us so we can chat!!
Love to you ,
hello all.. i'm just trying to get a handle on everyone in here..so how long have all of you been out of the borg?
also how long was it till you got on here??.
You are truely in a hard position there. I haven't been to a meeting for almost 2 yrs myself. I never questioned anything really until I had a horrible experience with the "elders" . I was like you a bit RR - I enjoyed the company. Then I became inactive and Finally I sent a letter to the congregation in the areaa to which I moved asking to be dissasociated.
Never heard back.
I don't regret it for a minute, and like you I take courage from those around me .
like you Former One, I just found this site a few mos ago. It has been a "God Send" to use a phrase.
Also, I forgot to mention I am in Pennsylvania.
Look forward to knowing more of you!
Greetings to all!