Wontleave-- I am not new, i am not baptized- i cannot say half the things i do if i were baptized- The baptized ones teach the good news of Gods kingdom- Which is great news for obedient mankind. For the others not so great- I am exposing satan to all who read. There are many who refuse to listen to the good news. I am trying to help them. I think the apostles would have been telling the followers that they too needed to listen to them so as not to get confused by other thoughts that satan infiltrates. It started as soon as Jesus was dead-the super apostles were teaching lies and Peter had to correct them. otherwise the lies would have remained as truth. Satan owns every false religion on the planet-he infiltrated lies into them centuries ago, never corrected. satan is posing as God in those religions-the only religion he needs to attack is the one that has the real Jesus, and he does infiltrate-so corrections must be made. Find the religion that makes corrections in front of the hearts of the ridiculers and that religion will prove to have Jesus in the end.
Posts by kjw53
The Watchtower, a cult that worships the FDS and GB!
by VM44 inwith the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Jehovah's Witnesses and their Armageddon Imagery
by whereami injehovah's witnesses have an obsession with the end of the world/armageddon.
this video explores that idea and the effect on the average witness.. .
Nice how you twist what is said Mr Picard, Terrorist have no right to kill other humans the way they do, but how is it any different from what our side returned. In fact there were 13 saudi arabians on those planes-how can one justify bombing iraq and killing over 300,000 iraqis in original bombings- Under the unintelligence of wmd in iraq? Jesus taught-love,peace,unity,return evil for evil to no one,vengeance is mine said the lord.Love your enemy. God created iraqis as our human family. God gave them free will, God gave them the right to live. Its the unintelligence of men who make borders against one another. And it will be just as i said at Harmageddon-all who follow the man made word patriotism will be standing against God.
The Watchtower, a cult that worships the FDS and GB!
by VM44 inwith the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Ding-- I have no doubt whatsoever-I thought this was a sight for the JW,s=hence the name. I am not baptized-but the fds dont tell anyone to stay off internet sights-they suggest not to be on sights, but its for the weak ones who could be swayed.
Armageddon fears
by d indo you fear armageddon as a child?
me personally not so much, then 9/11 happend and things started to change and i started getting scared of it.
how about you?
To all-- Looks like alot of you let fear get the best of you and your imaginations ran wild- the Jw,s never taught that those things would happen to you, Gods word does teach there will be a Harmageddon. The very next prophecy after the prophecy of Egypt-Libya is the fall of Babylon the great-like a swift pitch into the sea. alls you accomplished is showing that your faith in God was like what Peter portrayed when he denied Jesus 3 times in front of the ridiculers- but he repented and went to his death- the other christians who had faith were thrown to lions and ripped apart in front of the ridiculers. They will gain everlasting life-Does one think that God wasnt with them and maybe didnt feel the pain-God was with Daniel who showed faith in the lions den and in the furnace. You relyed on your own understanding-it doesnt work.
Could someone please clarify this...?
by Pika_Chu ini've been told over and over that the catholic church was trying to prevent people from reading the bible a long time ago, by keeping it in latin, so people wouldn't understand it.
'cause they hate jehovah, etc, etc.
can someone please clarify this so i can refute it?
Actually there is a big difference the Catholic clergy burned humans alive for trying to translate Gods word into the language of the day-they burned humans alive for what they said was heresy-they burned women alive after shaving their private parts looking for devil marks-because they used herbs to heal and were called witches- In the crusades they attacked jewish villages along the way to kill muslims, for supplies killing every single human that lived in those towns including children-babies, they wiped the aztecs or mayans off the face of the earth for practicing fornication while the clergymen were the # 1 attendees at the brothels back home. Catholocism-the tree trunk-many branches came off of her and here is what Gods word says--A good tree produces good fruit- a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
The Watchtower, a cult that worships the FDS and GB!
by VM44 inwith the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Moshe-- I know of all the history of the JW,s-- Here is reality-- Satan owns every false religion on this earth-He poses as God in them-He infiltrated the lies centuries ago never were the lies corrected, Satan attacks Jesus,s true religion constantly,he started as soon as Jesus died in the letters of Peter- He infiltrates lies hoping they never get corrected, but the ones who make the corrections will prove in the end the ones who truly have Jesus. He doesnt need to infiltrate lies in all the rest anymore,just the one that belongs to Jesus.
The Watchtower, a cult that worships the FDS and GB!
by VM44 inwith the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Here is what the christian religion turned into after all the christians that learned from the apostles were killed-- Catholocism( tree trunk ) many branches popped off since then-why? because someone saw something wrong in the one before it. And here is reality that proves it right.-- A good tree produces good fruit- A rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
Two elders are coming to visit at my invitation.
by Wasanelder Once inthe elders have been spreading lies about me to jw friends and they are panicked.
they don't know what to make of it.
i've never given them reason to doubt my faithfulness or to make them think i talk against the organization.
Its pretty clear throughout Gods word that he always used imperfect men as his channel-if the JW leaders arent the faithful slave whom Jesus appointed over his domestics-who is?
The Watchtower, a cult that worships the FDS and GB!
by VM44 inwith the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Bohm-- There arent any teachers in a bible. Jesus himself said he appointed the faithful slave. He called them his brothers and said this of them--persay-whatever you do to the least of my brothers-you do to me. So then if one listens to the faithful slave they actually listen to Jesus. Yet they are imperfect humans who make mistakes, but if they correct the mistakes, that is repenting of the mistakes- Satan owns every religion on this earth except for the one that has the faithful slave that Jesus appointed- Satan doesnt need to infiltrate lies into all of the other ones he did that centuries ago,and they never made corrections- But now satan needs to infiltrate lies into Jesus religion and hopes they too never make corrections, ahh but there is one that we all see that does just that-the JW,s.
I was an Idiot.
by NomadSoul innot too many threads like these but i thought this forum could use one.
not going to use the inexperience or ignorance excuse.
nor am i going to excuse that i was a born in.. plain and simple: i was an idiot for believing in the jehovah witness religion.. okay, no cat pictures.. .
sabastious-- Here are some who loved the lord enough to do powerful works in his name-this is judgement--Matt 7: 21-23 -- There isnt a man, woman or child on this earth that pledges allegiance to a kingdom of man who wont here those words. One cannot serve two masters-either Jesus is your king or a king of man is. If one pledges allegiance to a man king-he loses. Every human on this earth is brainwashed from their youth up for the man made word patriotism. to pledge allegiance to a man king.except the JW,s. Satan transforming into an angel of light- or does one think that God will crush what is his?