Expatbrit: ROFLMAO. That is hilarious.
Expatbrit: ROFLMAO. That is hilarious.
Sorry Andee, I realised after posting that I had just assumed the sex of your kid. Please accept my apologies.
I'm sure she'll have an ab fab time in the land of Oz. The aussies really are lovely people...when they're asleep.
Edited by - Mackin on 21 October 2002 17:7:43
Beck: Thanks.
Prisca: You are right about cultural differences. If someone in America had posted a joke about New Zealand or Australia, we would have all laughed along with them. However it seems that if you post a joke that in any way pokes fun at America, many Americans become very offended. That attitude is not understood in this part of the world, not by me anyway.
Beautiful Garbage: When your kid comes to Australia (and if he's lucky NZ as well) make sure he tones down his "cultural sensitivity" a bit. Otherwise he'll find it a tad difficult. Perhaps some of the Ockers might like to post some examples of some of the greetings he might encounter.
As for me, I think I'll just go back to reading the forums and the occasional reply to a fluff post.
ROFLMAO Beck. Plardy choice!!!!
The 'mericans will never get that one.
Lighten up you people. This is a JOKE...get it, A JOKE. Just have a laugh and stop taking yourselves so damn seriously.
Bloody hell.
to all congregation publishers posters .
in these perilous times, as wickedness increases during the forecast "last days", many are being seduced with false promises.
by doing so, they become easy prey for the apostate wts, with claims that satan is behind the recent exposing of its failure to protect its flock from paedophiles and abusers.
Welcome back Ozzie. Hope you had a great time away.
my daughter would be turning 13 tomorrow, if she were still alive.
it's been nearly 5 years since her death, and yet the pain and the sense of incalculable loss is still there.
her birthday is one of the hardest times of the year - one where the hurt really manifests itself - we should have been having a big party, but all we have to remember her by is a hard cold lump of stone with her name on it.
Hey there Stephanus and Family,
I didn't know you had lost a daughter, my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine what that must be like. I wish I could be inOz this weekend to spend some time with you.
{{{{{{{{Stephanus and Family}}}}}}}}}
that's right folks!
someone at headquarters doesn't like them.
try finding them in the publications that show pictures of the new system.
The New System (tm) is going to be just like Bethel and their are no pets at Bethel. Get used it.
That's why I'm not going.
So sorry for you Xandria.