Here is a similar "Workshop" Notice which not only uses the term "PARTNER", but also "PARTNERSHIP".
It also provides us with the info that the UN also provides "Grants" to NGOs. However, please restrain any conclusions about such to the WTS until evidence of such might be discovered.
DPI/NGO Communications WorkshopsRegistration Form for Workshop No.1
Programme for Workshop No. 1
The NGO Section of the Department of Public Information (DPI), in cooperation with the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, is pleased to announce a series of day-long DPI/NGO Communications Workshops beginning on 2 December 1999. The Workshops aim to strengthen cooperation between NGOs and the United Nations in creating an informed understanding of the work of the Organization, and to explore new means of communications to advance the common agenda of the UN and its NGO partners. Interested NGOs that are currently associated with the Department, or have consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) are invited to assign one representative involved in communications, fund raising or training within their organization to attend each workshop.
Workshop topics will include:
* Funding Partnerships at the UN This workshop will provide professional guidance on finding grants for your programmes, understanding the United Nations funding process, and learning the fundamentals of grant writing.
* Newsletter Publishing
This workshop will provide advice on effective ways to include United Nations information in your newsletters and outreach materials.
* Creating an Effective Web Site This workshop will demonstrate ways to effectively use your web site as a publishing and publicity tool.
* Video and Teleconferencing
In this workshop participants will learn how to use modern technologies for interacting with members of your organization, other NGOs and the UN system.
The first workshop, Funding Partnerships at the UN, will take place on 2 December 1999 at UN Headquarters in Conference room 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. During the morning session, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., UN system partners will share their specialized knowledge of diverse funding opportunities within the Organization. In the afternoon, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Dr. Michael Gershowitz, an authority on the grant system in the USA, will conduct a hands-on workshop, Fundamentals of Grant Writing, providing advice on winning grants from both government and private-sector sources.
Registration forms are available from the NGO Resource Centre Room L-1B-31, or may be obtained by calling (212) 963-7233/7234 or from this web site. Please make sure that you have a valid UN pass. If not, please make arrangements by calling the above-mentioned numbers. If you are unable to obtain your pass ahead of time, please indicate this on the attached registration form and a pass will be ready for you to pick up at the Pass and Identification Unit, 801 First Ave. (corner 45th Street).
We look forward to having you join us in this special effort to strengthen cooperation with our NGO partners.
Paul Hoeffel
Chief, NGO Section
Department of Public Information
Richard A. Zeif
Communications Workshop Coordinator
NGO/DPI Executive Committee