Many thanks.
JoinedPosts by andrekish
2011 Yearbook-PDF!
by Atlantis in2011 yearbook-pdf!bookmarked, searchable, reduced.
(credit to bbs, he can reduce files better than i can.
by NeckBeard inconnecting the dots on the scandal of the century.
ok. so we got osama bin smoked killed dead a few days ago, right?.
here are some weird things:.
The death of Osama Bin Laden does not improve anything.
There are no less guns and no fewer missiles. Just groups of people everywhere who want to rip each others' guts out. While destitute people sleep on the streets of Pakistan the United States and European cash pays millions for military attacks by the US and NATO on those they hate. Meanwhile civilians are littered all across the earth in bloody heaps. And while destitute people sleep on the streets and in the parks of the US their government gloats about how clever and powerful it only took the strongest military power on the planet ten years to find Bin Laden right under their noses. And the moment they say they have found him what happens? Blood and more blood. Men women and children attacked with helicopters and massive gunfire.
So where are the real terrorists? It won't take ten years to find them. They reside in positions of power in Washington, in Downing Street London, in Al-Queda and in France and all across Europe in ALL of their governments. It exists in the halls of the Vatican where silence reigns again and gold drips from every archbishop's fingers and the pope is carried on an obscene golden throne paid for by the Vatican hoards of cash.
These are the real terrorists who claim to protect civilians yet blast their way through every home and housing estate that gets in their way. No care for those kids and families who suffer the 'collateral damage' or murder by military. Not one jot of concern for anyone or anything other than their monetary policies and how to make sure they can keep robbing everyone whilst highlighting the villainy of their enemies.
Whilst the death of Osama Bin Laden may go some way to satisfy the bloodlust dripping from the US media it solves nothing else but to re-inforce the old saying: ' Violence leads to more violence,'
How many of us will allow the death of Bin Laden to be an end to things? I think very few. How many of us seem to want only more blood? If the globally controlled media is to be believed ALL of us. So lets wait for the next waves of violence as the pentagon acts upon the data it got from Bin Laden's compound and demonstrates to the world what big explosions it can make.
None of the reasons for Bin Ladens murderous attacks on the United States have been addressed, resolved or even noticed by the militaries of the world....and now NATO is getting its claws into the oilfields of Libya, (has anyone noticed that Libya isn't in the North Atlantic or Europe nor does it pose a threat to either). NATO is a military machine set up to protect Europe against the USSR not play kingmaker in Africa. But the west now has Gaddafi's gold in its hands and can now give the rebels military aid and advice in recompense. Not one penny of Gaddafi's stolen hoards will beneift the ordinary people of Libya. It will line the pockets of the western bankers instead. And the bloodshed continues.
The death of Osama Bin Laden changes nothing but simply gives the United States reasons to gloat. Whatever happened to American pride in its ideals? Blown away with the twin towers along with all the tens of thousands killed by military interventions as western forces continued their attempted economic global takeover.
And so today all our strings are being pulled and manipulated by words and thoughts of blood.
Just as the Bible says.
what about a donation box for the poor?
by Evidently Apostate inone of the things i hate most about this corporate religion is they have a money box for many things that "bring praise to jah".
wordwide work.
convention expenses.
Hi Evidently Apostate.
If you are concerned by the seeming lack of charitable work within the organisation then your heart may not be as apostate as you may have been led by some to believe.
It always puzzled me why there were no visible charity works when I had a Bible Study a while back. It seemed to lack heart and the one thing I felt very strongly at the various meeting I attended was....
A complete lack of compassion. Heartless. Cold.
That was the impression I got whenever I heard charity or good works toward fellow humans mentioned.
I keep saying this to all my friends etc.....I think Solomon said it:
'Above all things guard your heart'....(somewhere in the Bible at the beginning of Proverbs). I truly don't think many witnesses regard this as important yet it is vital because a good heart can help when having to make decisions when caught between a rock and a hard place. Because then at least conscience and compassion can be used as templates for thought.
However, I think the GB of the Witnesses organisation gets a little above itself and regards itself as the only reputable authority where-as it is the GOOD HEART of a person that is the most important asset any person can have. It is this that instinctively tells us that the guy next door in is in trouble and could do with a bit of help. It is this good heart that tells us not to wreck our planet and hurt each other.
Christ said: treat others as you would like to be treated. That means we have to help our fellow man and MUST include charity towards our brother humans, not too sure if you ladies deserve it yet.....(I'm dead if anyone wants me).
I also think that the GB is unaware that it is simply the SALES Division of this organisation and that many, many people exist on the outside who fulfill other roles in life since we cannot all be teachers. It is wrong for teachers to place themselves higher or as more significant than anyone else.
As a result, many Witnesses get so wrapped up in their books that they forget to hear the screams of their fellow men.
I am seriously considering writing an E-book
by AK - Jeff init is wise for a first time writer to write about what he knows, so i will write about my lifetime as a jehovah's witness.
but it will likely be less autobiographical and more about the sub-level markers that eventually pointed me out of the cult, doctrinal matters that bothered me under the surface, and the very real lack of love in that organization.. ideas?
Hi Jeff. Sounds like an interesting idea. And it could raise a few eyebrows. I'm sure quite a few people would be interested to hear what goes on behind the scenes and how tough it can be to be raised within such an organisation.
Just a brief thought only here, maybe you could write in novel form to prevent court orders and silencing techniques being used. It could give you a great deal more room to express opinions and describe real events without causing problems for anyone involved. And when describing the events within an organisation with lots of lawyers this could save you a fortune.
If you do write an ebook about your experiences I would certainly want a copy so if you do write this let us know please. My name can be used @gmail so please let me know.
Hope it goes well. ------ AndreKish
BBC Video: Does Christianity Have a Future?
by leavingwt inthis documentary was broadcast on april 17, 2011. .
"according to some, christianity in the uk has no future.
closure of churches and falling attendances in the last few decades appear to show that the christian faith is in terminal decline.".
I watched this program on TV a few days back.
I live less than a mile from the church in Brighton that Anne visited (St. Peter's Church) and which holds the Alpha course. This church was previously the parish church of Brighton but these days no-one cares so it is falling down. All over Brighton the Alpha Course is being promoted by lots of Christian denominations. This may be the future.
It struck me that the Pentecostal organisation using this church now that the old congregation has declined are as bonkers as most other groups but with modern music and amplifiers. I couldn't see much difference between this emotional beat-driven high and the high that ravers get with their Ecstacy just with a little bit of God chucked in to make everyone feel good. I don't think many people realise the similarities between this and shamanistic trance induction.
If this rush to media/contemporary driven services continues then the main future for Christianity will be with Pope Simon Cowell and his New JC Factor show.
Surely, the praise of our Creator should be our actions not our vocal abilities.
But at least they believe in God so who knows where their paths will take them and as fellow humans I wish them well. If they keep this up they will be as mad as the rest of us quite quickly.
Three Glass In and Off I Go!
by headisspinning inwell, i've been having some serious anxiety today.
i just felt like shutting down for most of the day.
now here it is 6:16 pm and the memorial is at 8 pm.. thank god i'm three glasses in (wine!)...
Hi All. It doesn't sound like everyone is looking forward to Easter. Do remember this sound advice.
You puke, You wipe.
Hey Vampire. 'It would be funny as hell'. It would be absolutely hilarious. Do you think anyone at the meeting would notice? They might if puking occurred here in the UK 'coz they love looking over the top of their glasses and tutting at someone. It seems to be generic in all groups of people and you just can't get away from it. People do love a go old moan. Especially the oldies.
I dropped a bottle of plonk that slowly rolled down the aisle at midnight mass a few years back before I saw the light. Get square bottles is my recommendation.
What is the significance of the Sunday before Easter? Why don't people want to go to the meeting then? I only went to KH for a few months a few years back and I have no recollection of the meeting I was at the Sunday before Easter at all. I was clearly paying great attention. I realised very quickly that a Kingdom Hall is not a place that encourages debate. Try asking a question on a Sunday that ain't in the Watchtower and everyone looks at you like you farted.
I got away with it....
'coz I didn't know any better,
I guess they put it down to the fact that I was a visitor and therefore 'a bear of very little brain' and not much higher up the food chain than a piranah. I even got a cup of tea after.......before they put me straight. And 'coz I wasn't taking insiduous remarks without a punch up I put them straight. My brain, my mouth, my question. If they can't handle a question outside of the organised meeting structure then the structure is too rigid and so are they for being daft enough not to be able to adapt to need. Humans do get so set in their ways as they age.
And all that time they were in the UN and they didn't know it. Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is up to.
Now THAT'S hilarious 'coz they got themselves in a right bother and handed thier enemies a hand grenade with their address written on it.
Who-ever walks on this earth in the future, and I hope the Aztecs and the Babylonians and the Greeks, etc, etc, etc, all humanity, all of US get another crack at the whip as the Bible says. It's not the GB who decides the judgements of our Creator and who walks this planet again it is Christ if you are a Christian. This may sound mad but I'd love if it I was dead and someone woke me back up. Especially if the second of my visits wasn't in this human nightmare and every day was like Christmas just as promised.
So although I don't go into KHs 'coz of the tutting I do remember the promise made to Christians. I makes me wonder if there will be a celebration in the future named to remind us later on of RESURRECTION DAY. And since we can all enjoy the fruits of our labours/vineyards I suppose we might well do a bit of puking then. And we can ALL have another good old moan together.
Some things will never change.
Does God speak to you? HOW?
by Quentin inan answer to this question is subjective to the individual an a posteriori experiene.
however, can there be an a priori experence, one that is objective, outside the bounds of personel experiene, or does it remain subjective?
god speaks to me, through many venus, except audible.
Hi WhereAmI.
Just a little extra info picked up online re your statement below:
"We KNOW for a fact that the sun will implode in a few billion years."
I can't help but agree that science seems to currently think we are all going up in a puff of smoke eventually. I've posted a few thought from of the the UKs leading physicists, Dr. Brian Cox, who is currently working with the Large Hadron Collider in Cerne. The following are extracts from an interview ho did a with the Daily Telegraph newspaper which may, or in some cases, may not be helpful.
"Sometimes I look at the stars and I wonder: what the f--k is going on?”
"The Creationist belief that the world is 6,000 years old is dismissed as “b-----ks”, anyone who believes the world is going to end next year because of the Mayan calendar is “a moron”. And people who believe Cern’s Large Hadron Collider will suck the universe into a black hole are “t--ts”.
“Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury) is a very thoughtful man. If you want to move society forward in a more rational direction, religious leaders can be useful because they share that view. Setting yourself up as anti-religion is not helpful. You can set yourself up as anti-maniac, that’s different. So it’s OK to say that if you believe the world was created 6,000 years ago, as the Creationists do, then you are an idiot. There is nothing wrong in saying that because you are an idiot. But setting yourself up as an atheist who is against all religion is not a battle that needs to be fought."
“Cosmology has become a precision science so that we can see exactly what it is we don’t understand. We can see, for example, that the universe is accelerating in its expansion, it’s just we don’t understand why… yet.”
Currently, new discoveries are being made every day. This week the BBC announced that scientists have discovered a star that makes no noise whatsoever. It is a silent star and seems to be defying the laws of nature in that all stars previously discovered emit 'noise' from their cores. Almost every week new discoveries are announced that cause the theoretical physicists to rethink and add to their theories. Their brains must be about to go into supernova......
It certainly looks like there may well be some amazing and thought provoking discoveries during our lifetimes and it makes me wonder how much we will all have to adjust our thinking during our own lives.
Just a thought here:
Since it is said that God made man to have joy, I hope we all have a lovely day.
Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?
by Knowsnothing inand if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
This post from another topic but more relevant here.
Hi Nickolas 'how do you know that it isn't your brain just making stuff up? I think it can be difficult to determine what is real and what is not real'
I absolutely, 100 per cent, totally agree with you.
But I truly keep getting images of future events before they happen and then later they REALLY happen. I haven't got a clue why, really I haven't, and everyone I've asked has failed to answer 'coz they don't know why either. But this does happen to me and since everybody on this planet carries the same DNA syntax in every cell it makes us all capable of experiencing this phenomena. I call this a phenomena because it is real and I cannot explain it. I am not trying to highlight myself as a person. Because this does happen to me I know that for some reason, whatever it may turn out to be, this cannot be delusional as what I see in my head later happens. It is absolutely mental. In the mind. And I do not know how a thing that relies on physicallity for it's existance such as any human brain can see into the future. As a phenomena it is weird and defies any scientific or logical reasoning. But it happens.
By way of daft example. I sat with friends watching a preview program four hours before an England soccer match. As we watched a well known celebrity psychic called Yuri Geller put pictures of five English players on the screen and asked the viewers to put their hands on the screen and wish them well. I was curious and couldn't see how this would influence anything. As I put my hand on the screen I got a image each time of what what later happen to that player including that of a player called Wayne Rooney being carried off of the pitch on a stretcher. As each image occurred I immediately said aloud what I had seen including the words: 'Wayne Rooney is going to break his leg tonight...No, it won't be quite that serious he is going to break his foot.' This truly, truly happened. Four hours later during the game Wayne Rooney was stretchered from the pitch with a broken metatarsul bone in his foot. Indeed, what I had seen for every player whose photo had been shown actually happened. My friends keep telling me to take part in the lottery but the only horses I've ever backed have come in last.
On another occassion I predicted the scorer for each of the 8 scored goals minutes before each one was scored. All 8 images that I got in my head were correct. The odds would have been fantastic and would have broken any bookmaker if I'd had a bet with them.
It does make me realise that something concrete is occuring beyond the scientific realms and it's just one of the reasons I suspect that God is alive and kicking.
Does God speak to you? HOW?
by Quentin inan answer to this question is subjective to the individual an a posteriori experiene.
however, can there be an a priori experence, one that is objective, outside the bounds of personel experiene, or does it remain subjective?
god speaks to me, through many venus, except audible.
Hi WhereAmI. 'And that our lovely sun will one day implode and take it's solar system along with it,'
The guys at Cerne who have got a really faster atom smasher think that in a few trillion years this is all gonna fade out into a motionless soup of protons. Sounds like fun. Maybe it will, I can't say. But I do think this world is greater than many imagine it could be.
Hi Nicholas 'how do you know that it isn't your brain just making stuff up? I think it can be difficult to determine what is real and what is not real'
I absolutely, 100 per cent, totally agree with you.
But I truly keep getting images of future events before they happen and then later they REALLY happen. I haven't got a clue why, really I haven't, and everyone I've asked has failed to answer 'coz they don't know why either. But this does happen to me and since everybody on this planet carries the same DNA syntax in every cell it makes us all capable of experiencing this phenomena. I call this a phenomena because it is real and I cannot explain it. I am not trying to highlight myself as a person. Because this does happen to me I know that for some reason, whatever it may turn out to be, this cannot be delusional as what I see in my head later happens. It is absolutely mental. In the mind. And I do not know how a thing that relies on physicallity for it's existance such as any human brain can see into the future. As a phenomena it is weird and defies any scientific or logical reasoning. But it happens.
By way of daft example. I sat with friends watching a preview program four hours before an England soccer match. As we watched a well known celebrity psychic called Yuri Geller put pictures of five English players on the screen and asked the viewers to put their hands on the screen and wish them well. I was curious and couldn't see how this would influence anything. As I put my hand on the screen I got a image each time of what what later happen to that player including that of a player called Wayne Rooney being carried off of the pitch on a stretcher. As each image occurred I immediately said aloud what I had seen including the words: 'Wayne Rooney is going to break his leg tonight...No, it won't be quite that serious he is going to break his foot.' This truly, truly happened. Four hours later during the game Wayne Rooney was stretchered from the pitch with a broken metatarsul bone in his foot. Indeed, what I had seen for every player whose photo had been shown actually happened. My friends keep telling me to take part in the lottery but the only horses I've ever backed have come in last.
On another occassion I predicted the scorer for each of the 8 scored goals minutes before each one was scored. All 8 images that I got in my head were correct. The odds would have been fantastic and would have broken any bookmaker if I'd had a bet with them.
It does make me realise that something concrete is occuring beyond the scientific realms and it's just one of the reasons I suspect that God is alive and kicking.
Is everybody barking up the wrong tree?
by andrekish inan idea occurred to me that the fds may not be the gb but something slightly different.. i have no scriptural basis for this statement, only the practical evidence of what i can see and read.. the gb has been accused repeatedly of deceit and misleading people.
the witnesses themselves as a group are certainly faithful to, and discrete about, their gb depite the gb's apparent errors.. i simply wonder if perhaps the individual witnesses themselves could fit this description: ' a faithful and discrete slave'.. this is entirely guesswork and pretty much unfounded on any solid evidence, merely a thought.. any ideas?.
Hi again Snowbird. Thank you everone, again, too ( if that's grammatical?)
I think you mean getting to know the Christ. And I entirely agree with the idea.
It strikes me that we are all having a bit of a 'knees up' whilst the Master is away. I have a feeling that all of us are in for a 'telling off' to put it mildly. I speak here simply as an equal member of the human race rather than an expert Bible student. (I'm not sure if any of my highlighted words and capital letters are technically correct but I recently found the bold button at the top and I don't like to waste it). I'm looking forward to finding out how to use the colours. Ha.
In a more serious tone, I do see so many human opinions written in the Bible. For example, Paul never met Jesus so some of what he says is clearly his own opinion based on what he though Jesus meant. I am not in any way denying that Paul did have vision on the way to Damascus but clearly he was for example, anti homosexual practices yet, Christ did not Himself condemn homosexuality rather He counselled against 'sexual immorality' and the concept of sexual immorality was different back in those days. I am neither condoning nor condemning gay life. It isn't any of my business what any person does in private especially anyone elses' private behaviour or desires. I find it hard to blame any person for an instinct over which we have no control as wrong. Man wasn't born with the desire to steal and so can amend this behaviour, people are born gay, by instinct, and the Bible doesn't punish man for his instincts.
I note the two commandments given by Christ to his followers as being the law for all Christians. Love God and love your fellow man as you do yourself. So many ideas are contained within the Bible, written whilst its' writers were 'thinking about God', that some of the personal opinions of the writers has crept into their work and could well be 'the writers' viewpoint only. Since Paul and Christ's brother James had such a falling out, and given that the person who never personally met Jesus became the spokesman for the group,
I can see parallels in this modern world. I never met Jesus. I wasn't there. Anything I write here I write because I am thinking about the subject and am only inspired by what I would morally expect from my Creator, whom I truly believe, is a great deal wiser than me. So was Paul so I'm not trying to debunk his words merely point out his opinions.
This is in essence the cause of the debate re - who truly is this faithful and wise, or faithful and discreet, slave. This forum raises this issue again and again and will always have trouble answering this because none of us were there and we are all guessing, based on our own understanding of scripture and directed by the heart we feel within us. Thus I in no way condemn things like homosexuality, it simply isn't my business and my heart tells me not to condemn a man for the way he was born. I do not recall Christ ever doing this.
Since Solomon stated that his son should guard his heart above all things I think it vital to remember this because we don't live in a black and white world, rather a world with many shades of grey. Please correct me if I am wrong, but my heart tells me something is going drastically wrong within the WBTS when the members are having to faithfully and discreetly cover the hidden motives behing joining the UN for example.
Some will state that Satan is causing confusion in our brains. This is NOT the case here. People are extremely curious, God made them that way and told them to understand the world round them. People are people and should never be held up so high that when they screw up we are left wondering what is going on. However, since the WBTS is no longer a member of the UN much of the problem is, at face value, resolved. However, what a bitter taste it leaves in the mouth when untruths are used as excuses.
I admire all men who feel a belief in a Creator. And until our Creator fully reveals Himself, as He promises He will, we must make the best of a mad situation, caused by our own madness and opinions and prejudices and hatreds.
It is a shame that so many Witnesses are prepared to unheartedly disconnect themselves from any who do not totally agree with every word that comes from the publications of the GB. When God spoke with Adam and Eve, they could both see God and knew it was Him they were talking to. It is said that they were perfect. But even then they had to discover things from direct experience. They were made that way and then they messed up. Even if the GB is the FDS, just like Adam and Eve, they are human.
Maybe we expect too much from our fellow humans, in this modern world we demand too much professionalism and perfection whilst imperfect ouselves. However, since we are created humans, with inbuilt instincts and curiosities, the FDS, if that is what it is and this isn't a denial that hey are, cannot behave in such cavalier fashion, leaving its workers out to dry and unable to morally explain its actions. The GB should be willing to publicallyrebuke itself whenever necessary just as it does to others.
The GB mustn't hide. Morally we ask it to prove to the world that it IS the faithful and wise servant of Jehovah God. The GB, to fulfill it's role as faithful must not behave like a slavemaster, nor refuse to openly answer it's critics.
Man's curiosity cannot be satisfied by misdirection. That is not God's work. But at least I've found the blue text thingy so it's probabyly still a lovely day after all and since I can still absorb air I can only assume that Jehovah has decided I can live a little longer, so 'Thank YOU Jehovah'.