Hiya. I gotta feeling that the salesmen have forgot what they're supposed to be selling.
They're not supposed to be selling as you described so well above. They are way off target at the moment but they have got something important to say but they are well rubbish at doing it.
They's good at getting right up peoples' noses alright. All fanatics do. They have the delusion that everyone has to be a saleman and thats mentally and logically deficient. They are meant to be teachers 'coz some will be teachers and some will be other things. They've completely overlooked that in order to tick boxes.
If the techniques used currently by Jehovah's Witnesses to spread this message were used on a professional basis I'd sack the lot of them. They are rubbish. They display total, utter, unadulterated devotionally deluded madness.
No wonder NO-ONE with the vaguest incling of sanity wants to do that. You have to be beyond human and of the hermit, lets live in a cave forever, mentality to WANT to do that. Anyone who WANTS to do that, be it evangalist, politician, or saleman, has gotta be on some kind of drugs or high on a commission to WANT to do that. When Jesus said to his many disciples 'go and tell them I'm coming, I don't really think He meant go and do that. Who knows, Jesus might have said 'use yer email thingy' since I can't speak for Him and He was so poor and didn't own a laptop.
Hope Jesus ain't offended. One day He may well ask me about it and I'll still find it funny and I'll have to say it to His face 'coz He's probably gotta better sense of humour that the local Presiding Overseer who doesn't get on well with me at all. Just 'coz I can recognise an idiot when I see one he got the hump. Sad really, one carbon based biological technoligical living android getting the hump with another. S'funny really, but he don't think so. Oh well, tuff titties is what I say. He should stop wimping and take it on the chin like a man and stop getting God to do his dirty works as if he has ownership of the creator, eh?