What makes one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
Hoping for something better is a start. Then believing in a Creator is step two.
This in no way proves the existence or non existance of God and blind faith has to be programmed, unless some other external paranormal events which cannot be explained by science happen, and are witnessed by the individual involved.
Either way, by blind faith or witnessing a 'miracle' or 'occult' event it usually all goes haywire and common sense goes flying out of the window almost immediately. The human race is in it's mental infancy. The brain of homosapien has evolved into a more complex mind than that of a peanut. Most scientists understand this and can explain in great technical detail the cellular workings of the human brain. But, equipped as we are with this highly complex and evolved brain:
We are all insane in our own little ways, so:
Lots of people who find religion become certifiably insaner, and willing to believe many things without question and in defiance of the facts, logic and reason.
Those who think they are sane are probably not actually sane, rather insane with the odd occurrence of sanity.
The WTBS is quite possibly extremely mad in some areas and from the sound of many posts on this forum the Governing Body aren't too popular and a sense of WT fanaticism seems to comes from many Witnesses. I've seen it as exactly that myself and I've seen it in other groups I've been involved with. People who find religion often do this. People around here phone each other as soon as any witnesses are seen in the area. This is not proper evangelising, It is a lunatic waste of time. What the heck is wrong with email? How come the WTBS is stuck in the 1930's? Maybe 'coz that's when the old Witnesses got bashed and many like to take the symapthy for other people's suffering. The fact that witnesses of old got thumped doesn't mean that current people can use it as proof they are right.
This is also done by those who find politics and decide that we must all become democrats 'coz we all have a say and we all know how to fix the world's problems, don't we. None of us has got a clue 'coz we're living in a whirlpool of crisis management, lurching from catastrophy to next media covered disaster. Most politics are as much fanatical bullshit as the religious stuff. Very few of the people I meet who are politically motivated think for themselves either. But bang bang goes the front door and another idiot is standing there. He is offering to solve the world's problems with a tax hike. So, if I join the party I even get a rosette and ultimately get invited to join the Lords after I've been Prime Minister a while and then be a demi-god among men.
And it's done by the people who have product to sell. It takes a particular mentality to knock on some-one's door and sell them a hoover. It never occurred to me to buy a hoover so the salesman's visit is extremely welcome. He tells me that if I were to sell hoovers for him, and join his pyramid scheme, I could earn a trillion zillion quid an hour after I've also bought the training video and books and mentorship. I'm simply overwhelmed by the man's consideration and generosity. Knowing that I can get a discount on all additional hoovers were I to buy one for each of carpets I've got I'm amazed. Were I to then sell more to all of my relatives and friends I'd be a millionaire like the bloke in the photo on the leaflets. The lifetime seventy year guarantee the salesman is giving as a special offer if i get in quick and buy the leaflets I will need, etc, is especially tempting, so if I'm a really good salesman I may one day get a seat on the board with all the other men in suits. And a yacht in the French Riviera. I'm in heaven.
Simply put, it seems that 666 is driving people to our doors with something to fanatically sell, mindlessly unaware that we sit on a rock tumbling through space.
But, at the end of the day, the fact that we are all insane and blind in our own deluded ways doesn't mean the Apocalyse isn't imminent.