Yessir, I've been stumbled big time. By the time I hit 15 , I was completely immersed in this religion, wanted to get dipped, answered questions and was trying my darnest to get 'in' with the pious crowd.
And then that damned JW party at the local park district happened...
I was ridiculed for the way I wore my hear, my clothes, nobody would sit with me, and while everyone else was on the dance floor, I was the ONLY one nobody went near. My one friend I thought I had was being recruitted by the 'cool' pious kids, and the look on his face when I went to say hi... well, their faces, all of theirs, definitely did a number on my self esteem. I crumbled in my bed that night and cried the whole night. The next morning I saw myself in the mirror, realized it had been jealousy all along and kept thinking How could Jehovah allow these people be on top? Why is nobody doing anything about it, they're so obvious!!!??? Couple that with my slutty cousin, dipped and pioneering, sleeping with a cousin (yuck I know) and yeah after I asked an older sister for 'help' she pretty much told me I was in the wrong and I needed to be more spiritual, maybe dress more 'homely' so as to not make the other's feel bad.
Was the day I got my head out of my butt and saw things in a whole new light. After that incident, I started realizing other things, pieces of the puzzle started falling into place.
And OF COURSE I have stumbled many others. I'm darn proud as well. Many of the young ones who looked up to me, that one friend from up there who is now a very talented musician, and a sweet girl who is now true to herself instead of letting her mom run her life. I'm happy when I hear that another young un leaves, expecially if I had the 'special talk' with them before I moved accross the country :)>