My MIL's circuit assembly was this past weekend. She came over for dinner to our home after the assembly. In conversation, it came up that a known pedophile was seen walking to the bathroom holding a young boy's hand-no relation to the boy at all, although that wouldn't make a difference! The boy was maybe 3-5 yrs old and he was apparently the son of a study who rode to the assembly with the family.
My MIL said she just "prayed to jehovah to be able to pay attention to the brother's talk and not worry about seeing him walk with that little boy." I couldn't believe that no one thought to follow him into the bathroom or get a brother to do it and make sure the young one was okay. My MIL is a die-hard and almost 80 years old.
Is there anything more we can/should do to make sure this sick pervert doesn't have access to children? This guy was DF'd for several years when a few of his victims came forward. He denied it-they all told the same story.