I feel for you and you have a right to be concerned for sure, this is your business, be pro-active and protect it as best you can. I have been right where you are, we had several key JW employees when we left the Org. we now have just 1 JW employee left, Did it hurt our long standing well- established business??? Yes for sure...couple that with hard economic conditions, and nearly did us in. But we have survived, learned a ton and alot stronger because of it , lean and mean you could say. I wish you the best, but like i said be pro active, for some reason i thought those employees just couldn't be replaced...wrong wrong wrong, The interviewing, training, etc. process is draining for sure, but our office manager now is like no other and we couldn't be more pleased. Please keep us posted on how things are going, im sure alot of posters have been through this also!!
JoinedPosts by doughnuthole
what am i in for? i have 5 jw employees and now im dfd...
by oompa inonly one is a guy...a mini serve .
one is a reg pioneer.... all are actually pretty key to my biz....three have been there over 20 years (ya...i am a great boss!!!).
how much pressure are they going to get to quit working for me???.
Is flirting just harmless fun ?
by caliber inon some base level, flirting is not destructive.
in fact, it may be a perfectly natural and healthy way for two people to interact.
yet, as the level of involvement in flirting increases, the emotional stakes rise for the two involved parties and the uninvolved member of the relationship.
No way is flirting harmless fun, if your in a committed relationship with someone else, maybe to the ones who are doing the flirting, but NOT to the spouse or partner sitting on the sidelines having to watch this and than being accused of being just paranoid or sucpicious, Yes it is very disrespectful to ones mate, not just disrespectful, but sometimes downright mean!!
I know a close friend that has been dealing with this for quite awhile and is finally opening her eyes to just how damaging and insulting this really is to her self-esteem!! Glad she is going to therapy to really get a true picture on this.. the flirting is from a neighbor to her husband (with the husband getting mad at his wife, saying "were just friends" get over it) and believe me the wife is getting over it alright!! Change is on the horizon!! Dough
Happiness after almost a year!
by fade_away inthat book: "the secret of family happiness" is missing the part that teaches you to live happy with your family.
"but if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.
but those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and i want to spare you this.".
Loved reading your post, you both are very fortunate that you found each other and got out of the cult together,Alot of times their are stories on here of people hurting, in distress and just plain down!! Its very refeshing to read a story like yours, Congrats to you & your wife!!! Dough
POSITIVE POST TIME!! We just want to know 3 things you are FOR.
by Terry inon this topic we don't care what you are against.. let's be positive and tell three things we are for which are meaningful to us.. .
1.music lessons for kids.
learning to read music and play an instrument.. 2.memory training and math strategies in schools.
1. My 3 beautiful, wonderful granddaughters!
2. My awesome therapist!
3.My river that i get to wake up to every morning!!
How Has The Economy Affected Your Spending Habits?
by minimus inwill you go on vacation this year?
will you curtail your driving habits due to the cost of fuel?
will you cut back your spending for special occasions?.
Have had a small business for 25 years, had some very very good years, took some big hits the last 2 to 3 years, really dont know if we will recover it. Scary place to be at 50+, Neither one of us in the best shape either......but we have alot of experience and alot of connections,AND my hubby is a very smart guy....so im sure we will be OK just very hard to go through, so to anwser your question, Yes we will defintely be cutting back on spending, actually forced to cut back on spending!! Dough
Wobble: My husband and myself are like you, not DF'd or DA'd, we were in for 25 years, no announcements about us, nothing, but judged harshly and severly, for what???? They dont even know....they have had there huge gossip fests( one of JW's favorite pastimes) and decided we are dead in their eyes.
We have a favorite, fun pub that we go to a couple times a week, friends? we use to go with, friends we use to take trips with, had Big BBQ's with, threw alot of great parties for (always paid for by us) and several that we employed for many years. They will sit at their big table all together and wont so much as nod a greeting to us, total snubbery!! Do we get up and leave? are you kidding?? This is our pub:) several times i have let different ones sitting by us or our waitresses, see that huge table of people over their, we use to be right in the middle of it, but right now they are "shunning" us for reasons they dont even know!!! normal functioning people cant even understand that, i just turn over to this group and smile... feeling good i just "told" on them......fun times, Dough
(raised MY, not BY son & daughter, sorry typo)
Welcome POY,
Please keep a open-mind and be determined to "think for your self". I was a JW for 25 years and raised by son & daughter in the religion. We are all out now, but it nearly killed my son. Like i said, please keep a open mind and pay close attention to what your really being "taught" at meetings(nothing wrong with that, right?) I wish you the best, keep posting.....keep lurking if thats all you want to do, but the advice, wisdom, and experience you will get from here could prove to be invaluable to you!!! Kindly, Dough
new poster
by doughnuthole inhi, i'm not new here, been lurking forever, just a new poster.
i was a jw for 25 years, did it all,been out now for 7 years, for the most part have healed pretty good.....but some things can't seem to shake.
the thing i'm most regretful of is raising my children in that cult, if i could just re-do that, i think i could be totally over the trauma of the 25 years i was in.
Again, Thank-you all for your welcomes!! I really enjoy this board and plan on partcipating whenever possible. More of "MY" story later. Thanks-All, Dough