Thanks, that was neat! I always just hang up shirts because I can't fold them. Now, if someone could just show me how to fold a fitted sheet. lol
JoinedPosts by Mamacat
My mom and her Ministry School talks
by Mamacat ini get so frustrated with my mom sometimes.
even when i was a kid, she'd get me to help her with her talks.
my mom is intelligent, but she has a hard time getting her thoughts organized and on paper, so she always asked for my help.
Oh, Blondie, sometimes she spends more time explaining to me what the talk is even about because I don't remember the subject manner at all. I ask her tons of questions to determine what she is even talking about...and I think it helps get her mind going. She also had to read the scriptures to me because I forgot where I put the bible she gave me.
It seems she just rewrites what the reasoning book says anyway because last night she read to me from the reasoning book, and it was almost exactly the same as her talk...just she expanded on it a little, read the complete scriptures, and added an illustration. I never did my talks like that because I liked to use my own words to make it sound like something I would actually say.
There are a few other family members in her congregation, and I am sure she has some sisters she is friendly with there by now. She's been there 2 years, and she auxillary pioneers sometimes, so she should know some people to help. I don't think it is a very large congregation (maybe 60 people or so) Of course, she butters me up with the "You have always been so smart" conversation...maybe she is just embarrassed to ask someone else. Next time, I think I'll suggest that she talk about it with someone at her hall, and see what she says. -
My mom and her Ministry School talks
by Mamacat ini get so frustrated with my mom sometimes.
even when i was a kid, she'd get me to help her with her talks.
my mom is intelligent, but she has a hard time getting her thoughts organized and on paper, so she always asked for my help.
Thanks for the ideas/feedback everyone.
I do help with my mom with tons of other things. I help her with computer programs, and I help her write an email or letter when it needs to be formal, and researching products, etc. She always asks me for my help, and I usually don't mind helping her..I just can't seem to ever tell her no. I'd say she has a talk about every 4 months. It really isn't a lot of time...I think I was just frustrated because this week has been busy and hectic for me, and I thought she'd get the hint. She is retired, and I know she has more time than I do...I have 3 kids and one on the way, and she just has my dad to look after.
I was never baptized, and my mom has never shunned me or anything like that. I am an only child, and I don't speak out against the JW's to her. I respect that she has a faith, and it seems she respects that I don't. She used to try to preach to me, and I told her to lighten it up. If I have a question, and I want to know what she thinks, or what the bible says, I will ask her. We have a pretty good relationship, I think.
I remember once when I was a teenager, she had a busy week at work and a talk to do. She wanted me to write an outline for her, and I told her I couldn't do it because that would be the same as writing the whole thing for her. She was a bit upset with me about it too. Now, she writes it, and I just rearrange things to make more sense.
Oh, and as far as a date about Christ's return, there was nothing like that mentioned. It was a little funny because she was talking about how Christ's second return would not be in the flesh, like some other religions believe. I asked her if other religions really believe Jesus is going to come back to earth and walk among us, and which religions those were. Then, I guess she started thinking about it, and she said "I don't know what other religions believe about it." -
My mom and her Ministry School talks
by Mamacat ini get so frustrated with my mom sometimes.
even when i was a kid, she'd get me to help her with her talks.
my mom is intelligent, but she has a hard time getting her thoughts organized and on paper, so she always asked for my help.
I get so frustrated with my mom sometimes. Even when I was a kid, she'd get me to help her with her talks. My mom is intelligent, but she has a hard time getting her thoughts organized and on paper, so she always asked for my help.
Even now, she asks me to read over them and help her make her words clearer. I haven't stepped foot in a KH in almost 10 years! She has a talk tomorrow about Jesus' return and how it is spiritual instead of literal.
She emailed what she had written to me Monday, and it's been a busy week for me. My husband went on a business trip this week, and I planned things to do each day to keep me and my youngest son occupied. Plus, I don't usually have a car to use during the day because we only have one right now, so we've been on the go.
I totally forgot about looking over the talk, which I never said I would do...she just assumed I would since I always do. She left me several phone and email messages about it today, knowing damn well we were at a birthday party for a friends' son.
So, what did I do? I couldn't help it...I felt guilty. I called her and spent over an hour on the phone with her going over it and cleaning it up for her. I really don't want to do this for her anymore! I just can't seem to tell her no. She knew I was busy all week, and I thought she'd get the hint.
I just wondered if anyone else gets roped into doing things like this. I love to write, and I always liked the school, but enough is enough! I am afraid if I told her no directly, it would hurt her feelings. I love my mom...I just don't like her religion. -
I know it's early, but HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...
by Tatiana in.
...i have to work tomorrow.
so, to all the mother's and mr. mom's out there...happy mother's day..
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!
Today, I was in Kmart with my youngest son looking for a birthday gift for a friend's son, and these two teenage boys came up and wished me a Happy Mother's Day! They were going around the store saying it to all the women who had kids with them! I thought it was sweet. My husband had to leave this morning for a business trip, so we did Mother's Day on Saturday. -
Last JW meeting
by greendawn inwhen you finally came to the jw meeting that you knew was your last one, what were your thoughts, feelings or actions?
my last was the summer convent of 1986. i stood there until everyone left and then i took a picture with my new camera of the empty stadium, the wish being that the wts would collapse and never fill up again stadiums with people.
I don't remember the last meeting. I know it was around July 1993. I was 17. I had been slowly winning the battle with my mom over having to attend...and then one day she stopped harping on me about it, so I didn't go again. I do remember going to the District Convention that June and skipping out on the last day to hang out with some friends.
Well, I went to the memorial in 1996. I don't remember anything about the talk...but I remember what I wore. That was the last time I've ever wore a dress. I had my then one-year-old son with me, and everyone kept coming up to tell me how cute he was. -
Compiling List-Trivial Items People Are Counseled Against
by love2Bworldly ini hope this is not a repeat of past threads and i hope to get a lot of response.
i am compiling info of how people are treated within the wts.
i just read the post about a person being counseled for having baby shower games.
I was told my hair was too short (it was just below my ears). The elder told me this was a wordly sign of lesbianism.
I was also counseled for eating lunch at a District Assembly with a mixed group of boys and girls as a teenager. We were told we should be eating with our families instead of socializing. It ended up getting blown out of proportion and twisted when it got back to the elders at our hall. They seemed to think it was just me and 6 or 7 boys! -
Were you allowed to play sports?
by love11 ini was never allowed to play sports, because it would be too much association with worldly people.
no skating, dance class, racquet ball, softball, nothing.
in my kingdom hall, only the "spiritually weak" played sports.
No sports for me. My mom let me try out for soccer in 9th grade, and I made the team. Then, she said I couldn't play, and my dad didn't help me. The only things I was allowed to be a part of in school was the honor society and S.A.D.D.
I don't recall any of the other kids in our congregation playing sports either. -
What are some weird things that you do?
by love11 ineveryone has their own idiosyncrises, mine is- .
when i get a new book, i'll open it up to the middle of the book and stick my nose in the binding for about ten seconds, and smell how the glue, ink, and fresh paper smell.
ahhhh i love that smell.
I sort M&M's and Skittles too and eat them in color order. I wish there was the same number of each color in the bag, but that never happens.
I hang up clothes in the closet in rainbow color order red through purple, then white, grey, black.
I unroll foods like the little debbie creme rolls and the devil rolls, and then I eat them that flat.
I'm sure there are more, but those are all I have been outed on and realize. lol -
If you have an ACCENT how are you treated?
by ChrisVance ini have lived in mexico for almost two years.
i have always been fascinated by languages so when i retired from the state of washington at age 50 and had the opportunity so go to college i majored in spanish.
i didn't go to college when i was young for the usual dub reason.
Oh no Chris :( I am sorry about your thesis. I am sure you spent a lot of time on it, and that just sucks! I hope you can get credit for it.
I don't have an accent except on a few words. I grew up in Baltimore, and it took me a long time to realize that nobody actually pronounces the name of the city like "Bawlmer" except those that live there. My parents are from the applachians, and my mom says "Worsh" instead of "wash" and "orange" as one syllable instead of two. I did too until I got teased for it, so I've fixed it over time. The one word I can't say at all: roof. I just refuse to say it because either way I pronounce it, I get funny looks.
I talked to a friend on the phone I met online who lives in Texas, and I honestly could not understand half of what she was saying. I really tried too, and I think I offended her. :( When I lived in Germany, we got cable stations from the took me a while to figure what was being said..especially if they talked fast.