I have heard a few. Here's my personal expirence with prayer.
One evening during a particularly depressing period I was praying for guidance. The very next day a JW elder and his wife showed up at my door. I was DFed and had moved to a new territory where nobody knew me. I lived in a condo which the JWs tend to stay away from in general. So this without a doubt looked like an answer to my prayer. Right away I told them I was DFed and the Elder asked if I wanted to have a bible study with him. I said I didn't think he could do that because I was DFed. Immediately the wife chimed in and said it's OK, my husband is an elder so he knows. Elated that Jehovah had answered my prayer I eagerly accepted and we setup a time for the next week.
Next week comes and right on time my buzzer rings. All excited I answer the door ready for my study. I open the door and without a word the elder hands me one of those little meeting invitations with their meeting schedule and leaves. No explanation, apology or anything.
While this was confusing and hurtful I didn't give up on Jehovah, he must have had a reason for this. So I started attending the meetings at my new congregation. After a while I applied for reinstatement. Of course this very same elder was one of the three elders on the committee.
While I didn't get reinstated (thank God for that) I did get two useful bits of information that started to open my eyes. I forget what he was replying to but my buddy the elder said very emphatically: "It's the truth!, it's the truth!, it's the truth!". I remember thinking who is he trying to convince, it sounds like he is trying to convince himself. The second thing I got out of that meeting was when I asked how god answers our prayers. I was told that he answers them by recalling scriptures to our minds at the right time. The first thought that came to mind is that has to be some sort of BS because just as often I will recall lines from Moby-Dick or an episode of the Simpsons. Later on when thinking more about it, I realized I was recalling quite a few scriptures, it was just that most of them suggested that I should stop wasting any more time on this religion. I wish I could remember some of them now to share with everyone but that time has passed. Sadly this still didn't break my will and I continued to attend the meetings regularly. And for anyone who has never been DFed believe me those meetings are soooo boring when you can't sit and talk to a friend instead of listening.
Later on I was researching the "Creation" book by going to the library and reading the materials referenced in that book. I assumed that couldn't be bad since the GB must have read those books in order to quote from them. Although I don't think I prayed on the matter the more I read the the less impressed I was with the Creation book. As anyone who has read these reference materials already knows at least some of the books are written by crackpots. (If I still had the creation book in my house I might go to the trouble of noting some of them). Now the spiritual part of this situation comes over three Sundays where, due to a mix up and a cancellation, there were three public talks in a row where where the creation book and or evolution was discussed and all I could think about was the research I had done and how all of what they were saying was complete BS. I'm not sure exactly when I stopped going to meetings for good but this was definitely the turning point in my exit from the JWs.
At this point I am not a huge believer in God, I spent way too much time beating myself up trying to please Jehovah through the JWs and I'm not willing to go through that again without some solid evidence. You know, the kind you find out about as you are dropping into the fires of Hell. But looking back over these experiences as well as others that I have not mentioned, if there is a God he (or she) did everything they could to get me out of that religion.