receipted contributions are given with tax benefits attached.
Yup, “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar , unless you can weasle your way out of it"
yes, revenu canada now has a service to display all of that information for free: click here!.
you can also have the finances of all the circuits, congregations and assembly halls over there.
wonder how much your kingdom hall is worth?
receipted contributions are given with tax benefits attached.
Yup, “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar , unless you can weasle your way out of it"
they claim their schools, literature and teaching are far more superior than any "worldly" education.
how would you counter that belief?.
I have heard that reading the literature for 10 years is equal to a college education. Not sure that was even in the literature. Maybe it’s one of those rumors that aren't so tabu because it suits them? And I could see them claiming that being a JW is worth more than the best education. But I've never heard them make the claim that they are the Most Educated. Is this something new?
yes, revenu canada now has a service to display all of that information for free: click here!.
you can also have the finances of all the circuits, congregations and assembly halls over there.
wonder how much your kingdom hall is worth?
Whats up with the Applewood Congregation.
Total revenue: $132,953 Management and administration $850 What heading is the heat and electricity under?
yes, revenu canada now has a service to display all of that information for free: click here!.
you can also have the finances of all the circuits, congregations and assembly halls over there.
wonder how much your kingdom hall is worth?
Not sure how they qualify as a charity. Although, that seems to apply to most of the churches I looked at, not just the KH
Ongoing programs:
To assist the local unincorporated association of Jehovah's Witnesses in carrying out their religious objective of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom and promoting public religious worship designed to uplift Jehovah's Witnesses and any who attend their public meetings by means of moral and spiritual instruction based on God's Word the Bible.
I found this odd for the one I looked at:
Receipted donations $15,540 (84%) Non-receipted donations $2,878 (16%) Why are there so many receipted donation compared to the non-receipted? I thought they gave in secret? (ha ha, i guess that isn't so suprising) The others I looked at seemed to have mostly receipted donations as well. A few I looked at also had "Gifts from other charities". Wonder what those are from? And what exactly is the "Charitable program" listed in the expense column?
i registered as a user (under an alias of course) but can't find a search bar anywhere on the site......i'm not a tech-savvy person, but usually can find what i need.
i will repost this question under the post "counteract august 2014 campaign" participating in that idea was what prompted me to open an account on the jw site in the 1st place.
other than that the whole thing makes me want to puke..
Also found that the online library seems to have a search field
i registered as a user (under an alias of course) but can't find a search bar anywhere on the site......i'm not a tech-savvy person, but usually can find what i need.
i will repost this question under the post "counteract august 2014 campaign" participating in that idea was what prompted me to open an account on the jw site in the 1st place.
other than that the whole thing makes me want to puke..
i registered as a user (under an alias of course) but can't find a search bar anywhere on the site......i'm not a tech-savvy person, but usually can find what i need.
i will repost this question under the post "counteract august 2014 campaign" participating in that idea was what prompted me to open an account on the jw site in the 1st place.
other than that the whole thing makes me want to puke..
There's a search button on the blue bar at the top of each page right next to active topics.
i ran across a change between the printed edition of the december 15, 2013 wt study edition and the magazine as a pdf download from the website.. whether the change amounts to much, i'm not sure.
but it is curious.
the change is in paragraph 16 on page 15:.
Who would be more likely to read each version?
Maybe it is a way to say something different to the non-JWs than to those already part of the borg?
Or maybe it is someone in Bethel trying to help people wake up....
i have heard rumors for over a year now that the wt is not going to have a 2014 dc.
i know they are having a circuit assembly and special day talk assembly but what about their yearly dc.
has anybody heard anything?.
What do you think it costs to rent the arena?
The one in Maine, sort of near me, looks to be around $1500 a day. That seems even cheaper than I would have thought. For that kind of money I could throw myself one crazy birthday party. And makes those $100+ concert tickets seem absurd.
I frequently wonder why they keep letting the JWs rent since they don’t seem to bring much to the local economy. They don’t hire any of the arena employees which seemed to be a requirement at a number of centers. (Maybe all that cleaning that gets done after the assembly is spun as a free spring cleaning service for the arena.) They probably don’t bring all that much revenue to the local businesses either, although I guess as long as it is a low use weekend even some revenue is better than none.
Also interesting that many conventions seem to be at Universities. Wonder if that ever registers with the attendees? They are probably both laughing at each other. The school is thinking “we get our cash from JWs one way or another” and the JWs are thinking “how ironic that we are the ones providing the real education”.
i believe it is mostly guilt.
many witnesses pioneer or "reach out" in the religion because they feel guilty.. they may feel they aren't doing enough.
they may have secretly "sinned" against rules imposed by the organization.
It is the opposite of motivated. You join that cult because you are lazy and fall for the “Get saved quick” scheme the FDS is selling. Madoff has nothing on them. No thought or work required for everlasting life, we will take care of it all for you. Don’t worry you don’t even have to think we will tell you exactly what to do and when.
Take this pill and lose weight, follow this plan for easy money and come to the KH and live forever.
The bible says that you should search like you are searching for a hidden treasure (Prov 2:4-5) not that the treasure will be delivered to your door and spoon fed to you. That one scripture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the JWs are full of Shite!