I think I must have been part of the cool clique, we did lots of things. I even had to make decisions on which trips to take. I hung out with people from all over my state. I bet I knew and spent time with people from 10 or 15 different congregations.
One that we did regularly and I am suprised we never got counceled on, for a weekend every year a large group would rent out an entire motel on a lake.
There were a few elders on the trip and I don't think anything bad ever happend. If I remember corectly we even had the WT study on Sunday mornings. It was a blast. One year we found a dead body in the lake and had to turn to the bible to see if it was ok to swim there that day.
So sad that things like that aren't the norm. Honestly the expiriences I had there were really what I would have thought the new system would be like.
I'm pretty sure that the FDS will even ruin the new system with their rules.
Speaking of Clique I found an interesting definition when spell checking it:
Clique - In the social sciences, the word "clique" is used to describe a group of 2 to 12 "persons who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting".