I'm only 3 minutes in but so far it appear wrong to wear a suit and tie
I'm watching this on Youtube by the way, in case anyone wants to watch but doesn't have the dvd
search for The Prodigal Son Returns DVD 2013
these are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
I'm only 3 minutes in but so far it appear wrong to wear a suit and tie
I'm watching this on Youtube by the way, in case anyone wants to watch but doesn't have the dvd
search for The Prodigal Son Returns DVD 2013
one of the worst and best things about waking up is realizing that despite what you've been taught as a child, you are going to die one day.
that was easy for me to handle, as i've had near death medical emerigencies.
the hardest part is the thought of losing your parents.
Not sure what I belive these days but it did get harder and harder to picture myself in the new "loony toon JW's in charge" system.
I never pictured the badges (hillarious visual)
At least the Mormons eventually get their own planet.
micah 6:8 might be - or have been - a favourite verse of many.
the verse used to read:.
"he has told you, o earthling man, what is good.
Wow, I've mostly been a live and let live and even thought the dubs were harmless and maybe even an Ok way of life.
But this stuff is a bit scary. It is sounding more and more like they are up to something nefarious.
i think by most accounts, my previous posts have testified to my moving towards an agnostic stance.
i just don't know and i can't believe for belief's sake.
i came across a quote i thought quite timely in my journey.. .
much more at peace with:"having questions that cannot be answered" than "having answers that cannot be questioned!"
Good quote, We need to add that someplace
Who was it that said
"Seek out the company of those who are searching for the truth. But avoid at all cost those who claim to have found it!"
If I am understaning things correctly the JWs started off as the former but turned into the latter.
if you and a fellow jehovah's witness went to a house where the homeowner brought up a watchtower doctrine which you secretly disagree with, would you defend it or tell them what it is you really believe?.
either way you are at a loss.. defending something you disagree with is living a lie and telling a lie.
not defending it and telling the home owner what you really believe makes you an apostate by watchtower society standards.
I was thinking along the lines of blondie's comment, but more of a "let me show you what the bible says (via our literature of course) so you can decide for yourself".
Believe nothing control everyone!
b) teach conditional salvation based primarily on faith in christ?.
c) refuse eternal torment in a literal fiery hell?.
d) refuse the immortality of the soul?.
I found this list that puts the dubs up there with some of the greats.
I'm sure Satan came up with these other religions just to make the one true religion harder to find.
Mormonism - Latter-day Saints
Jehovah's Witnesses
Christian Science
Oneness Pentecostals
Unification Church
Unity School of Christianity
Scientology - Dianetics
i was speaking to a friend who went to the circuit assembly a couple weeks ago.
he actually taped a portion of the first talk cause he said the do was pretty entertaining.
the do said something like - jehovah doesn't like laws.
Yea why was it the 10 commandments instead of the 10 principles.
nope, bungi bill's interesting statement from this post didn't take, so i'll start its own.. from my own experience, i hated the field ministry.
it might just be because of the kind of character i am, whatever, i never was able to overcome that feeling of dread every time i went door-to-door.
i felt aware of how much people disliked having strangers cold-calling trying to sell them something.
That's pretty much what I was talking about. I am also speaking from my own experience plus a little hindsite. All these little things that didn’t add up in my mind but I refused to look at them because, in reality, I was afraid of what I might find out. At the time I would never have admitted it or probably didn’t even realize it. But you allow it to happen because you want to believe that in the end you will get the reward. I don’t think that is a specific to the JWs though. It is human nature. Look how many people will ride a stock all the way to the bottom because they just know it is going to make a comeback!