The most realistic thing about that movie is that it was a fellow JW that stuck it to him.
His brother was a total A@# Hole from start to finish.
If only Robbie (from the JC videos) had watched this video he would have known to say he was sorry for hurting Jehovah first.
If the dubs were even half as loving as the people in this video, without the cheesyness, I probably would still be in.
Interestingly the daily text was about love which the JWs are definitly NOT about. Just watch the JC videos.
He was all upset that he gave his whole life to that business for maybe 6 months?
Whats going to happen when he is 60 and realizes he gave all but that 6 months of his life to the JWs?
Wonder how they are covering their health insurance only working part time?
What about the rest of the JWs that don't have a perfect family that can afford to support them?
I wonder how they prevented the actors from having fun at the fake party?
And it is a good thing god motivated him to go home on trash day.