In the resurrection, which woman does Larry get?
I'm pretty sure there's an actual, not taken out of context, scripture that addresses that very question.
the reason i familiar with larry king is because of all his wives.
king became well known for his repeat trips to the altar, marrying a total of eight times .
in the resurrection, which woman does larry get?.
In the resurrection, which woman does Larry get?
I'm pretty sure there's an actual, not taken out of context, scripture that addresses that very question.
made a big mistake of talking about being raised as a jehovah's witness to some old friends and family.
people have told me that i am still a jws even though i've never been baptized.
i'm in school for social services, dealing with student loan debt, and a lot of other debt.
You sound like you are full of excuses. Start thinking about how you can succeed.
It sounds like you have an education, get a job that has insurance. And it sounds like you have nothing to lose right now so you really can't fail. Take any opportunity that comes along. Read books watch videos whatever it takes.
I'm not a huge fan of Dave Ramsey but one thing I do agree on is that you need to stop waiting on someone else to take care of you. You need to do it for yourself.
You have no dependents
so even if you do get sick and owe millions to the hospitals so what? Not to mention you are worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.
Having children won't help you either. Most likely they'll have their own debt to worry about. And they are expensive and need their own insurance.
How is going to the KH going to get you health insurance? You know they won't help out if you get sick right? Even your family probably won't help out. Maybe if you are an exemplary JW be even then it's doubtful. Most likely they will tell you to rely on God. You don't need to be a JW to do that.
imagine the case where a student disagrees with his teacher's method, and believes that he knows a better way.
the teacher realizes that if he kicks the student out of the classroom, the other students may begin to wonder if the teacher was hiding something.
to settle the matter once and for all, the teacher gives the student a chance to prove himself.. wisely, the teacher takes a moment to lay down the parameters for the challenge.
Let's not forget these "parameter" are written in a way that are hard to understand and almost nobody agrees on their exact meaning even though each of them claims to have inside information.
Is this challenge something any mainstream religions teach?
the watchtower and awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.the figures are astonishing.
i am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.. source:
i have seen the link on many social media networks.
An amateur site run by some guy in india. Probably trying to drive traffic to their site by enticing JWs and EXjws alike.
here’s a link to a really cool letter that no witness can dispute.. jw letter.
Searched for the first phone number at the bottom of the letter and came across this gem
some questions you may like to ask a jehovah`s witness?.
1.when did the modern day jw religion begin?
we all know the stock answer to that q that they will give ,but persevere .. for the past 2000 years there has never been an organization known as jw.
Problem is that being a JW is kind of a sweet gig. All the correct decisions will be made for you now. If you follow those decisions you get to live forever without ever having to think for yourself. Remember if you don't make any decisions then you can't make any mistakes.
Do JWs ever think about their responsibility if the GB steers them in the wrong direction?
so i received an email from one of the used-to-be jw friends that now pretty much ignore me.
it was haranguing me about "getting right with gee-ho'-vuh", and how imperative it was to "return to the organization".
it continued on with the worn out argument that "the faithful and discreet slave know what we must do in order to be safe and to live, as gee-ho'-vuh brightens the light to them.
LOL took them 99 years but they finally got one right!
I'd be more impressed if there was a guy in horns in that picture
for those who think the organization is going more mainstream think again.
so eating a leftover birthday cupcake is as bad a sin as peter betraying jesus!
(see lloyd evans video) .
I think the video is supposed to be about being afraid to stand up for what you believe but ended up being about not knowing enough about why you believe what you believe to stand up for it. Or maybe it was just thrown together without worrying whether or not it made sense.
They probably used birthdays as a reminder of one of their "not a rule" rules.
i think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
The one that concerns me is blocking apps from being installed on my device. Like Apple and Google blocking the Parler app.
yes, many here have lost many years of life due to being infected by this cult like religion.
for many it is very hard to let go of that life and those wasted years.. of course people need time to heal and this web site is a great place to do that, swap war stories and commiserate.. i was in for over 50 years.
so of course it will be with me for the rest of my life.
Yup, I left at 30 or so and the truth of the matter is you don't really know what you missed. But you do know what you are longing for so make those your goals.