JoinedTopics Started by RADHESYAM
who saw/ is going to see the SMURFS movie?
by RADHESYAM inmy fiancee went today with his son.. just wondering how many of u went to see it or are planning to?.
i have no interest in another 3d mass marketed film per se - but its smurfs!!.
the rebellious part of me wants to go see it just because im free to do so!
If we ACTUALLY go to heaven when we die......
by RADHESYAM indo you think dubs go there?.
after all, most of them are just blind sheeple who actually do want to serve god but have been misguided by the borg .
imagine when they arrive and realise we do have souls..... and the gb have gone to hell.. .
My bet on how WTS will extend next Armageddon date
by RADHESYAM inso they have been pushing armageddon off since they began.. we all know the previous dates but right now they are pushing this "overlapping" generation b/s.. .
my bet for the next "new light":.
'matthew 24:14 says that 'this good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all nations and then the end will come' thus wecan conclude that as there are still villages such as those in the peru which have never met white men or outsiders, until those villagers receive the truth, amrmageddon cannot come!
New Here - originally from Tassie now in QLD
by RADHESYAM inwell like exdubs my adult life has been a horried rollercoaster of ups and downs.
whilst attending a marriage counselling sesiion for the first time last week, the counsellor told me that is appears strongly that i have ptds and linked it back to my childhood as a dub.
i started doing some research and memories came flooding back.