Things don't always work on a linear scale.
JoinedPosts by scotoma
... and three kings he will humiliate...Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
by scotoma inwhy ukraine, georgia and moldova should choose the eu
oct 13, 2014 - by vasil jaiani - despite the risk, ukraine, georgia and moldova are still ...russia has been fiercely opposing integration of the former soviet ...russia's punitive trade policy measures towards ukraine sep 25, 2014 - russia's punitive trade policy measures towards ukraine, moldova and georgia.if you don't have adobe reader, you can download it signs pacts with ukraine, georgia and moldova - broadcasting corporation.
jun 27, 2014 - ukraine, georgia and moldova have signed partnership agreements with theeuropean union, in a move strongly opposed by russia.
Prayerfully Considering or Seeing What Sticks
by scotoma intony says the magical words “prayerfully considering”.
presumably, this has been done many times even when they have gotten things wrong.
have a urim and thummim method of knowing the correct interpretations?
The post below was written 4 years ago. It has some interesting connections with the latest interpretations being provided by the Watchtower.
Prayerfully Considering or Seeing What Sticks
by scotoma intony says the magical words “prayerfully considering”.
presumably, this has been done many times even when they have gotten things wrong.
have a urim and thummim method of knowing the correct interpretations?
I know that you are using humor to say that you can interpret these things any way you want and with only the slightest connection to ANY reality.
But, many people might actually believe that is a possibility. Some hear the word "North" in North Korea and figure that since Kimmy has some nuclear weapons that he is the King of The North. Other's have said it's Islam or Isis" Many say it's China. These people are serious about their ad hoc geopolitical constructions.
One of the most important concepts when trying to assign an identity to a character in a prophetic set is the degree of significance. Russia and the United States clear the field of any other possibility.
Here is what is significant about them.
1. Russia and the United States have the largest number of deliverable nuclear weapons.
2. United States is a economic, and military hegemon. Russia is treated as the US main competitor for position of dominance.
3. United States clearly wants to prevent Russia from becoming a successful economic force.
4. United States expansion of Nato to countries that were formerly allies of Russia.
Prayerfully Considering or Seeing What Sticks
by scotoma intony says the magical words “prayerfully considering”.
presumably, this has been done many times even when they have gotten things wrong.
have a urim and thummim method of knowing the correct interpretations?
Tony says the magical words “prayerfully considering”. What is “prayerful consideration”.
Presumably, this has been done many times even when they have gotten things wrong. Do they
have a Urim and Thummim method of knowing the correct interpretations? How can you
“prayerfully consider” a question and still get it wrong. It sounds like they operate like any other
human think tank except they pray between stages.
Consider facts.
Brainstorm (Actually speculate which is a privilege they reserve to themselves).
Pray Again.
Toss the Hail Mary instructions.
Well, I’ve got a few more questions the Governing body might like to pray over.
How could they make a statement like this:
“The Soviet Union disbanded; Russia came up from the rubble of the Soviet Union, along with
its allies
And fail to associate it with the entity described at Rev 13:3
And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death stroke got healed and all
the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. Vs 4b Who is like the wild beast and who can
do battle with it? Vs 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer
them.”They have developed some rigid dogma that blinds them from making the connection. The
teaching that Babylon the Great is “The World Empire of False Religion” is absolutely wrong.
Daniel and Revelation deal with the time period right before the end. John said “By inspiration
I came to be in the Lords day” (Rev 1:10) Daniel was told to “ make secret the words until the
time of the end.” Daniel describes the final conflict as a battle between the King of the North
and the King of the South. Revelation describes the final conflict as a battle between a Beast-
King and Babylon the Great. Shouldn’t there be harmony between these two descriptions? There
is perfect harmony. The king of the North is an extension of the Roman Empire (the feet of iron
and clay - the Third Rome) while the king of the South is seen in Revelation as Babylon the
Great the richest most powerful political entity known as the United States. The United States is
the great consumer of the full stock of goods that keep the merchants of the world busy and rich. The
United States exercises hegemony over the kings of the earth. She rides the Wild Beast just like
the King of the South initiates the final battle by pushing (trying to control) the King of the
So, body of Governors keep praying sincerely that you can get this straightened out . It isn’t hard to
review Daniel and Revelation to see the parallels. Just think of who is doing what to whom.
The 7th head is Russia which emerged from the the 6th or Roman Empire. Read your history of
Rome 1 West – Rome 2 East Constantinople - Rome 3 North Russia mixed with 100
Russia is the seventh and also the eight by virtue of it having the death stroke and resurrection.
Russia is the Beast that appears as a Lamb when it comes out of the abyss or as Tony refers to it
= The Rubble. Later it speaks like a fearsome dragon. "Who is like the wild beast and who can
do battle with it. (Rev 13:4
The ten horns that haven’t received a Kingdom are the former soviet territories. It doesn’t
represent all the kingdom of the earth. If it did you couldn’t apply the statement “
have not received a kingdom” Russia gives significance to it’s former republics in the Eurasian
The king of the south disappears after the King of the North burns it with fire.
Also Governors, you will have to forget about the UN. The real beast that was, but is not and re-
emerges is Russia. You have deliberately mistranslated Revelation 17:11. Most translations
translates “And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king and ONE OF the
seven. NOT “springs from” the seven as if it were a combine of earthly kings. The eighth king is
indeed One of the Seven it is the Seventh King exercising authority as the eight king.
Keep praying.
THIS IS IT Tony Morris Identifies King of Norht
by scotoma inthis is the announcement we have heard “about” but now it has been released to the whole world.
its in the 2nd of a three part serries about the jw annual meeting (oct 2018).
to minute 52. .
This is the announcement we have heard “about” but now it has been released to the whole world
on TV.JW.Org. Its in the 2nd of a three part serries about the JW Annual Meeting (Oct 2018). Go
to minute 52.
"The question arises, Will we have one or more times in the future or even now when we can say, “This is it”and have that same exciting fervor because of Bible prophesy?Well, let’s begin with this one here.Find Daniel chapter 11 and we’re going to read verse 40 or half of it:“In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing.”So the Governing Body has been prayerfully considering recent events -has been prayerfully considering recent events and we know that in 1991, the SovietUnion came to an end. So who is “the king of the north”?Well, after prayerfully considering it -and the matter of the “pushing”we’re assuring you that what we see, after prayerfully considering it, is that it’s Russia and its allies - the king of the north.Now, here’s some reasoning. The Soviet Union disbanded; Russiacame up from the rubble of the Soviet Union, allong with its allies,And here are some of the facts. Two things have become apparent.Russia and its allies are continuing to engage in a pushing with the king of the south. - We’ll get to that “pushing” point shortly.-and the second, they are taking the lead in persecuting and opposing God’s people. Now, notice what the “pushing” includes: electronic espionage, computer attacks,trade wars, (and that’s what they call them), and the hostile flooding into surrounding territory. These are recurring features of the news headlines. You’re aware of them.So someone asks if the king of the north has been inactive - well no.It appears he’s never been this busy with the pushing the king of the south.SSO, THIS IS IT.At this point, we’re confident to share with you that Russia and its allies are the king of the north, and they’re engaged in this pushing. In fact, last month (Sept) they had the largest war games -Russia did - since the Soviet Union was in existence way backin the ‘80's. And, they had their allies with them in the war game. So we’re confident THIS IS IT.This is the king of the north, and that’s what’s involved at this time with the pushing-locking horns with each other. So is there going to be another time related to Bible prophecy where the faithful slave will be able to say to you , “This is IT”
He finishes his talk with the attack on Babylon the Great
Continuing... “So when they do destroy Babylon the Great and all of this is taking place onearth, you brothers are not going to need a breaking news update. Around the globe you’re goingto say This is IT. The great tribulation has started. -
Hype and Anti-Type Russia 13 Years Ago
by scotoma inworldly news services were calling things correctly with russia..
You are not explaining anything. You are trying to explain it away.
This sets you up for an insincere discussion of a wider context.
Whoever wrote the book places the events at a point in the future called "the time of the end"
Daniel 10 describes the messenger as a man with unusual characteristics. We don't thoroughly understand the nature of the messenger but some today might put it in the category of a close encounter of the 4th kind.
The purpose of this message was stated to Daniel in Dan 10:14 "And I have come to cause you to discern what will befall your people in the final part of the days because it is a vision yet for days to come."
Just how far into the future? The same messenger tells Daniel that he will die before the words are understood. Dan 12:9 "Go Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of the end."
To understand this you have to spend some time to connect the dots. These dots extend all the way to the book of Revelation. Daniel's vision represents the final conflict that precipitates the Great Tribulation as a struggle between Two Kings. Revelation represents the final conflict before the Great Tribulation as The Wild Beast vs A harlot empire that rides (dominates) the beast. Daniel's vision has the King of the South pushing the King of the North until the King of the North can no longer tolerate it and so he storms forth against the South King and gains control of the worlds economic system. It presumes the attack destroys the King of the South because it isn't mentioned again. By destroying the South King the North King simultaneously acquires the control over precious commodities that were under the control of the South.
The seventh head or iteration of the Beast appears in Revelation 13:3 "as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration... And they worhiped the the wild beast with the words: "Who is like the wild beast and who can do battle with it?"
This is the "wild beast that was but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss and it is to go off into destruction." Revelation 17:8
This fits perfectly with the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union and now its reappearance.
Babylon the Great appears to be the USA not some world empire of false religion. BTG is described as supremely wealthy. It doesn't describe her as a religious entity at all. Its consumption fills the ships with goods from all over the earth. Naturally, when the USA goes down the merchants will be disappointed because the goods they dump on the USA bolster the economy of all the nations of the earth.
The revived Wild Beast is "granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them." (Rev 13:7) This all falls nicely into the JW persecution narrative. Why would Russia want to attack JW's as enemies of their state.
There is a lot more that can be said about these prophecies.
Think about it.
Hype and Anti-Type Russia 13 Years Ago
by scotoma inworldly news services were calling things correctly with russia..
King of the North is a reference to both a geographical position and a political space. (Geo-political)
The Soviet Union died in 1991 December 26. It was dissolved through the illegal actions of three of its major republics.
However, something has replaced it (Russian Federation) and it behaves a lot like the old entity that occupied the geopolitical space.
One of the reasons Putin hated Hillary Clinton was a statement made at the end of 2012 before she resigned as Secretary of State. Quoting from the Guardian:
Putin's plan is for the ECU to grow into a "powerful, supra-national union" of sovereign states like the European Union, uniting economies, legal systems, customs services and military capabilities to form a bridge between Europe and Asia and rival the EU, the US and China by 2015.
While he has described the end of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century", Putin denies he is seeking to resurrect it. The west is not so sure; former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton has described the Eurasian Union as "a move to re-Sovietise the region", adding ominously: "We know what the goal is."
That goal wasn't achieved to the degree Putin wanted. The sanctions against Russia have put that on hold. However, Putin seems to have ways to get his wishes eventually.
Hype and Anti-Type Russia 13 Years Ago
by scotoma inworldly news services were calling things correctly with russia..
Worldly news services were calling things correctly with Russia.
Some thoughts on the message of doom
by JeffT inone of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
This just shows that the God JW's worship is modeled after vengeful humans.
What would be the purpose of telling someone that they are going to be destroyed?
Would that accomplish anything? Why would he care? If people are going to be killed they will never have the opportunity to think about it. "In that day their thoughts perish".
Warning people so they have a chance to repent makes sense. But nothing is accomplished by telling them they are about to be destroyed.
It makes more sense that this concept would appeal to mean vengeful humans not something a rational being would entertain.
Smart Phones and Tablets Turning JW's Into Dummies
by scotoma inlook up the article in the wall st journal "how smartphones hijack our minds".
a flood of evidence has come in that people are outsourcing their thinking to their electronic devices.
when you feel you will always be able to look up important information on your cell phone you simply don't remember it.
Look up the article in the Wall St Journal "How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds"
A flood of evidence has come in that people are outsourcing their thinking to their electronic devices. When you feel you will always be able to look up important information on your cell phone you simply don't remember it. You tend to lose your ability to store information in your head in a prioritized format.
The videos shown at conventions and kingdom halls have become a substitute for using one's imagination.
Relying on multimedia is not the way to prepare for the struggles JW's are supposed to be anticipating.
Imagine being thrown into solitary confinement and the video of the snipers keeps going through your head.
JW's have been duped into thinking that using technology is a gift of god. It really is a way of saving a lot of money on magazines that used to be deposited by the tons at nursing homes, laundromats and clinic waiting rooms.
If they really believe the world is going to go through a tumultuous time they ought to be less reliant on electronic devices that could be fried with an atomic blast in the upper atmosphere.
All of this immersion into technology may be ideal to keep members stupid and gullible.