Love, tolerance, and is an unfortunate fact, that the championing of these human qualities, fall mainly on the so-called religious.
:::: It is interesting to note poster's like six of 7= Dave,
Well you can't trust anything Dave says - he makes it up as he goes along!!! :-) We spent a great weekend with Dave on the Portland Coast a few years ago. We went over to JF and AF (we went to their wedding) and they introduced us to Dave. What a riot of a guy!
Look with regards this guy Spong. My BS detector must be faulty, cause I just loved listening to Spong talk (this from someone who only every heard the opening sentence of the public talks). This is a quote from a write up on him "Asked if he has received death threats for championing the rights of
women, homosexuals and blacks, he replies, "only sixteen". With just a
trace of irony, he adds: "And not one of them has been from an atheist.
They've all been from true believers."