All religions have stupid rules....
Humans have to have these rules....they can't believe that God doesn't expect them to be clean and upright without governing rules of some sort.
Hours in field service, each month.....and report them on a piece of paper...then on to a statement that is published worldwide...??
The Holy and the Mostholy, Priests that were approved to do worship in same, Gentiles, non-jews. What is a real Jew, someone who lives in particular region of the earth?
Rules, you can't get a Kingdom ministry if your not a regular publisher, six turning in the little piece of paper. Ties only at meetings and no short dresses. SOMEONE MAKE A LIST...
Do you think God is a European or South American? Jehovah doesn't care if you are a Catholic or a Moslem!!!
Do you get what I am saying, humans are weak and dependent on the own insecurities.
Religion is just not the answer to your s pirituality, pray on your own and do some research into who God is...
LB, once again I am the idiot, I don't even think you are in the running....