JoinedTopics Started by breeze
MLM Marketing Bad?
by breeze ini am in a multi-level marketing program that seems very legite.
it is anti-aging products.
i began because it starting helping my feet, now it is having many effects on me.
Do u believe much of the JW teachings but not Gods Representative on earth?
by breeze in.
i wonder how many are still drawn to the beliefs but just don't believe the wtbts is jehovah's representative on earth and the only hope for mankind?.
of course we know some are not correct like 607 bc and 1914 and 1975 etc.. breeze
Cow dung mushrooms? Anyone heard of this?
by breeze ini played golf with a guy on friday that said a fad in the 80's was a mushroom that only grew in cow dung?.
was he pulling my leg?
he said it sent you on a lsd type trip.. i told him i would not put anything in my mouth that came from any dung, maybe use it as a topical solution, but not orally.. breeze
Demonstrations against the WTBTS - Get on with your life.
by breeze inyou guys that are so obsessed with the wtbts and their future.
just stop it and get onto doing something positive with your life.
give back sometheng to your community and the world we are in for now.
"Mona Vie" - Have you heard of this?
by breeze ini have been taking this fruit drink for only a week and my feet are much better.
i also have more energy?
i have had pain in my feet for many years.. i have a freind that says this stuff is the greatest and he got me to try it!
6-6-6 -vs- 9-11
by breeze ini guess the 666 notion is here?
i wonder if something big is going to happen today.
i thought that maybe the terrorists would hit the us again today.
What is the best IPOD download site?
by breeze in.
i just got 30gig ipod and want to do tv shows mostly.. have any of you tried the different sites.. what is the best site?.
thanks - breeze
New blood related cure for Cancer? Would u take it?
by breeze ini heard on radio that a new cure for cancer is coming but it is taken from the white blood cells.... .
this might move th wtbts to change its position?
Partaker at the Memorial, end not near?
by breeze inthere was a partaker at the memorial last night.
that means i guess that the end is not so near?
he is a black brother that has claimed to be of the annointed for many years but i was seated so i witnessed his moves this year.. .
16,000,000 Attend memorial??
by breeze in.
i attended the memorial last night and the speaker announced that last year 16,000,000 people attended the memorial.. i have a hard time believing that!!!!.