Because they are above all rules. Even their laundry is washed separately by special assigned brothers. And a lot of times get their lunch at their rooms served.
Posts by fulano
How come the old boys on the GB don't get kicked out at 70?
by eyeslice init would appear that circuit overseers (no dos these days i guess) are taken off at 70 years old.
even older ones in bethels are disposed (sorry 're-assigned to the field) of before they get too past it.. how come though the old boys on the gb aren't shown the door at 70 and replaced by younger men - obviously of the recently anointed type?
they don't look a particularly fit bunch so they can't claim special mightiness because of doing 'the lord's work'.
Jehovah's Witnesses lose registration as a religious community in Norway
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
Let’s pray for that FFGhost.
question for those who had been elders on judicial committee
by enoughisenough ini was wondering if some who may have been in the judgement seat ( so to speak ) had a wake-up call while judging someone who was defending leaving jw.
( or maybe it was from reading a letter of disassociation.
) .
@BluesBrother. That was also the case in my missionary assignment. A lot of knew baptized with still old habits, porneia all over the place. The weirdest case was a french sister, that lived with her mother as foreigners, she involved in witchcraft (voodoo). We had to df her as she was promising to stop the practice, but continued. Than the case of a missionary sister who wanted to get out of her assignment, which her husband didnt want. She just offered sex to the first wordly man she encountered. We (a CO, a local elder and me) were told by the branch that under no circumstances she should be df, because of the good name in that town. Of course they had to pack their bags and were sent back to California.
Do the old boys on the GB actually report their field service hours?
by eyeslice inthis came to mind as my 71 year old wife got up at 6:30 to drive 1.1/4 hours to meet the field ministry group.
we live a long way from the kingdom hall and the traffic is horrendous where we live!.
somehow, i doubt the good old boys do much themselves.
The rule is, Bethel first. So even when they are just active publishers with one or two hours, they are ok. Nevertheless, in our building, the Bossert, Guy Pierce lived there as well and he conducted a book study in the library every saturday afternoon. When we were in the Brooklyn Heights congregation, where at least five or six members from the GB were assigned to I have never ever seen one on saturday mornings. Better said, you hardly would see them at all, except Barr.
Red Flags identifying Jehovah's Witnesses as a Cult
by Vanderhoven7 inwhat are some of the red flags that should alert people to the fact that jehovah's witnesses are a high control and damaging religion?.
one that comes to mind is.
1. one cannot leave jehovah's witnesses with one's reputation intact.
They try to separate you from the real world.
Special Talk in Europe this weekend
by BoogerMan indoes anyone have any info about this, and if it's being transmitted in the uk?.
Any resolutions?
Watchtower/GB use Memorial to do SATAN'S work!
by BoogerMan inthe cult's dogma claims the exodus foreigners were not participants of the law covenant and use it is an antitype to prove the “other sheep” are not participants of the new covenant - wt 98 2/1 p.19, par.
6. their demonic dogma is then enforced annually via the org's anti-christ ritual - the memorial of christ's death - to compel jw's to reject christ and the new covenant.. deuteronomy 29:10-15 screams “liars” & "offspring of vipers" at the watchtower hierarchy!.
are jw's too blinded to read and understand the bible for themselves????????????.
That is a very good argument Boogerman.
No funeral
by road to nowhere ini have run across another jw death where the final wishes are for no service.
3rd or 4th instance.
another wanted a celebration of life which the elders squelched as far as i know.
The funeral talk is the worst talk to do. I had to do one in our assignment where a lovely five or six years old girl, daughter of a believing mother and a non JW man who worked in the USA, died of meningitis.
The father came over and wasnt really fond of having a talk in the kingdom hall. I had to go far beyond the outlines so it wouldnt be offensive to the father. Horrible hè looking at me when talking about his little daughter and she would have a resurrection.
Horrible for me knowing hè didnt believe me.
Are Venus and Serena Williams baptized?
by inkling inhas anyone heard actual evidence that they are or are not?.
(besides the absurdity of thier actions that the local elders would have to let slide).
do they even claim to be witneses anymore?.
… -
Yes mum 😂👍🏻