I'm expecting their prophecies will be 'induced' into reality.
I wouldn't be surprised they announce the start of the GT very very soon now, start selling kingdom halls and say we have to meet in private homes, while at the same time build a few strategic commercial properties for the preaching objectives. Then let the brothers know that a judgment preaching message has to begin urgently.
The expectations are way too high by the brothers and sisters. Everyone is begging for the GB to give them some light on the start of the end. You can't have dozens of WT in a row priming up obedience and BE READY and not give anything in return. How are they going to spin this massive layoff?
Attacks on the organization for things like pedophilia will be spun as the "attack of the Assyrian".
Meanwhile I'm just wondering .. where did all the money go?? It didn't go to the poor, it didn't go to the brothers and sisters. It's not going into printing like before, .. there's things we don't know but one thing is for sure: idolatry has never been this prevalent in the congregations.