You hit the head of the nail.
My exact point!
the co visiting a congregation in madison wisconsin told them that 35% are inactive.
i wonder if this is the pattern with most other congregations.
that was about what it was in the last congregation i was in.
You hit the head of the nail.
My exact point!
"You were running well..."
What did you mean when you said: "I am out of the business?"
"Four decades" of what?
Do you regret the impeccable conduct by
which you "adorned the teaching of our Savior...?"
just found this on the web.
:-[letterhead from the legal department at patterson] december 5, 2001 .
Here is proof that the internet is being scrutinized.
candor, n .
quality of being open, frank, or straightforward; whiteness, radiance, openness.. quotes on candor of bible writers from governing body.
.. "honest writers would record not just successes but also failures, not just strengths but also weaknesses.
CANDOR, n . Quality of being open, frank, or straightforward; whiteness, radiance, openness.
"Honest writers would record not just successes but also failures, not just strengths but also weaknesses. The Bible writers displayed such refreshing candor. "
"Indeed, many who have studied the Bible marvel at its…honesty and candor …."
"Furthermore, Jesus’ disciples are portrayed with remarkable honesty, with a candor that instills confidence in the reader. The writers whitewashed --- "no one---not even themselves…"
For one thing, it is contrary to fallen human nature to admit one’s mistakes, especially in writing."
"Parents, do not pretend to be perfect. Admit mistakes and apologize to your children when necessary. Young people, when Mom and Dad admit a blunder, grow in love for them."
"Do you parents admit mistakes? If a child never hears his father or mother express humility, how can humility become his standard? There is this danger too: If the parents give the idea that they are never wrong, the child may feel that he can safely do whatever they do and it will always be right."
"Of course, imperfect parents are not always going to deal with situations in the best way. They will make mistakes. When children realize that, will it erode their respect for their parents? It may, especially if the parents try to gloss over their errors by harshly asserting their authority. But the outcome may be very different if the parents are humble and freely admit their mistakes. In this, they can set a valuable example for their children, who need to learn to do the same."
"This Dad may have felt that to hold on to his authority he should never admit to having made a mistake or having been in the wrong. Whatever the reasoning, his attitude was not one fostering communication and harmony within the family. By taking this ill-advised course, rather than strengthening his authority he was lowering himself in the eyes of his children. By admitting that at times he had been in the wrong he would have shown himself big enough to take the blame for mistakes!"
"Admit Your Mistakes…Refusing to admit our mistakes is like claiming infallibility…Admitting our mistakes is the course of wisdom. How so? ‘No one can maintain the respect of others if he insists that he is right even when confronted with an obvious mistake. How can anyone have confidence in a person who he knows from experience will even sacrifice the truth just to give the appearance that he is right? Admitting a mistake builds in us strength, self-respect. But a failure to do so is cowardly, and it serves to weaken us morally.’
"Admitting mistakes helps us to maintain a good relationship with God."
"Humility will move us to ‘pursue peace’ with our brothers, admitting our mistakes and making appropriate apology. This helps to maintain the unity of Jehovah’s family."
"Candor will keep us from being proud. To admit a mistake takes humility, and honesty will help us to accept the blame whenever we make a mistake. Since we keep falling short of what we strive to do, we have sound reason to be humble."
"Still more serious is the fact that refusing to admit it when we are wrong burdens us with a guilty conscience, especially if someone else gets the blame for what we have done. And if we shrink back from admitting one wrong, this may get to be a habit. Having refused to admit small mistakes, we may soon refuse to admit making large ones, all to our undoing."
Do you think you display candor?
Do you freely admit mistakes?
Do you think you are too proud to do so?
Do you think admitting a mistake is a strength?
Do you think admitting a mistake builds self-respect?
Do you shrink back from admitting even small mistakes?
Do you take years before you own up to your mistakes?
Do you have a tendency to blame others first?
Do you pretend to be perfect?
Do you as the mother follow the advice you gave to fathers and mothers?
Do you try to gloss over your errors by harshly asserting your authority?
Do you think to hold on to your authority you should never admit a mistake?
Do you think you are fostering communication and harmony with your lack of candor?
Do you think you are strengthening or lowering your authority in the eyes of your children?
Do you think you are big enough to take the blame for your mistakes?
Do you think you are setting a valuable example for the children?
Do you sacrifice the truth for the appearance of being right?
Do you think that "refusing to admit [your] mistakes is like claiming infallibility?"
Do you think a habit is developing? Has developed?
Do you think the lack of candor and refusal to admit mistakes might contribute to your undoing?
i wish to make a comment on something that disturbs me deeply to the point i cannot let it pass or be ignored.
a little over a year ago i resigned as an elder to protest wt policy and how it hurt children.
the impetus that brought me to that conclusion was a child i knew personally that was in danger.
Keep the "brown shirt" on!
We will add another 'S' that is all.
SSS!!! Stifle, Stymie, Squelch.
did you believe that 1975 would see the beginning of the millennium?.
if not, why not?.
Did you believe that 1975 would see the beginning of the Millennium?
If not, why not?
i already said farewell in my apology post to julie.
but many of you may not have read it since it was specific to her.. i was planning a long farewell statement because i have a number of things i want to share, but decided i would do that in private if anyone wishes.
you can reach me at [email protected].. i chose to leave for a number of reasons, and some stated on my last post.
King Solomon, with all his wisdom, said: "One tenth of one per cent of the men I interviewed could be said to be wise, but not one woman!" (Ecc.7:28)
Well, he didn’t meet you.!!!
Is it possible that certain ones can’t take the give and take?
Is it possible that certain ones can’t take criticism?
Is it possible that certain ones need constant approval?
Is it possible that certain ones can't take it from a WOMAN?
Is it possible that Solomon was right? He found just "one man out of a thousand."
Is it possible that it is more like "one out of a million?"
Most men simply can not take it when it is dished out by a woman, unless she is waiting on tables.
in the beginning god created eve.
and she had 3 breasts.
after three weeks in the garden, god came to visit eve.
Martinis are like breasts.
One is not enough.
Three are too many.
i know there's a million more out there, so post 'em!.
whilst speaking with pops last night, i asked how he felt about not getting his subscription any more.
he was trying his best to be chipper about it.
Subscriptions reveal the names and locations of millions of individuals and their families.
for me?
the other two.. more on that later.. your thoughts?.
Amen to your response.
You covered the basics.
More than once it was said before the hearing: "This is an
open and shut case."