Hey Unky Pennster--Congratulations, first of all, for just doing what so many of us think about doing, and never do--reaching out to people in spiritual darkness. All i can tell ya is don't be discouraged. As so many others have already rightly pointed out, you just don't know how the Lord will use what you shared and in what combination with other influences HE will bring into this man's life. I was talking with someone at work this week (a Christian organization) about how people just cling so to darkness and how you don't even want to try to reach out. It's too exasperating and frustrating and for what--just to be rejected. But then I realized, other people through the ages did just that--some to the point of death--so that I might hear the same Good News. The truth is, this life is short, and it's all we have. This is the time we are called to such work as this. We have all eternity for rest. So lets encourage each other to such good works and leave the outcome to God.
Bless you for your faithfulness.