Bit of a problem Parliament. It probably looks OK on your PC, but you will need to upload the pic somewhere on the net for us all to see the joke!
Posts by Matty
Home-made email notification:
by teejay inclick on the icon next to your profile that shows which threads you've posted to.
bookmark the page that comes up.. refer to that page when you return to works!
Yes, that's excellent. Now if someone contributes to a thread that I'm in as well I'll be able to see it straight away, even if its an old one, cheers Simon.
Home-made email notification:
by teejay inclick on the icon next to your profile that shows which threads you've posted to.
bookmark the page that comes up.. refer to that page when you return to works!
Re the "Threads containing posts by..." list. I don't know about anyone else, but I would really like this list to be in "Latest Post" date order rather than "Started" date order. It would make it easier to see all the new stuff.
I never had a sig anyway, couldn't think of anything to put in it. I really miss Stinky's sig though!
New BOE letters every day!
by Kent infrom today there will be a new boe letter posted every day on the watchtower observer.. on these letters will be downloadable as pdf documents, and every day i'm at home a new letter will be posted.
i will keep on doing this for more than a year, so keep yourself updated.. .
Ahh, Simon. I was scared to watch the "blasphemous" Life of Brian for many years. I now consider it a work of supreme genius.
We Are All Spolied
by MrMoe inthis is a continuation of a subject i broached on another thread....
"i don't bi*ch about my jw childhood.
i never have regrets.
Andee, As ever you put my thoughts down a damn sight better than I can.
Moe, I know where you're coming from. I guess I worry too much! For someone who has been through so much crap in her life you are one together lady!
We Are All Spolied
by MrMoe inthis is a continuation of a subject i broached on another thread....
"i don't bi*ch about my jw childhood.
i never have regrets.
Actually I do agree with you Moe, but what worries me somewhat is that there are a lot of damaged people here, and I don't want them being put off seeking help because they think that their problems aren't important. I don't want the abuse the Watchtower society puts people through trivialised in any way.
Matt -
We Are All Spolied
by MrMoe inthis is a continuation of a subject i broached on another thread....
"i don't bi*ch about my jw childhood.
i never have regrets.
Unhelpful Advice to Depressed People
"Pull yourself together and get on with it..."
"I always find busying myself with work helpful..."
"Don't let them get you down. I wouldn't stand for it..."
"I don't believe in taking anti-depressants..."
"I wouldn't go to a counsellor. I'd rather solve my problems myself..."
"Everybody gets depressed. Don't worry about it..."
"There's always someone worse off than you..."
So Would You Enjoy Blood For Grub?
by Englishman inon 2 recent occasions i have been joined for breakfast by 2 separate individuals, both ex-witnesses.
stunningly - to me anyway - both were absolutely appalled when, for my "choose any 7 items for 1.99" brekky i opted to include black sausage.
just love the way those black bits mix into the egg-yolk, mmm!
Why does the bible go on about eating the delicious marrow from bones - yeuch, who the hell does that and where do they think blood is made?! And why do the plates have to be well oiled? That's weird, who wants slimy greasy plates? Bible writers are nutty!
So Would You Enjoy Blood For Grub?
by Englishman inon 2 recent occasions i have been joined for breakfast by 2 separate individuals, both ex-witnesses.
stunningly - to me anyway - both were absolutely appalled when, for my "choose any 7 items for 1.99" brekky i opted to include black sausage.
just love the way those black bits mix into the egg-yolk, mmm!
A lifetime of indoctrination has meant that I am a complete haemophobic. The thought of black pudding absolutely repulses me - it's strange isn't it? I think you hit on an really interesting thought here E'man!
Question for good boy's gone bad?
by butalbee ini've read on this website countless threads about girls getting involved, falling head over feet in love with dubs.
supposingly good dubs, who want their cake with extra frosting on top, so to speak.... me being one of those girls, who fell in love with the wrong guy--knows exactly how they feel--one way or another they've gonna get hurt, and i think i've replied with the "run for your life" type statement--in truth, it is really the only sane choice.
i know why we fall helplessly infatuation w/ these dud's--they're charming, well mannered, well dressed, kind, innocently sexy, they look great in a suit, and i guess, in my case, i used to invision myself taking off his suit: first the tie, then unbuttoning his shirt with my mouth, and well--okay--i am again meandering off the path.. here is my question and it is for all the male jw's that may read this: if you know it is wrong to get involved with worldly women, then why do you pursue us?????
how many dub males posted a thread about being in love with a worldly woman??
Those of us guys brought up as loyal Jehovah's Witnesses are often emotionally retarded, and regular people on the outside may see our heartbreaks as being very childish and silly. I think though, that this is the sort of thing a lot of dub males may go through at some time in their life, although they might not want to talk about it.
The women who post here are generally much more expressive and more honest about their feelings than the men are. If you are a guy, it's difficult to talk about something that sounds so naive outside the religion. I don't necessarily think that witness men who get involved with worldly women are all "good boy's gone bad".
The last person I fell for was a co-worker and "in the world" and she was never anything more than just a good friend; and I don't think she ever saw me as anything else. The more we talked and the more I got to know her the fonder of her I became, and the feelings gradually came and kinda caught me out by surprise. I rarely mentioned my religion to her, and when I did she was visibly evasive and changed the subject. I knew that I was getting myself into something that could only end in heartbreak, as I could never go out with her properly as I would get into trouble with my family and the congregation. I didn't think she cared as much for me as I cared for her and I concluded in my heart that I needed her as a buddy too much to jeopardise the friendship by telling her how I felt. I also thought of myself more as a project than a boyfriend, and resolved that I would need someone to be absolutely nuts about me to put up with all the baggage I was carrying. I had silly dreams about her "coming into the truth" one day! I dragged this on and on for years, never mentioning how I felt! I look back now and think how silly and adolescent I was for how I felt and behaved!
While someone is going through stuff like this, male or female, they need good advice from a supportive confidante. If you are a witness though, you can't trust anyone, not even a member of your own family. And so you make dumb decision after dumb decision, on your own, without anyone giving you sensible advice and telling you that maybe you are worth something, and shouldn't allow yourself to be strung along.