The "How to reason with a rapist" thread is definitely worth looking at Europe:
can anyone tell me please where it is written in the bible or in an awake that women have to scream while being raped?
i've read it somewhere but cant find it anymore, sorry!!!
thanx in advance!
The "How to reason with a rapist" thread is definitely worth looking at Europe:
click on the "panorama" banner above, or here:
click on latest programme.
you can now watch the entire airing of last sunday's production, which dealt with the hunt for bin laden.
Do the people who are reluctant to load RealOne have Windows Media Player, i.e. the program that gives Bill Gates admin rights on your PC?
i have been reading all about the article on shunning in the recent kingdom ministry, but have yet to find an actual scan of it.
can someone who has access post a scan of the actual article, or point me to the place that has it?
thanks so much!edited by - wild_thing on 14 july 2002 14:9:28.
Hi Wild_Thing
Take a look at this thread below. It has what you require.
Edited by - matty on 14 July 2002 14:26:23
want a larf?
You can just read the jangled nerves! I love the way the thread was closed to prevent further discussion! What a larf indeed. Thanks for that Expatbrit!
uk re panorama program .
a letter has been sent to all po's private addresses to be read out to each uk congregation this sunday - the wt is to be 35 mins long and the lette will take 25 mons to read it.. the instructions on it are :-.
1. read it yourself.
Very bland wasn't it?
Never heard any discussions of it after the meeting either. I guess everyone is rather confused at the moment as to what to say without getting into trouble.
my daughter went with a friend to the district convention today (i did not attend).
here is the text message that she sent from her cell phone:.
" so bored.......dying slowly".
Hmmm... Hellas. The bars you only ever saw at the convention, nowhere else, but were advertised on the TV with a guy dressed as Satan saying "Hellas, wickedness at a price you CAN aford!" Oh, the irony!
this is a quick note to say that dad and i are working on a new version of the bible.
don't worry about the stuff that doesn't make sense in the old one, we wrote that while consuming the biggest bottle of vodka you could imagine.
quite frankly, by the time we got to revelation we were smashed and don't even remember writing most of it.
Hi, I've just been asked a question on behalf of QUANTUM, you see, he can't post anymore.
That bit in Revelation 22:18 "If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll". That was a joke right? You see there was this guy called Joe Smith...
jesus here.
i'm sure you've probably read a few books about me in the past or at least about my dad, god (or as everyone back home likes to call him "spanky").
this is just a quick note to say that dad and i are back home now.
Oh ye of little faith ISP. I say stone him to death!!
jesus here.
i'm sure you've probably read a few books about me in the past or at least about my dad, god (or as everyone back home likes to call him "spanky").
this is just a quick note to say that dad and i are back home now.
Oh Lord, what a privilege it is for us to be witnesses to your return. Please can you inform us what it the true religion, the one that represents your interests here on Earth. Please don't say David Icke!
as you know, the new new watchtower library cd is soon to be with us all, and as one of the beta-testers i would like to share with you some of the more surprising new features of the cd: .
top ten features in the new watchtower library cd
resurrection feature - after your computer crashes, it allows you to start up where you left off as if nothing ever happened.. before: "19,445 search results" now: "a great crowd of search results".
I'm laughing my butt off here! Thank you all for your additions, they were funnier than my original list!