Do you remember Bill Hicks? He was a genius. I remember one of his routines where he said (from what I remember that is) "A lot of Christians like to wear a cross around their necks. Do you really think that when Jesus comes back he will ever want to see a f*cking cross again? It's kinda like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on, saying 'look Jackie this is an exact replica, I just loved your husband!'"
Posts by Matty
Would/Do you wear a Cross around your neck ??
by Prisca inafter all that we had drummed into us about not the cross, and particularly about not venerating the symbol itself, i have been wondering about this issue.. so, what are your views about wearing a cross around your neck ?
is it just a fashion accessory, or does it mean something to you ?.
inquiring minds would like to know
Prescribed walking times @ Conventions?
by nativenyr23 ini just read this off another thread that was on the jwzone.... "at my dc, i sit in my seat for the entire teaching program.
i sing, i take notes, i enjoy it, i feel moved, encouraged, blessed.
i dutifully walk only at prescribed walking times.".
I've spent many of my years going to two conventions - yes two, sometimes more! Why? Well, apart from being a glutton for punishment I go to what's called a "listening" and a "working" convention. Many of my family do this as well.
When I have been at my working convention running errands for various departments it has meant me walking around the concourse during the sessions. Particularly when I was in my teens I was sometimes approached by over-eager attendants and told to return to my seat. This has always angered me, why on earth do I have to explain to some idiot that I don't have a "seat" and have already been to an assembly! Sheesh!
Edited by - Matty on 18 July 2002 5:5:3
Ex-JW Singles
by SpiceItUp ininquiring minds want to know who out there is single.
lets see if we can hook anyone up.
how about a love connection on the jwd.
All the single guys are in the UK! There's too much competition, oh crap!
Why do Jws use id badges at assemblys?
by haujobbz ini have wondered why jws wear" id badges" at assemblys and not on the preaching work or at the hall,i know of someone who was stopped by an attendant because he wasnt wearing a it something to do with showing off our religious belief to outsiders, i must be honest i use to take mine off when leaving the assemblys but i noticed many wearing theres even when going home on the bus or walking home "i knew of 1 who wore his to bed", mormons wear id cards on their preaching work so do you think jws should.maybe due to the paedophile scandal jws may have to wear id badges especially paedophiles.
Even when I was a staunch witness I would never wear a geeky badge outside the Assembly grounds!
Why do Jws use id badges at assemblys?
by haujobbz ini have wondered why jws wear" id badges" at assemblys and not on the preaching work or at the hall,i know of someone who was stopped by an attendant because he wasnt wearing a it something to do with showing off our religious belief to outsiders, i must be honest i use to take mine off when leaving the assemblys but i noticed many wearing theres even when going home on the bus or walking home "i knew of 1 who wore his to bed", mormons wear id cards on their preaching work so do you think jws should.maybe due to the paedophile scandal jws may have to wear id badges especially paedophiles.
Badge of honour?! Sheesh! Well, I think they are used pretty much for the same reasons they are used for business conferences.
(1) Publicity - Supposed to give a visible "witness" outside the grounds.
(2) Security - Cards are only distributed in the congregations to publishers, not at the assembly. People can be confirmed as being in the congregation the card states they are in if necessary.
(3) Identity - Simply being able to say hello to someone and use their name. So no worries about forgetting peoples name and where they are from.
by minimus inhave you ever been in a congregation that seemed either very lenient or very strict?
you know, the type that people will say "you can do that in your congregation???
" i know of more than a few halls where all the elders and ministerial servants had to auxillary pioneer.i know of 1 congregation that has a m.s.
Has anybody noticed that there is a marked change regionally as well?
Being from London, I was always annoyed at how some congregations in rural areas looked disdainfully at city congregations, considering that they have superior standards to them. This has translated into unjustifiable mistrust of ones moving into their congregations from these areas.
The "tested as to fitness first" principle is unnecessarily reapplied to those who already have been "tested" in their previous congregation. I have numerous examples of bodies of elders refusing to appoint recommended brothers from London, going against guidelines because their supposed "higher standards".
Matty, who once attended "Royston Vasey" congregation.
For the new ones to this site....
by Mimilly ini've noticed many new ones to our lil community here and have been unable to welcome you all personally.
there is a great variety of people here and loads of information and support.
feel free to vent!
Mimilly, you are criminally adorable.
Billy Joel-surely a god?????
by kat7302 injust thought i would take some time to worship billy joel!!!!!!
is there any need to build him up.......come worship with me people!
Kat, my favourite Album is The Nylon Curtain.
Goodnight Saigon being the standout track; it never fails in it's impact.
Even Super-Ted Can't Put Bums On Seats!
by Englishman ini've just been watching the last few minutes of panorama again.
the bit were ted j gets waylaid by our intrepid woman reporter.
(is that the reason for his awful grimace?).
E'man. My oh my, how things have changed! I remember my parents telling me about these talks, I think I have a blurry memory of going to one myself when I was very little. I understand that they used to be like mini-assemblies, and they were usually at Twickenham. They were quickly arranged to accommodate a Bethel speaker. I think I remember my dad talking about Fred Franz talking for about three hours continuously.
Edited to add: D wiltshire - yes of course. In years gone by the programme for the convention had the names of the speakers on them, and one or two used to filter through before it started. We used to know which honcho went to which convention, but we generally don't anymore.
Edited by - Matty on 16 July 2002 11:34:38
What Are They Really Saying Now?
by Englishman ini must confess, i am intrigued as to how panorama has affected the jw's who watched it.
my old pal, mr dub-in-the-pub, just shook his head miserably over his guinness after denying having seen it.
now he wants to borrow the video recording i made.
I heard similar Kat. I've now had a few discussions with my family and others in the congregation since Sunday. I can now say that the few Witnesses I've spoken to who have seen both Dateline and Panorama were more taken aback about Panorama than Dateline. They saw Panorama as sensationalist and lurid, but they saw Dateline as more professional. I didn't comment as I didn't see much difference myself but I must admit the technique they used with the videotape of JR Brown zooming into his face was a well worn TV journalism cliche to make him look more sinister!
Anyway, the consensus was that the BBC have always "had it in for us" and the reporter had an obvious hatred of the witnesses and clutched at every bit of negativity she possibly could. I noted a swing of opinion against Bill Bowen in between Dateline and Panorama, they seem to be questioning his motive. I find it difficult to press them too hard as it might have given away my true feelings on the subject, and so I just been quietly listening. Oddly, the ones I've spoken to who just saw Panorama were less hostile, and were more resigned to it. One sister who is a trained counsellor said that the society were on a learning curve, just as everyone else is in the world and she's glad it is being sorted out at last. I've spoken to ones that have seen neither shows because it would "upset them too much", that's real "speak to the hand" behaviour isn't it! A lot of witnesses I know like to live in a little cosy world of their own, and find it difficult to face the subject square on.