Yes, I agree it was pretty shoddy. When I saw it, well, it really gave me the creeps.
And people complain about Arnie films and all the killing! Well, the Noah story involves everybody on the planet getting wasted!
the last time i saw my children the 5 year old brings me a new video tape she wants to watch.
it was from grandma.
there it was, the story of noah brought to you by none other than the wtbts...needless to say it went right into the trash.
Yes, I agree it was pretty shoddy. When I saw it, well, it really gave me the creeps.
And people complain about Arnie films and all the killing! Well, the Noah story involves everybody on the planet getting wasted!
Yes, thats very true mate - couldn't have put it better myself.
It's the first sign of madness when you start talking to yourself. And it's a sign of advanced madness when you start posting to yourself.
i suppose you could annoy the watchtower simply by.
doing the opposite of everything those dreary kingdom.
ministries tell you every year - like let your kids.
At the sevice meeting tonight we were given special counsel not to "abuse complimentary breakfast provisions" at the hotel we are staying at during the convention. So I am going to be taking an extra large suit jacket with me to breakfast every morning and fill every darn pocket with croissants, blueberry muffins and pecan danishes. Then at lunch I will empty them out on the seats around me and scoff each of them one by one.
What a rebel I am. I'm just dangerous to know!
im sure nothing surprises the people who regularly post here.
but what really shocks me now is that as a child i genuinely believed some of the most preposterous, stupid and moronic things ever committed to papyrus.. take the nephilim.
well they were mutants.
Pope - looking at that is very bad for my health, what are you trying to do to this poor born n' bred JW lad?
im sure nothing surprises the people who regularly post here.
but what really shocks me now is that as a child i genuinely believed some of the most preposterous, stupid and moronic things ever committed to papyrus.. take the nephilim.
well they were mutants.
Thanks Seedy!
Well, I couldn't let this one go! Here's what the Insight book says about the Numbers 13:33 scripture:
Insight Book 1 929"The faithless spies reported to the Israelites that in Canaan they "saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes." (Numbers 13:33) These men of extraordinary size, called the sons of Anak (probably meaning "Long-Necked [that is, of tall stature]"), were not actually Nephilim, as reported, but were only unusually tall men, for the Nephilim, the offspring of angels and women (Genesis 6:4), perished in the Flood."
Insight Book 2 Page 493Did the spies deliberately lie about this sighting of the Nephilim to be mischievous? Or did they genuinely think that this was the case?"No doubt there were some large men in Canaan, as other scriptures show, but never except in this "bad report," which was carefully couched in language designed to strike terror and cause panic among the Israelites, are they called Nephilim."
Was it just their imagination playing tricks? Was it that they just saw some unusually big dudes hanging around Canaan?
Nephilim are pretty unmistakable – not only to look at, but also with their behavior. Did the bible writer expect us to know that they weren't really Nephilim, or was he a bit confused over his own chronology? This was supposedly the same writer (Moses) that wrote the Genesis account – you would have expected him to elucidate a bit more here to save confusion.
The FDS have an answer for everything, not always a satisfactory answer, but an answer nonetheless! I wonder how many other bible accounts can be explained away by the "Oh, they must have been mistaken / Oh, they must have been lying" tack?
an invitation:.
i would like to see a short description of your personal beliefs or religion today, after you lost faith in "the truth", from anyone here that feels for it.
Faith in God is intertwined in faith in the bible and it's message. Jehovah's Witnesses believe in the absolute infallibility of the bible as the supreme word of God, right from Genesis to Revelation.
My study of the bible however has made me firmly believe that if there is a God, he wouldn't be writing such trash. Even Jeffrey Archer writes more believable stories. If he is not responsible for it, then how is he communicating to us here on Earth? He doesn't seem to be.
After a long wretched lifetime as a Jehovah's Witness, I must say at the moment that I do not believe in a loving God at all.
i know, i know, more bragging.. but it is exciting.
my daughter will be in london from july 18th to august 4th for business study credits.
instead of taking the class she needs to graduate with an aa this summer, she'll be going to england and scotland.
The legendary convention location, Twickenham rugby stadium. The attendance swells about 30% on Sunday, when the poseurs from all over the UK flock to London to flirt with each other.
i know, i know, more bragging.. but it is exciting.
my daughter will be in london from july 18th to august 4th for business study credits.
instead of taking the class she needs to graduate with an aa this summer, she'll be going to england and scotland.
I guess going to Twikkers is on the itinerary?
as most jws no longer have jesus as their mediator, how do they conclude their prayers?.
......and so, dear father, we approach you now in the name of the 144,000. amen?.
i only recently became aware of this change where jesus is mediator to just a select few.
It always amuses me that God should be so petty as to ignore any heartfelt entreaty toward him unless something resembling "through Jesus Christ" is mentioned at some time during the prayer, but as we all know this is the teaching that is drummed into us from birth!