Since we don't have food at the conventions anymore the tickets aren't necessary. I think they were created basically because it brought the money in before the convention even started, rather than bringing the money in during the convention. We were encouraged to buy all our tickets weeks before the convention. They could use this money to pay for the facilities. They were a boon for audit, because they were intrinsically worthless, and so security problems were reduced.
Posts by Matty
Assemly food tickets - WHY??
by home_and_dry ini was laying in bed last night thinking how lucky i am that i havent had to undergo the mental torture of attending the district convention.
then i started reminiscing about the old days and i suddenly remembered those ridiculous tickets you had to buy to pay for food.
they were those brown cheap cardboard type efforts with i think 10 tickets per sheet.
For Good Reason............
by ISP ininspired by nathan and others........a variation on a theme.
feel free to substitute 'for no damn reason in particular'...........where you see 'good reason'.
*** w99 1/1 30 an act of forgiveness opens the way for salvation ***.
ISP, I love it! And it's for good reason that I love it. I have spend all my life spouting these cliches and buzzphrases from the platform and in my answers, and they mean absobloodylutely nothing. I've just been looking at my notes for some of my talks that I've given recently. And there they are, staring me in the face, and it just didn't occur to me how ludicrous they sound! That's conditioning for you.
Edited by - matty on 25 June 2002 18:35:21
How many here still pretend?
by TweetieBird in.
i know this subject has been covered numerous times before, but the board constantly gets new people.. how many here still attend meetings, go in service, etc.
even though you don't believe it's the truth?
I've just got back from the Tuesday book study, where I had the privilege of reading the paragraphs in the Isaiah book. Thats Isaiah Book 1 (not Isaiah book 2, the return of Isaiah Isaiah's back, and now he's pissed!). We're at chapter 32 by the way in case you are wondering. And lookee here I've got some more mentions in the thread! Wow, I love you guys! . Thank you for all your kind words.
Joanna, I'm not planning on streaking naked through the kingdom hall at the moment like Mister Biggs will be doing (something for the photo's thread I think), but a simple letter of disassociation does seem a tad dull. I recollect we had a streaker at Twickenham convention in London once. He got a few of the sisters around where I was sitting in the West stand all of a lather, but alas he didn't get too far onto the pitch before a couple of attendants accosted him.
"Not without good reason" is it used ...
by Nathan Natas inthanks to matty for suggesting this.... .
insight vol.1 "creation" p. 545. it is not without good reason that psalm 104:24 says: "how many your works are, o jehovah!
not without good reason has it been termed the busiest and most versatile organ in the body.. awake!
As well as using the phrase to avoid mentioning a specific reason so as to keep the reader guessing, it also works when there is actually no reason to give!
"Not without good reason" adds counterfeit weight to an impending statement. There may not be any reason at all, but psychologically the reader has added their own emphasis.
I'm as guilty as hell for putting this kind of thing in my talks!
I vaguely recollect hearing about something in the Awake that quoted a newspaper article that discussed the proliferation of earthquakes in the twentieth century compared to previous centuries. What the Awake neglected to mention was that the newspaper in question was in fact quoting from an even older issue of another Awake magazine. If anyone can pin this down to a particular issue I would be grateful.
(edited for spelling!)
Edited by - Matty on 25 June 2002 14:32:24
How many here still pretend?
by TweetieBird in.
i know this subject has been covered numerous times before, but the board constantly gets new people.. how many here still attend meetings, go in service, etc.
even though you don't believe it's the truth?
Pain is the word SYN. No better word for it.
My fantasy is go out with a bang like LittleToe, however I am much more likely to go out with a whimper knowing me.
(edited because of repetition!)
Edited by - Matty on 25 June 2002 14:2:53
How many here still pretend?
by TweetieBird in.
i know this subject has been covered numerous times before, but the board constantly gets new people.. how many here still attend meetings, go in service, etc.
even though you don't believe it's the truth?
Guilty as charged. I'm still a regular publisher and hate every minute of it and want out. I live amongst a dynasty of die-hard Witnesses, and when I go I will be the first mutineer in the family.
"Not without good reason" is it used ...
by Nathan Natas inthanks to matty for suggesting this.... .
insight vol.1 "creation" p. 545. it is not without good reason that psalm 104:24 says: "how many your works are, o jehovah!
not without good reason has it been termed the busiest and most versatile organ in the body.. awake!
I'm sure that I am not alone in wanting to thank our dear brother for all the hard work he has done in preparing this material for us to enjoy. Replying to this thread is one way we can show appreciation for the loving provisions of the faithful and discreet slave who bountifully provide for us in these last days.
It's not without good reason that I am laughing my ass off. I think this is another one for the bingo sheet at this years convention.
Technicaly, Apostate=Point of no return?
by happysunshine injust a quick question.
i was wondering what the technical difference between a df and and apostate is from a jw perspective.
is there ever a point of no return according to current jw doctrine?
I remember the whole "speaking against the holy spirit" thing disturbed me as a child. Boy, was I a disturbed child!! The thought that I could do something really bad and miss out on the new system even if I was really sorry was terrifying. Because I didn't understand what sinning against the spirit meant, I thought it could mean pretty much anything; I thought perhaps if I looked up and said the words "I think the holy spirit is crap" out loud, I would never be forgiven by God, no matter if I said "Sorry, God, I think the holy spirit is OK, please ignore my previous comment".
Anyway, happysunshine, When I said "the GB can't make up their mind from one year to the next." I was referring to their viewpoint on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. As far as the rules on apostasy, it depends what you mean by "rules". They are deliberately vague when they address this issue, as we have seen from this thread. The governing body's stance on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah depends on what you read. Take a look at and you will see what I mean.
stephanie and her new girlfriend...
by airwlk149 inthis has nothing to do with jw's whatsoever, and it is totally personal, so here goes.... i went over to my ex girlfriend's house to pick up my mail.
(i moved out and some of my mail still goes there even though i put in a change of address form.
) we had gotten in a fight the night before.
Yes, it's much more difficult when you keep seeing her all the time. I know I've said this before, but count yourself lucky that you are capable of caring so much about someone, it makes you a better person. Anyone who doesn't understand what you are going through is shallow and soulless, which I think sums up Stephanie pretty well. Believe me, we all really wanna give her a good kick in the ass!