What you said about "legislated morality", really struck a chord, and explains some of the crazy ways that witnesses apply their logic to moral dilemmas.
Edited by - matty on 29 June 2002 12:39:40
there was a middle-aged woman in our kingdom hall who was a long time pioneer.
she was a very warm and loving woman and so when she announced her plans for a family vacation one year some of us got together and took up a little collection so that she would have some extra money to spend.
after all, she was working hard for jehovah and werent we supposed to show our appreciation?.
What you said about "legislated morality", really struck a chord, and explains some of the crazy ways that witnesses apply their logic to moral dilemmas.
Edited by - matty on 29 June 2002 12:39:40
there was a middle-aged woman in our kingdom hall who was a long time pioneer.
she was a very warm and loving woman and so when she announced her plans for a family vacation one year some of us got together and took up a little collection so that she would have some extra money to spend.
after all, she was working hard for jehovah and werent we supposed to show our appreciation?.
That's extraordinary! 570 bucks wouldn't be worth my peace of mind. I'd feel absolutely grubby if I took it. Besides, I would imagine how bad I would feel if I had lost the money myself and how happy and grateful I would be if I had it been returned to me. I often get shocks like this when I talk to witnesses. Some witnesses have no idea about basic morality.
I think someone's thankfulness and appreciation of your act of kindness gives you a buzz that's worth more than any money.
Edited by - matty on 29 June 2002 12:36:29
not at the platform.. i always looked around if there were any nice coloured sisters (and i was married and an elder)...
Prisca, Good point. When I was little if someone called you a faggot, it wasn't very vulgar at all, it was like calling you a nitwit. In the UK faggots are a type of meatball, popular in Wales, and served with peas.
I watch the gulls and the pigeons too, I forgot about that! Another favourite bit of entertainment is watching a wasp or bee fly around the audience, and watching people's reactions - some people go absolutely nuts!
Edited by - matty on 29 June 2002 6:47:20
not at the platform.. i always looked around if there were any nice coloured sisters (and i was married and an elder)...
"coloured" I thought it was un-pc everywhere, not just in the states! Some Elderly white brothers and sisters still say things like "coloured" instead of black, it makes me cringe, but I know they don't mean anything bad. I heard one sister say "deaf and dumb" the other day when describing someone who was deaf-mute.
It's a bit dubious of you fulano just looking covetously just at black sisters. Personally I look at all the sisters covetously no matter what colour!!
Edited by - matty on 29 June 2002 6:27:21
not at the platform.. i always looked around if there were any nice coloured sisters (and i was married and an elder)...
Yes, we have reached a consensus here that Binoculars are essential to relieving
I love it when someone is having a notebook conversation in the seats in front of you, you can nosily look at them.
in all serious i hope you jws make a love connection with the person of your dreams with someone you really deserve through this www.jwmatch.com....have a great time connecting up....sincerely queenie and gang
To prove you are a good little witness, I understand you have to give song numbers in the service meeting as quoted by the Kingdom Ministry in order to register.
If you are not in the troof, please look away now - you are not allowed to register at jwmatch.com. If you are a regular publisher like me, you will have a copy of the Kingdom Ministry as well, but I guess you can't be bothered to rummage through your meeting bag, so here is the updated list:
WC June 24th
Opening Song: 52 (Our Fathers Name)
Closing Song: 95 (The Fruit of Goodness)
WC July 1st
Opening Song: 83 (Zion's Reason for Rejoicing)
Closing Song: 156 ("I Want To")
WC July 8th
Opening Song: 201 (Rejoicing With God's Nation)
Closing Song: 139 (Listen to the News of the Kingdom)
WC July 15th
Opening Song: 144 (We Must Have the Faith)
Closing Song: 215 (Extending Mercy to Others)
WC July 22nd
Opening Song: 47 (Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might)
Closing Song: 61 ("I an Jehovah"!)
WC July 29th
Opening Song: 54 (We Must be Holy)
Closing Song: 81 (Gratitude for Divine Patience)
WC August 5th
Opening Song: 38 (Displaying Loyalty)
Closing Song: 184 (Loving Shepherds Tend God's "Sheep")
i am cassilines husband.
i know cassiline has alot of friends that monitor this board so i thought i would post a surgery status on cassiline to let everyone who cares about her know how everything is going.
first of all, i would like to say thank you to the owner of this board, friends and aquintances of cassinline, for all the help you have provided not olny for her but for others that are out there with problems who seek the assistance from people that have a similar state of understanding about the jw religion.
Thank you for keeping us up to date with her progress, please give her my love.
how much do you think that every man, woman & child in the uk, each pays every year to keep queen liz on the throne?.
if you know the answer for certain, please don't quote your source just yet.
i'm just trying to get a general picture about what people think.. englishman.
Republican here! If she cost us all one pence each, that would still be too much as far as I'm concerned. She has enough stashed away to keep her and her family going for 1000 years anyway. Have you read the book The Wealth of the Windsors by Andrew Morton?
i'm curious: what rules have you dealt with that were just "too much" -- whether they were "official" (i.e.
in print) or not?.
i think a good, general one is r-rated movies.
I'm glad someone brought this thread back to the top, thank you Xandria.
Going back to dancing. You are allowed to go to a pub or bar, that's OK; but you are not allowed to go to a club or disco, which is just a big bar or pub with music. You are allowed to go to any pub, bar or restaurant providing it doesn't have a dance floor or plays loud music. A dance floor suddenly makes it into a taboo establishment and a den of iniquity.
going to the assembly this year?
are you ready to fall asleep by 10:05am when the opening song and prayer are over?
wonder how you'll ever make it to 5 o'clock without losing it?
Fred I would have thought you'd be more interested in looking at the pigeons.