You poor darling! Of course we want to be informed of every stage, vent away! So post all those scans! And expatbrit? He's just here to wind everybody up, and in the absence of Naeblis he's doubling his effort!
is it safe to reveal your identity, location, personal details, etc.
on this site?
or are there any sickos prowling around?
Well, I don't give my full details out as I am still an active witness. My email (a unique one to this site, I recommend this) is open however, and this has been essential in making contacts. Occasionally I get flame emails from apologists who are offended at me questioning the religion, but that's what the delete button is for isn't it?
to all englishmen, i read in a swedish newspaper that tony adams, the famus arsenal defender, just have joind jw, what abauot that e-man.
Well, there's another source for us. It's looking more likely that this story is true.
You say he's just joined? Does it say that he a witness right now, i.e. baptised, or is he just contemplating being one, i.e. having a study?
Edited by - matty on 28 July 2002 17:29:8
to those of you that followed my last thread about my shock pregnancy, i asked my jw parents to come round after the meeting tonight so i could tell them.
i was so nervous because im not married and the first time i told them (this is my 4th!
) they were not too impressed.......... they were fine!
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
How about my new presentation:
We just thought we'd brighten your day a little bit by telling you that unless you comply with what we say, and take a bible study with us, using only our publications as study aids, and dedicate your life to our religion, you will imminently die at the battle of Armaggedon. God is going to kill you and your husband and all your children unless you take notice of us! Well, has that brightened your day ma'am?!
were you more liberal that your jw peers?.
a 2001 survey asked for a response to the statement: "i believe homosexuality is immoral".
based on the religion of the respondents, it found that found that 84% of jws responded 'yes', compared to 20% of jews, 30% of 'no religion', and 48% of americans and 36% of australians overall.
At the end of the day don't most christian religions teach that homosexuality is immoral? It's there in the bible - in black and white, no ducking the issue. It's just that Jehovahs Witnesses are much more compliant to the rule of their church, even more than other high-control religions such as Mormons.
drug warning.. police warn all clubbers,partygoers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman.a new date rape drug on the market called beer is used by many females to target unsuspecting men.
the drug is generally found in liquid form and is now available almost anywhere.. it comes in bottles,cans,from taps and in large kegs.. beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them.typically,a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of beer and then simply ask him home for no strings attached sex.men are rendered helpless against this approach.. after several beers men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on women to whom they would never be normally attracted.after drinking beer men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before,often with just a vague feeling that something occurred.. at other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as a relationship.
it has been reported that in extreme cases,the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer term form of servitude and punishment referred to as marriage.. apperently,men are much more susceptible to this scam after beer is administered and sex offered by the predatory female.. please!
yes, it's number 13 in a series of weekend polls designed to brighten your day on a lazy sunday afternoon!
this weekend's poll topic invites us to do some market research!
the question is prompted by the recently published findings of the national church life survey (australia) conducted in 2001. all church attenders were asked their highest educational qualification.
I know my congregation pretty well, and from the people I personally know, which is about two-thirds, the results would be, give or take a few percent:
Primary school 0%
Secondary school 45%
Trade certificate 30%
Diploma or associate diploma 10%
University degree 10%
Post graduate degee or diploma 5%
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
We are encouraged to listen at the service meeting, but do we truly listen to the householder? This listening we are told to do is only for the purpose that we can use what they say to get our own line of reasoning across to them.
There is a big difference between a courteous exchange of ideas where both parties get something out of the discussion and just absorbing and processing information from someone so you can twist it to your own ends to try to manipulate and modify someone's viewpoint.
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
Windchaser, I'm still one of those fools now! I must admit though my ministry has changed a lot since I don't believe in the witness religion anymore! I'm not bothered about pushing the dumb-ass magazines, on the rare occasion I get to talk to people I've just been chatting to them about their faith, and how they got to feeling that way, and really listening to them for the first time! Unfortunately it has worried me that householders have become more receptive to me since I lost my faith! Last week, the person I was on the door with said to me of one householder: "Well, that was an interesting chat you had, but we didn't really get anywhere putting the truth across and we didn't place anything!". I said, "Well, we made him think, thats the main thing".