SYN: I didn't ignore it, this is what I posted:
Syn: I understand your point on the rape thing. Although you could also see how someone that committed fornication could lie about it and call it rape in order to get away with it. Right?
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
SYN: I didn't ignore it, this is what I posted:
Syn: I understand your point on the rape thing. Although you could also see how someone that committed fornication could lie about it and call it rape in order to get away with it. Right?
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
What scriptural proof do they have that smoking is wrong? Where is it even mentioned in the bible?
2 Cor. 7:1. It’s a principle.
See, Jehovah has standards, even as a human father may have values and requirements as to behavior at home and in dealing with others. Jehovah provides laws, rules or clearly stated principles that indicate his moral standards and what he expects of humans. But as humans we might chafe at them when they conflict with some personal desire. We might minimize or take exception to his standards, feeling that our situation is an exception or demands a bending of the rules. That’s why many do not accept smoking as a sin, but it doesn’t erase the fact that a logical conclusion can be derived from that principle in 2 Cor. 7:1.
but if the couple were discussing their sex life with friends and someone was 'stumbled', they would undoubtedly report it to the elders.Why would someone be talking about their sex life with their friends? The couple should shut their mouths. If they are reported to the elders, well it’s their fault in the first place for being idiots.
In fact, of the 4 cases of this I'm personally aware of 3 of them were reported from someone nosing in.Then the problem is with those nosing in. What goes on in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom.
GB decided they were god's mouthpiece and questioning them was wrong, put it in their literature, and they started DFing for it.I can see how this is an issue with you since you don’t believe that the Faithful and discreet slave is Jehovah’s channel. But for a loyal Witness this is a non-issue as the Witness can see Jehovah’s blessing upon his people. Of course this is something that you nor other ex-JWs would understand.
I suggest you bring this up in your reinstatement meeting and see what they say.I might do just that. Of course the key is not to be stubborn in our beliefs and try to influence the friends into thinking as one does. The 1914 date is a non-issue to me. It’s not that I’m hard headed, but it’s the only logical conclusion that I have heard or read regarding the “seven times” period given in the book of Daniel.
Mind pointing out the scripture that dictates a group of self-appointed men can give the authority to others to destroy families based on literature that is not god's word?There is no scripture that supports destroying families, that’s why Witnesses do not destroy families. Families are destroyed when a member decides go against Jesus’ teachings and the Bible. They are also destroyed by members that are stubborn in their own imperfect human ideas and try to destroy their faith. If the family is united in faith and knowledge then there is no division.
Syn: I understand your point on the rape thing. Although you could also see how someone that committed fornication could lie about it and call it rape in order to get away with it. Right?
'when jesus returned in 1914', did he pick the bible students to be his modern-day messengers?Actually they were chosen by 1919. I will try to explain using a scripture:
Matthew 24:45-51
45"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?
Jesus asked this question as to not identify that servant right away, he then gave a sign as to how he would be identified. The key is “giving their food at the proper time”. That was the responsibility of that slave.
46It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.
So now the master (Jesus Christ) arrives to make an inspection to see who is feeding the sheep with Bible truths and following his footsteps. He returns when he is enthroned as king of the Messianic Kingdom and then casts the dragon (Satan) out of heaven. JWs believe this happened in 1914 when he was enthroned (based on the 7-times prophesy in Daniel 4) and the casting of the dragon between 1914 and 1918
47I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.
So Jesus is saying that whomever he finds giving the food at the proper time, then he will put that servant in charge of all his possessions. Well who did he find when he turned his attention to Earth after cleansing the heavens of Satan’s presence? Well he started an inspection of all religions and groups professing to be “Christians”. He found that almost all of these supposedly “Christians” were involved in politics and were accepting “The League of Nations” as the only solution to human problems instead of putting their backing on the Messianic Kingdom. I said almost because he found the little group of Bible Students that were researching the scriptures with the desire to find the truths. This little group did not just follow mainstream doctrines, but actually analyzed scriptures and then spread the good news of the Kingdom around the world. So Jesus put them in charge of all his possessions.
48But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,' 49and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
This is what happened to the Christians involved in politics and the backing of The League of Nations and then the United Nations. They turned their back on the Messianic Kingdom, so they are now in spiritual obscurity.
I hope my explanation of this scriptures helps. I’m not too good at writing so excuse my sentence structure.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
you have apologized and then you turn around, come back with a new name, and do it again.
This is a false accusation. I did not come back with a new name. I apologized as poster "yoyomama" and then I announced that I was changing the name to "MavMan". I did not deceive or lie after apologizing.
Your games have interfered with that healing process on this board several times.What games? I posted at one time as GodRules. I had some interesting conversations with that username. I retired that name. As HenryP I posted a few times also having some interesting discussions. That account was deleted for no reason. As yoyomama I did the most posting and did not deceive anyone with it. No I am MavMan, but I announced publicly who I was. I've been more truthful than most posters in this forum that hide behind their anonymity.
print out every post you have made here (all of them) and sit down and read them to your WIFERight, whatever dude. You want me to destroy my marriage? I have a wonderful relationship with my dear wife. You don't give a damn about me, why would I follow your stupid instructions?
The pain you cause others who have communicated with you I am concerned about.Who did I cause pain to? Who went through painful agony because of one of my posts? Get real, man, you're just blabbering stuff like a little child.
the lynn martin show is on right now, started at a few minutes after 9am april 17, 2002 am 800. talking about the 16 year old girl in alberta (blood case).
toll free 1-800-263-2559. call now!!!
she wants callers..
Just an idea
When starting threads like this one, announcing a current running radio show. If at all possible, can you post an internet link where we can hear the show. Of course, this is only if that radio station has an internet connection with live feed.
yes it's true!
i'm obsessed with looking at myself.. i'm trying to lose this 40 pounds and it's killin me!
actually, i just started running this weekend.. my foot's a little better but still very sore any time i have weight on it.
To me, te ves preciosa. (I don't know if that's a current pic, is it?)
i asked my dad to verify my position within the cong, as some of you know family members recently stopped talking to me.
(see "when i called patterson").
yup it's true.
LDH: What part of Puerto Rico are you from?
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
I think you will find some sound reasoning behind in the publications regarding those disfellowshipping offences.
The smoking makes sense to me. It is based on a sound Bible principle. Come on, if you smoke once you won't get disfellowhipped. You will if you're stubborn at take up as a practice.
The Sexual practices I don't know much about, but I would guess that if the elders found out what happens inside a bedroom, it is because one of the spouses spoke to them. That means that that spouse has a problem with it and is not able to solve it his/her spouse. Then the elders would have to give counsel based on Biblical principles regarding loving your spouse and not hurting them, that is physically, emotionally, and sexually.
Regarding the not believing the GB is the channel of God. This also makes sense if you are publicly preaching this personal idea and belittling them, then of course you would not be kept inside the congregation is good standing.
The blood transfusion being a disfellowshipping matter, well no matter what I say you will still have your idea. So we'll leave it at that.
As far as questioning Jesus return in 1914 being a disfellowshipping offence, I really doubt it. It has to be a little more complex than that if the elders see the need to disfellowship. Once again, I don't thing the problem is in doubting, but the attitude the individual has.
The elders do have the right to 'cut off' someone. This is Biblical and you can read Pauls words regarding that.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Dave said:
You lack both the guts and character to deal with truth in its real context. You are a shining example of your god and his lying people.Dave, your words really hurt me. Yes I have made big mistakes in my life. Even on this board, but I have apologized publicly. Yet you still see the need to hurt me further. This is sad as I have always enjoyed your discussions and your style of writing. I don't believe any human being deserves to be insulted as you have insulted me.
TO Dawn
Yes I will pray for Jehovah to open my heart. Thank you very much for your loving advice.
To dungbeetle
I did take your offer seriously. I gave you that address for the public library that is nearest to me. You surely understand why I wouldn't want to reveal my real address publicly.
To newboy
Thank you for your kind words my brother.
You said:
Well you did it! Some how you got most of the apostates mad at you.Yes, I seem to have that ability. lol... But serioursly, I don't like to make people mad. I like to reason. Really, my abilities in communication are not too good, but I do speak from the heart.
And the JWs, don't like you either.
To joelbear
Thanks for your advice, but I do have the right to make that choice whether I visit the forum or not.
To larc
You said:
You are low life trash.I understand why you are mad, yet don't understand why you would use such harsh words. Of course you don't have to like me but I don't believe it is necessary to belittle me that way. You don't know me and if we were to meet in person I think you would enjoy my company.
to all
Someone asked:
With all the info and the light you have been given, why would *want* to return to the darkness of the WTS?The truth is that I've read a lot of info in this forum and in other sites like Freeminds. But I asked myself is all that info truth, lies or exagerations? I weigh the information, who it's coming from, and although it is disturbing it has not shattered my faith. In this forum it is very hard to find the truth in between all the arguments and thousands of opinions. I have enjoyed many posts my AlanF as he explains many scriptures, yet I read that he does not believe the Bible is the word of God. So why would I take his posts as proof that the Witnesses don't interpret the Bible correctly? If he doesn't believe then I know that the spirit of God is not guiding him. And that's what I'm left with, is Jehovah's spirit guiding the Witnesses? That's why I'm putting Jehovah to the test. I will know after my meeting with the judicial committee where I stand. I know Jehovah will answer my prayers one way or another.
'organized to accomplish our ministry' is now up as a downloadable document at kent's site:.
hugs to ((((krazykent)))) for hosting and to (((amazing))) for his inspiration!!!.
I know, I know, you couldn't resist yourself. My comment was not intended as sarcasm, I was really happy that you offered your help.
So are you sending copies to the address I posted? Please only use this address for that purpose. Thanks again.
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
I visited the site and did not find anything relating to your statement: "the FDS have said they are inspired by God, therefore the publications are too."
I also noticed a bunch of quotes taken out of context. How about posting the entire articles along with the quote highlighted? That way the reader can use his own reasoning and come to his own conclusions based on those articles.