JoinedTopics Started by MavMan
Another reinstatement meeting coming up...
by MavMan ini turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Church of Free Speech
by MavMan inchurch of free speech: the jehovah's witnesses this month wage the latest in a storied line of cases before the high court.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
at the watchtower educational center in patterson, new york, about 50 miles northeast of manhattan, lunchtime for everyone is 12:15. at the vast dining hall, on this day in late autumn, more than 1,000 people will be fed in less than an hour.
jehovah's witnesses, clean cut, well dressed and very multicultural, stream into the dining room, smiling, looking unstressed and unburdened.
by MavMan init is a fact that the end is coming.. whether it's the end of your natural life or the end of this world, one thing is for certain, the end is near.
JWs and Blood Transfusions
by MavMan inthese are some excellent links for those that are investigating the pros and cons of blood transfusions.
the bloodless medicine & surgery institute .
the nj institute for the advancement of bloodless medicine and surgery .
Crisis in the Catholic Church
by MavMan incrisis in the catholic church.
by cal thomas.
crisis was a roman catholic magazine before the crisis of priests as sexual predators made headlines.. in the april issue of the magazine, co-founder ralph mcinerny offers an explanation for the scandal that has captured the attention of the media, for the most part no friend to religion unless it's wrapped in earthly agendas approved by mostly pagan "bishops" at the new york times and the networks.. mcinerny believes that the catholic church in america has a problem with some priests molesting children because "our bishops have permitted a culture of dissent, largely defined by bizarre conceptions of sexuality, to flourish in the church.".
Why the disrespect for Jesus?
by MavMan innow i understand completely that most in this forum are 100% against jws and the watchtower.
what i don't understand is the disrespect that has been shown for such a sacred occasion that is the memorial (last supper).
whether you agree with jws or not, the fact is that the last supper has a lot of meaning for christians.
History of disfellowshippings (Biblically)
by MavMan infirst expulsion: adam and eve.
first disfellowshipping: cain.
biblical practice, got any questions?
A form of child abuse?
by MavMan in55 year old woman gets disfellowshipped for having sex with a 15 year old boy.
isn't that child abuse?
does society in general see this different if the abuser is a woman?
Hebrews 12:28 - Holy Fear
by MavMan inhebrews 12:28.
"since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please god by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.".
do you worship god with holy fear and awe?.
For those disfellowshipped for apostasy
by MavMan ini have read some of the accounts about facing a judicial committee.
i enjoyed reading amazing's well-written account on what he went through.. as i read this accounts i am leaning how to treat people and how i would react in a similar situation.. i would like to ask those that went through this ordeal: .
when you think back on how things happened, is there anything that you would have liked to do differently?