Thanks. Please donate the books to this address:
201 N. Ector Drive
Euless, Texas 76039
dungbeetle: Do you realize that this is the first post where you don't call me a name? What an excellent start, Thanks dude!
'organized to accomplish our ministry' is now up as a downloadable document at kent's site:.
hugs to ((((krazykent)))) for hosting and to (((amazing))) for his inspiration!!!.
Thanks. Please donate the books to this address:
201 N. Ector Drive
Euless, Texas 76039
dungbeetle: Do you realize that this is the first post where you don't call me a name? What an excellent start, Thanks dude!
'organized to accomplish our ministry' is now up as a downloadable document at kent's site:.
hugs to ((((krazykent)))) for hosting and to (((amazing))) for his inspiration!!!.
Thanks, could you please post "Crisis of Conscience", "In search of Christian Freedom" and "Gentile Times Reconsidered". These are excellent sources.
i visited some relatives in my extended family and found exactly.
the same situation as elsewhere in witness congregations.. the next generation of witnesses isn't there.. a friend of mine, who still goes to some meetings, made the.
same observation independently.
Post for Xander.
I said:
I think the change came after being more informed. Medicine, including organ transplants, became more common during the 70's. It is true that Jehovah does not change, but he is not inspiring word for word what is published in the magazines, compared to the Bible.Xander then said:
Notice that in the 1967 Watchtower, not all transplants were discouraged. Artificial and animal organ transplants were left to ones conscience. I think the 1980 article was excellent in explaining why it is up to the persons conscience.
*** w65 6/1 352 Questions from Readers ***Xander, I disagree with you here. I am not disagreeing with what the society said on those two quotes. I do believe that Jehovah uses Watchtower publications to get counsel across to us. The word for word comment was not distraction. You are saying that the Witnesses claim that the Watchtower publications are inspired by God. The Witnesses the not say that and have not said that. They say Jehovah is guiding them but not providing material word for word. He speaks to them by means of his inspired word, the Bible. It’s up to the FDS to research the scriptures and base their counsel on those laws and principles. Obviously on the transplant issue they were more informed after making the observation that it was compared to cannibalism. After researching the issue, a more balanced view was given. Sincerely, I have never heard of a person being disfellowshipped for accepting a transplant.
but it is all a part of the advancement of Jehovah's theocratically controlled organization under the immediate direction of Jehovah God himself.
*** w64 5/1 277-8 Building a Firm Foundation in Christ ***
It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people.So, just to be clear on this are then disagreeing with what the society says about itself cited above? And the 'word for word' bit is a distraction from the issue. Do you think the org put that prohibition and print and dropped the issue? No - judicial committees were formed, and could DF people after 'prayerful consideration', those who questioned the edict would sit in front of JCs...etc.
The whole org was AGAINST transplants, then not. There is no case of 'minor adjusment to doctrine' here. Was once black, now white.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Xander: I have replied in the thread you mentioned.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
No, it doesn't bother me, I'm just wondering what you're problem is. But carry on.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Excuse me, but who are you? You're a newbie and just decided to criticize me? What's up with that?
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
I've read your other posts, and tried to have a discussion with you before, only to have you duck out (repeatedly)
I certainly did not duck out on purpose. I do have a life beyond this forum, you know. I access the forum during working hours when I have down time and never on weekends. Sometimes I'm involved in a thread, and than I'm not able to visit the forum for a few days, so the thread just gets buried in the forum and I don't see it again. When I remember, I do go to the members page and try to read threads that I've posted on, but I don't always have the time.
If you point to a specific thread or question that you would like to get my opinion on, I would be glad to answer.
As far as your scenarios go, I will come clean with the brothers. I am determined to tell them that I've visited this forum. I understand that things could go very bad for me, but as I've said, I have faith in Jehovah God. He will protect me if necessary.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Thanks JBean, I've always enjoyed your comments and posts. We will see what happens, in a sense, I'm putting Jehovah to the test.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
If they refuse to let you back because you had such eagerness, what does that tell you about the organization?
If they refuse then this will be the last meeting. I have prayed to Jehovah asking for his guidance in that meeting. If they refuse reinstatement, I will know that Jehovah has guided me out. I will not go back. I have sincerely asked Jehovah to show me the way, in or out.
i turned in a request (by letter) for reinstatement last week and ive been informed that i will meeting with my original judicial committee this coming wednesday.
im very excited and happy, but at the same time i want to be careful how i conduct myself.
in the last meeting in early march, my reinstatement request was turned down.
Spender, that's not my website. Someone posted the link on this board last year.