:: 1. A researcher reads a current book (as I'm doing) on history, science, whatever.
No, it's more like clipping newspaper articles and general gleaning.
:: 2. S(he) (in the WT case, most probably HE) presents interesting tidbits from book and a synopsis of it
Again, they don't read books on or off-campus.
:: 3. The writing staff does articles, putting a biblical spin on it, ending with a ubiquitous 'God-will-solve-this-soon.'
Yup. They generally start with the general idea they want to put out, then some quotations--what's a "researcher" for if not to supply quotations. That's how a quotation completely out of context can get in an article, because neither the writer nor the researcher has ever read the original! They are simply looking for words that apparently buttress their case. Awfully shallow. Metatron's post discusses the cut and paste technique.
Sometimes they actually take a quotation and purposely misuse it for very specific reasons. A recent one is about to backfire on them in large measure!
Thanks for the opportunity to make that point in this thread. Just wanted to disabuse the notion that Writing actually reads books.
Ain't it great to be able to use the mind God gave us?