I have the Vincent Toole letter and presentation, just need to know if the Government has made a determination of status.
in february of 2001, watchtower of australia presented to the government a letter regarding charitable status definition.. is there any news of status determination?.
interested individuals both here and the uk would like to provide meaningful information, in the event this is still open or pending.. maximus
I have the Vincent Toole letter and presentation, just need to know if the Government has made a determination of status.
in february of 2001, watchtower of australia presented to the government a letter regarding charitable status definition.. is there any news of status determination?.
interested individuals both here and the uk would like to provide meaningful information, in the event this is still open or pending.. maximus
In February of 2001, Watchtower of Australia presented to the Government a letter regarding charitable status definition.
Is there any news of status determination?
Interested individuals both here and the UK would like to provide meaningful information, in the event this is still open or pending.
i apologize if this has been previously covered, but i'm new here, and i couldn't find what i'm looking for.. can some of the recent convention attendees please tell me what is the theme of the upcoming fall circuit assemblies?.
i "walked away" around 1988, and i have not kept up with current jw events.
can someone explain the yearly schedule/names of conventions/assemblies.
The new circuit assembly program for 2002 service year is: <drum roll>
"Fear God and Give Him Glory."
"Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah."--Ps. 18:1.
First day concludes with DO talk, "Draw Ever Closer to Those You Love." He will "explain how we can stay alert to the devilish effort to turn us away from Jehovah, our family, and our Christian brothers."
"Fear Jehovah, Not Men," is the theme of a four-part symposium on the second day. Overcome fear that hinders from fully accomplishing your ministry or maintaining your integrity and good conscience.
Public talk: "Fear God and Keep His Commandments" based on Revelation chapter 14.
Concludes with positive direction to "Keep on Walking in the Fear of Jehovah."
Admit it, chillun, do not those thrilling words incite you to attend?
since the days of da judge, dub leaders have scorned education and science.
to, victims, predators, moral degenerate, selfish, liar, anarchist, pawn of satan, materialistic, drug addicted, fetus-killing, promiscuous slut we can now add homosexual, marriage wrecker, juvenile and adult delinquent with venereal disease.. see what getting a genuine education or reading works by those who have one can do to you?
to victims, predators, moral degenerate, selfish, liar, anarchist, pawn of satan, materialistic, drug addicted, fetus-killing, promiscuous slut, homosexual, marriage wrecker, juvenile and adult delinquent with venereal disease, worship of the wild beast, we add spiritist, atheist, and communist.. *** w55 1/1 8 part 1: early voices (1870-1878) ***.
When I was a lad at Bethel, I was not sure which was the greater evil: masturbation or "higher criticism." Each term received equal attention from Brother Knorr on a regular basis.
I am embarrassed to tell you that it was many years before I realized that neither I nor Knorr understood the latter term. It's been misapplied in the Society's publications for many years as well. Surely by now SOMEONE in Writing understands a very commonly used expression.
If you will, a quotation from the Catholic Encyclopedia. Bear in mind I grew up with "Consolation" (now Awake!) cartoons of nuns with stubble on their shins--and faces.
"Biblical criticism in its fullest comprehension is the examination of the literary origins and historical values of the books composing the Bible, with the state in which these exist at the present day.
"Since the sacred Scriptures have come down in a great variety of copies and ancient versions, showing more or less divergence of text, it is the province of that department of Biblical criticism which is called textual, or ***lower***, to study these documents with a view to arriving at the purest possible text of the sacred books. [guess who did the ***]
"The name ***higher criticism*** was first employed by the German Biblical scholar Eichhorn, in the second edition of his 'Einleitung', appearing in 1787. It is not, as supposed by some, an arrogant denomination, assuming superior wisdom, but it has come into use because this sort of criticism deals with the larger aspects of Bible study; viz., with the authorship, date, composition, and authority of whole books or large sections, as distinguished from the discussion of textual minutiæ, which is the sphere of the lower, or textual, criticism." [***guilty again of this usage]
BTW I still cringe at "viz.," which reminds me of "to-wit," which also gives me the shivvers because of that nasal-voiced Judge whose phonograph recording I played: "It is often said that Religion is a snare and a racket." (Note that even then the expression was hedged, and often misquoted today.)
Your very fine essay is hereby underscored, emphasized
--and greatly appreciated.
how can blood save your life?.
bloodvital for life.
now go to page 64 of the flesh and blood book and read this quote of paragraph 2:.
Once more, Hawk has done his homework. Another nail in the quotation distortion coffin.
Wait till the Big Raptor sinks his teeth into Mithraism, the biggest rival to Christianity. Historians, take note. Did this also have possible relevance to Acts 15 and what was timely counsel?
"In the multi-faith world of the Roman Empire temples representing a host of gods were commonplace. One of the favourite cults that was followed by soldiers was that of Mithras, an eastern religion that spread westwards during the first century AD, and especially was popular in subsequent centuries.
"It was based on belief in what appears to be a sun-god who was born from heaven and who made creation through the act of capturing a white bull, taking it to his cave and killing it.
"From its blood came new life.
"The temple at the Roman camp of Brocolitia [Carrawburgh] is one of several that existed on the Wall, but is the only one with remains that can still be seen. It was a secret cult, with only initiated people [men only] allowed to take part in its mysteries. The ritual slaying of bulls was part of the rite, and it also had a sacrament of bread and wine. It is assumed that the holes in the head dress of the altar would have had a flame behind them, to give the illusion of life.
"The apparent similarity of its aspiration of new birth and the sacrament with Christianity made it a keen rival for a time with Christianity."
i had a conversation with my doctor.
i decided to use blood.
i wanted to know my blood type.
:: odorous
At first I mentally filled in "onerous." (Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.) Then I pondered ...
Methinks Brother Shilmer has chosen his words carefully.
you will have to understand that i have to change a few details here and there so that i can't be identified.. as many of you are aware i serve as an elder, and from time to time i have been asked by the service desk to handle matters for them by means of "the special committee arrangement".
(a phrase you will not find in any wt letter or elders textbook.
) just to explain.. "a special committee is often set up when, an original committee (ojc)decides to disfellowship an individual, who then appeals against the judgement.
I see the wheels turning, and I understand ....
An old hand at sitting on special committees, I can tell you that thoughtful men at some point ponder what role Holy Spirit plays in what almost by definition are travesties of justice. One either becomes inured, calloused to the system, or ripped open inside with the reality we are enacting some medieval morality play. Through the years, sensitive and thoughtful men start to duck being a part of judicial proceedings. Keep yourself tender, Jem.
We all hope the new Flock book will revamp the system rather than add to accreted policy. Otherwise the org will continue to reap negative consequences. In my experience it is extremely difficult for anyone who has associated for a very long time to think in terms of anything other than organization/organization/organization. We see all Scripture through that filter, and even scriptures that apply just to individuals become hugely distorted.
Others have posted most thoughtfully and I would belabor the point with any further expression. I would like to address one issue.
It's easy to crow about JW "higher standards" of behavior in keeping the organization clean. I've seen many posts stating JWs are no different than Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians and the like when it comes to protecting child abusers. That's simply not true. (Adventists have real problems, but that's another story.)
It may shock you to learn that Babylon the Great has some very enlightened approaches. I don't have the time to produce an essay on the subject, but I'd like to cite a point or two from a short manual used globally used by one of the groups cited above. It's for those who do any lay teaching or have interaction with small groups within the church. Note the emphasis on individual responsibility.
While you read it, imagine: Babylon the Great insisting on high moral ethics, individual "Christian" behavior ...
Two guidelines are given: First, ANY complaint must be taken seriously and dealt with promptly, even from a child. The second is that the leader and the group must not get caught up in keeping secrets or rigid procedure.
"Most sexual misconduct becomes seriously harmful when the person receiving unwanted attention or abuse is ignored and when the behavior is kept secret. It is important for us, as Christians, to find ways to confront sexual misconduct and abuse in ways that quickly and firmly say, 'No, this behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.'
"The Christian community must provide clear boundaries and enforce them. ('We are going to notify and cooperate fully with the authorities and seek professional guidance in the matter.')"
"These situations are not opportunities to become moralistic .... Excessive moralistic 'preaching' often drives the perpetrator into deeper denial, away from accepting responsibility for his or her action and even away from the community in which they can be held accountable."
Psychopaths/sociopaths are differentiated from "recovering" pedophiles, and even this former category is considered to have need to be "in a covenanted relationship with members of the larger community who will help them control their behaviors."
"The community has to make sure that the individual with uncontrollable behaviors (e.g., having sex with children/youth) always has someone with him or her while in the community, and that a significant number of people are able to be consistent in being absolutely honest with the person about his or her behavior. Recovering pedophiles need a 'buddy system' to function appropriately in the community and to enable the community to be comfortable with and accepting of the person."
"There is a danger of subtly pressuring the injured person to be reconciled to the offender because it makes everyone feel better. The injured person determines what he or she needs to heal and when she or he is ready for reconciliation. "
The community must support the injured person in their healing; expect confession, making amends, and "amendment of life" of the offender; and develop ways of enabling the reconciliation of all persons involved.
"The process needs to be open, honest, and loving, and yet very serious. It will take time and tears and be painful. But it can be both healing for the community and individuals and also helpful for others to see how they too can acknowledge their sins, make amends, seek amendment of life."
Latter defined as seeking therapy on one's own, joining self-help group; taking medication; removing self from situations such as touching or holding children, change jobs, change lifestyles, whatever it takes.
"Feel the guilt and sorrow that comes with seeing the pain you have caused; accept responsibility for your actions."
"The ministry of reconcilation, which has been committed by Christ to his Church, is exercised through the care each Christian has for others."
What do you think?
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
Marvin, next time try a catchy title that will be picked up on Search and titillate at the same time but with a double entendre. Suggestions given me were
XXXX Babes to Badness
--moral stuff
Boobs, Boobs and More
--how dumb can you get, etc.
Other suggestions were really X-rated.
i was recently carrying out an audit for our latest s.a.d.
when i came across the travel expenses paid out to our guest speaker from the branch (john wynn).
he was paid 255.00 about 85p a mile, "bit over the top".
Communal pot?
Surely you jest.
<huge grin>
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
Most pertinent is a recent Watchtower article that may also stimulate discussion of the question Marvin raises. Rational Witness started a thread about it sometime back.
In the August 1, 2001 Watchtower, the second study article is entitled "How to Make Your Advancement Manifest." And just how is that?
First, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding.
Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discreet slave.” By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided “at the proper time”—through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions—we can be sure that we maintain “oneness” with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge.—Matthew 24:45.
Second, the expression “the faith” refers, not to the conviction that each individual Christian professes, but to the totality of our belief, “the breadth and length and height and depth” of it. (Ephesians 3:18; 4:5; Colossians 1:23; 2:7) In fact, how can a Christian be in oneness with fellow believers if he only believes or accepts a certain part of “the faith”?
Particularly galling to me is that almost every JW applies the term "apostate" to the slightest variation from the party line. The term was specifically made up to tar men like Ed Dunlap and Ray Franz, and to provide a ready handle, but is today applied to ANYONE who leaves, for whatever reason. All of us should stop buying into that notion.