I hope all of you will carefully read the dry words in the Writ of Summons and General Allegations and grasp the full meaning of what is going on here. This is really a historic moment that you should savor; you are a part of it.
What you read about is not just another lawsuit. Please note the highly skilled, experienced and very successful attorneys are "filing the first of several lawsuits in behalf of victims who have been injured by the Watchtower's policy of ignoring reported child sexual abuse."
They mean to force the organization to cease its crude and unenlightened policy that has done such harm for so many years. Responsibility for all of this is not just laid upon the local elders who have made "mistakes in procedure," but culpability is correctly shown to lie at the feet of the governing body.
Corporate changes and organization charts that switch or subsume committees will not shield them. Watchtower says it will handle matters and listen to suggestions from within. We know better, don't we? History informs us well.
: the days when child molesters enjoyed a cloak of silence are past, except within the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Do you resonate with that? Don't buy into the notion that every organization protects itself. They do not.
: This church seems to think they are above the law the rules do not apply to them. This case is simply about making Jehovah’s Witnesses understand they have the same rules as everyone else when it comes to protecting our children.
How do you feel about that? Not a very complex argument, is it?
In reviewing old letters to bodies of elders, I am struck with the lack of emphasis on caring for the children. One letter--many will be published later--plainly gives the scriptural basis for reappointing a man as an elder. There is one caveat they note: there may be legal liability later should the person molest somebody, the Society may be open to a lawsuit! No concern expressed at all that he may still not be recovered and could relapse, thus exposing innocent children once more!
The code of silence must go. It will go. The organization will be dragged kicking and screaming into the fifteenth century--sorry, just an attempt to lighten this while making a point.
Many elders I have known for many decades have a very sound moral compass, and they resent organizational attempts to quash their internal moral guidance system. I know many, many cases in which elders quietly picked up a phone and gave authorities information they deserved, without ever telling anyone else, not to punish a perpetrator but to insure the safety of children. Their discouraged ranks are diminishing.
Those of you who are elders will understand what I'm going to comment on next. At KMSchool you have been taught by some instructors that pedophiles can be easily cared for by three questions. Go for the one that is answered by a No, and the problem can be resolved. Meeting attendance is a given.
1) Are you praying regularly?
2) Are you going in field service regularly?
3) Are you doing personal study?
Note that going in field service is considered therapeutic!
This misguided archaic approach to pedophilia as a moral lapse is wrong-headed. The JW judicial process is just not equipped to deal with this complex illness that needs professional attention.
Come to think of it, that is the formula JWs resort to in every life situation that seems difficult. Much more is needed.
Watch for Watchtower to deny/deny/deny. Expect cries of persecution. This is not about First Amendment rights; it's about enlightened protection of children.
A final thought. Many of us know and Watchtower officials have admitted that the term "apostate" was coined strictly to use against Ed Dunlap and Ray Franz. Now that term is lobbed at anyone outside or inside, even after decades of loyal service at Bethel, who has the slightest difference from the governing body's official positions.
We ought not to buy into it, and just stop using their term "apostate" altogether. They do not define us!
What we do will echo through eternity ...